George F. Kennan, the Policy Planning Staff, and U. S. Policy-making toward Okinawa, 1947-1949 (original) (raw)

George Frost Kennan e a arquitetura da política externa dos EUA na gênese da Guerra Fria


Este artigo analisa a importância do papel desempenhado pelo diplomata George Frost Kennan na elaboração da política externa dos Estados Unidos durante a Guerra Fria. Ao final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, no contexto marcado pelas apreensões relativas às rivalidades globais entre os EUA e a URSS, Kennan recomendou uma estratégia com a intenção de conter as potenciais tendências expansionistas da União Soviética. Em sua consideração, a principal ameaça posta pela União Soviética não era militar, mas sua capacidade de influência ideológica, veiculada pelos partidos comunistas e seus seguidores no interior das sociedades democráticas ocidentais. Desta hipótese precedente, Kennan arquitetou a Doutrina de Contenção, uma estratégia crucial da política externa dos Estados Unidos durante a Guerra Fria. Como um diplomata de carreira e grande autoridade nos estudos relacionados à sociedade Soviética, Kennan escreveu durante a sua vida uma extraordinária obra relacionada à diplomacia dos EUA e a...

George Frost Kennan e a arquitetura da política externa dos EUA na gênese da Guerra Fria / George Frost Kennan and the architecture of U.S. Foreign Policy in the genesis of the Cold War/George Frost Kennan y la arquitectura de la política externa de los EUA en el origen de la Guerra Fría

Dialogos, 2018

Resumo Este artigo analisa a importância do papel desempenhado pelo diplomata George Frost Kennan na elaboração da política externa dos Estados Unidos durante a Guerra Fria. Ao final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, no contexto marcado pelas apreensões relativas às rivalidades globais entre os EUA e a URSS, Kennan recomendou uma estratégia com a intenção de conter as potenciais tendências expansionistas da União Soviética. Em sua consideração, a principal ameaça posta pela União Soviética não era militar, mas sua capacidade de influência ideológica, veiculada pelos partidos comunistas e seus seguidores no interior das sociedades democráticas ocidentais. Desta hipótese precedente, Kennan arquitetou a Doutrina de Contenção, uma estratégia crucial da política externa dos Estados Unidos durante a Guerra Fria. Como um diplomata de carreira e grande autoridade nos estudos relacionados à sociedade Soviética, Kennan escreveu durante a sua vida uma extraordinária obra relacionada à diplomacia dos EUA e aos seus desafios colossais no ambiente do conflito global. No entanto, desde o início da segunda Administração Truman, Kennan observou que a estratégia estadunidense em relação à Guerra Fria havia se tornado mais militarista e intensificado a corrida armamentista. Ao assumir uma posição crítica em relação a essas diretrizes, que, de acordo com a sua perspectiva, levava à distorção da sua concepção original da teoria da Contenção, Kennan foi marginalizado pelo novo Secretário de Estado, Dean Acheson e deslocado do núcleo de elaboração política do governo. Posteriormente, ele questionou a adopção da Doutrina Truman, a criação da OTAN e o envolvimento dos Estados Unidos nas guerras da Coréia e do Vietnam. Abstract George Frost Kennan and the architecture of U.S. Foreign Policy in the genesis of the Cold War This article analyzes the major role performed by diplomat George Frost Kennan in the United States Foreign Policy during the Cold War. By the end of World War II, amidst apprehensions concerning the U.S. and the USSR global rivalries, Kennan recommended a strategy intending to contain the potential expansionist tendencies of the Soviet Union. In his consideration, the core threat upraised by Soviet Union was not military, but its ideological influence conveyed by Communist parties and fellow travelers inside the western democratic societies. From this preceding hypothesis, Kennan designed the doctrine of containment, a crucial strategy of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War. As a career diplomat and major authority on Soviet society, Kennan wrote during his lifetime an remarkable work related to U.S. diplomacy and its colossal challenges in the environment of that global conflict. Nonetheless, since the inauguration of the second Truman administration, Kennan observed that U.S. Cold War strategy had become more militaristic and that it had strengthened the arms race. For assuming a critical position towards this path, which, according to his perspective, was a distortion of his original containment theory, Kennan was marginalized by the new Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, and displaced from core government power. Subsequently, he stood up against the adoption of the Truman Doctrine, the creation of NATO and the commitment of the United States in the Korean and Vietnam wars.

"STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF THE YOM KIPPUR WAR (1973): a tactical counteroffensive "(pp.160-176)

Revista Marítima Brasileira, 2020

"STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF THE YOM KIPPUR WAR (1973): a tactical counteroffensive "(pp.160-176) in Revista Marítima Brasileira (RMB), year 2020, volume 140, number 140, number 04/06. Keywords: Arab nationalism and the Six Day War (1967) The Yom Kippur War: Lessons from a strategic-military perspective "ANÁLISE ESTRATÉGICA DA GUERRA DO YOM KIPPUR (1973): a contraofensiva tática" (pp.160-176) na Revista Marítima Brasileira (RMB), ano 2020, volume 140, Número 04/06. Palavras-chave: O nacionalismo árabe e a Guerra dos Seis Dias (1967) A Guerra do Yom Kippur: Lições do ponto de vista estratégico-militar


Mural Internacional, 2022

A pesquisa relaciona o exercício de soft power à indústria de jogos eletrônicos desde a seguinte pergunta-problema: como a venda dos videogames da Nintendo está relacionada ao modelo Cool Japan de política externa? O objetivo geral é analisar o exercício de política externa japonês no período de 2004 a 2011; tem como objetivos específicos: (i) contextualizar o modelo Cool Japan, (ii) verificar o crescimento e importância da indústria dos videogames no Japão e (iii) avaliar a participação da Nintendo no soft power do Japão. Como um estudo de caso, explora um modelo de política externa que faz uso do soft power para promoção dos interesses do Estado e de atores privados. Com os dados das vendas de consoles e a contextualização do modelo Cool Japan observa-se uma relação win-win, pois permite maior inserção japonesa na política internacional e a aceitação dos seus produtos no mercado mundial de jogos eletrônicos.

Okinawa: uma Análise de Segurança Humana em meio às Abordagens Estratégico-Militar e Nacional

This work has the intention to analyze three perspectives of security in the region of Okinawa in Japan, highlighting the importance of human security among military geostrategic security and national security approaches. The military geostrategic security will be punctuated in accordance with the USA interests in the Asian region and, more specifically, through Japan territory, discussing themes such as alliance between USA and Japan and the existence of USA military bases in Okinawa. Further, the national security will be treated focusing in the relation between state and security, delineating the basic premises, by which Japan is guided in the concretization of its national protection, and discussing the manner through which the internal structure of the country influences on the definition of this state role. Moreover, one will perceive that these two manifestations of security are, a lot of times, complementary, given the fact that they are both focused in national interests and based in the Realist Theory of International Relations, despite existing diverging points among them, that will be discussed during this study. Human security will take into consideration a critical approach, expressed, mainly, through the Constructivist Theory of International Relations, revealing an insecurity of the Okinawan people regarding the presence of the military bases in the region, strengthened by the Japanese national security, that claims legitimacy, contradictorily, through the idea of social protection, and by the military geostrategic security perspective.

The Law of Military Operations and Self-Defense in the U.S.-Japan Alliance

Naval War College Review, 2020

in the pharmacy sample of the primary health care services. The availability rate was presented as the percentage of dispensing units, where essential medicines standardized in the municipalities were available. The categorical variables were presented as absolute and relative frequencies, and the availability rates as mean and 95% confidence intervals. The comparison of groups was carried out by linear model for complex samples. Results: There were conducted 1,139 interviews with medicine dispensers and observation scripts were completed at 1,175 dispensing units. The average availability of standardized essential medicines in Brazil was 83.3%, and the averages were higher than 80% in the three groups of municipalities (capitals, major and minor municipalities). Among the therapeutic groups evaluated, the lowest average availabilities were in the tuberculostatic class (24.1%), followed by psychotropic / special control medicines (30.3%). The national average availability of essential medicines purchased centrally by the Brazilian Ministry of Health was 73.3%. Among the municipalities' strata, the only mean below 80% was for the smaller municipalities (72.1%). As a whole, having a pharmacist responsible for the medicine dispensing unit, having a computerized system for recording pharmaceutical care activities, and conducting inventories bimonthly or less frequently were associated with higher average availability in all groups of medicines evaluated. Conclusion: The study pointed out that most municipalities have the Relação Municipal de Medicamentos Essenciais (Remume-Municipal Relation of Essential Medicines), but it was not enough to guarantee the average availability above 80% in all the evaluated aspects. The availability of essential medicines was positively influenced by the presence of the pharmacist as responsible for the dispensing unit and by the computerized system deployed, and negatively associated with essential medicines purchased centrally by the federal government and influenced by logistics of distribution to smaller municipalities. The low average availability of psychotropic/special control and tuberculostatics medicines evidences the need for improvements in public pharmaceutical assistance and studies that could evaluate its impact in two important areas of the Primary Health Care: mental health and infectious diseases of compulsory notification.

The Japanese Colonial Legacy and Its Current Political Implications in the Taiwan Strait

Brazilian Journal of International Relations, 2021

Although the majority of Taiwan’s population is descended from Chinese settlers who immigrated to the island between the 17th and 19th centuries, the Taiwanese independence movements refuse to accept unification with China, that since its founding in 1949 has claimed Taiwan as its own territory, and insist on designating Taiwan as a separate independent political entity from China. However, the existence of these independence movements is relatively new and begun in the mid-twentieth century, after the end of the fiftieth year of Japanese colonization in 1945. This article aims to analyse how the Japanese colonial and post-colonial experience played an important role in changing the perception of national identity in Taiwan, and currently is the main source of tension in relations with China. The article concludes that the fifty years of Japanese colonization and the violent Chinese repression in the post-war period were essential for the formation of a Taiwanese national identity distinct from the Chinese one and for the emergence of the Taiwanese independence movements.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1946, volume 8, The Far East; 1947, volume 6, The Far East

The American Historical Review, 1974

RESuMO o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da sanitização por ozonização aquosa e da a cloração na redução da carga microbiana de morangos submetidos ao processamento mínimo. Morangos foram selecionados, lavados em água corrente e submetidos aos tratamentos: t1) imersão em água ozonizada a 0,2 mg L-1 por 5 min; t2) imersão em água ozonizada a 0,5 mg L-1 por 5 min; t3) imersão em água ozonizada a 1,0 mg L-1 por 5 min; t4) Cloração; t5) Controle; t6) Morangos in natura. Posteriormente, os frutos foram processados, drenados, embalados e armazenados em câmara de refrigeração a 5ºC ± 1ºC, por seis dias. As análises microbiológicas para Coliformes a 35ºC (NMP g-1) e Contagem de Fungos Filamentosos e Leveduras (UFC g-1) foram realizadas no dia do processamento. Enquanto que as análises microbiológicas de Enumeração de estafilococos coagulase positiva, Coliformes a 45ºC (NMP g-1), e detecção de Salmonella sp. foram realizadas no dia do processamento e após 6 dias de armazenamento. A carga microbiana de Coliformes totais foi constatada apenas em t6. os tratamentos com a água ozonizada foram mais eficientes do que o cloro na remoção de fungos filamentosos e Leveduras. A contaminação por Salmonella sp., E. coli, e coliformes 45ºC não foram observada em nenhuma das avaliações.