Paradiplomacy and Indonesian Public Diplomacy (original) (raw)

Indonesian Public Diplomacy: Preserving State Existence through Sharing of Indetities to Gain Mutual Understanding

Jurnal Global & Strategis

This article places public diplomacy as an effort to preserve state’s existence in the international relations as well as to share identity in order to achieve mutual understanding by state and non-state actors. The conception of public diplomacy over the years has placed public diplomacy on the narrow framework of the state’s efforts to build a positive image. As a result, such efforts are ignorant of the important efforts of non-state actors in building a fundamental thing for the existence of a state, its identity. Through some historical facts, this article shows that public diplomacy is an effort not only held by the state but also non-state actors in communicating their identity. Both actions are within the public diplomacy of state design or done independently. State domination sometimes limits the movement of non-state actors, but on the contrary in the current era of openness provides wider opportunities for non-state actors to play a better and more independent role in pre...

Paradiplomacy Roles in Border Diplomacy.Case Study: Camar Bulan, Temajok, West Kalimantan, Indonesia


The paradiplomacy or the subnational actors who hold diplomatic practices has important role in diplomacy, including border diplomacy. Not only has it succeeded in influencing relations between countries, but they have also been a driver of development in the border area which most of them are often underdeveloped. In the Indonesia-Malaysia border region in West Kalimantan, especially the Camar Bulan hamlet, the role of paradiplomacy is also quite significant. This area is an underdeveloped area with minimal access to roads, communications, and electricity. Unfortunately, this area has some border conflicts between Indonesia and Malaysia in Camar Bulan enclave. Through an in-depth interview method and documentation study, the research found that the subnational actors that are the local official of Regional Border Management Agency and the Paloh district officer were able to play a unique role in managing borders while attracting the attention of the central government to accelerate development in the region. It was unique because they were not always copying central government policy in maintaining territory sovereignty. The lack of information and coordination on national borders encourages subnational actors to choose their own way to solve the problem of national borders.


Domestic dimensions have started to regain their position on public diplomacy. Their consciousness of national identity, their active role in building relation between citizen andtheir effort in defending particular interest or idea have pushed several governments to put them as their object/target or partner. Besides they may act complementary to or independent from states, sometimes they even challenge the role of the state. Their roles grow fast in globalized world and the emergence ofintermestic issues. In Indonesia-Malaysia bilateral relation, these actors seem to play important roles in coloring the relation and creating dynamic rhythm. This study examines the domestic dimension in Indonesia public diplomacy towards Malaysia. Indepth interview and conversation analysis on newmedia were used in order to gain certain abstraction from action processes or interactions which were held by several actors in Indonesia-Malaysia bilateral relations. The preliminary results of the research show that there are three domestic dimensions which have significant contributions in the relation. Through their background which generates certain perspectives, ideas, and actions, domestic dimensions are presented as an active subject of public diplomacy and no longer play as a passive object. Those domestic dimensionsare: 1) academician and cultural actors, 2) middle class economic actorsand Indonesian temporary migrant workers,3)non government organization and the netizens. Actors with better education and knowledge about the past relation show positive ideas and actions, as well as actors who have direct people-to-people contact. In the other hand, actors with limited information will act negatively in particular issue, especially nationalism or national identities.

Strengthening Human Security Through Para Diplomacy in Indonesia


This research intended to explain how strengthening human security could be done by Para diplomacy which carried out by sub-state actors in Indonesia. Globalization is driving significant changes in international relations. The impact of these conditions is the increase in the importance of human security and the increasing of sub-state role in international cooperation. Local government is a sub-state actor who plays a significant role. The study used qualitative research methods. The research was conducted by descriptiveanalytical technique. To collect the data, this study used interview and literature studies. Data analysis was done through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. This research shows that the practice of Para diplomacy by local governments as sub-state actors in Indonesia was able to contribute to the strengthening of human security. Strengthening human security was primarily related to economic security. The conclusion of this study explained that Para diplomacy has a strategic role in strengthening human security. However, the implementation of international cooperation by sub-state actors experienced several obstacles that caused the strengthening of human security was not running as optimal as the arrangement.

Redefining the Role of Indonesian Subnational Actors in Foreign Relations through Economic Diplomacy


Therole of subnational actors particularly local government in foreign relations has become more significant in Indonesia, moreover since the Autonomy Law was put into practice after the reform took place in 1999, then the Law No 32, Article 10/2004 was effectively coming into effect. However, the law of local autonomy including the law of special autonomy only regulate the regional mechanism of the making of international agreement. It was accordingly aimed at giving more opportunity for local participation in foreign relations. Amidst the rapid changes caused by globalization which has created a growing interconnectedness, major challenges facing the local government has become ubiquitous and require more capacity and skills from the local government to achieve the national interest. Having regardedto the legal basis of the conduct of foreign relations by regional/local governments, the function of local governments lies on promotion activities of economic, trade, technology and c...

Analysis of Indonesian Public Diplomacy Through Friends of Indonesia: Fellowship for Future Ambassadors Program 2018

Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies

The aim of this writing is to understand the Indonesian Public Diplomacy and how it works through one of the implemented program which is Friends of Indonesia: Fellowship for Future Ambassadors 2018 carried out under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia. In addressing to this subject, this writing will analyze the implementation and the impact of Public Diplomacy by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia with the concept of Mark Leonard’s three dimensions of Public Diplomacy, specifically in the dimension of Relationship Building in order to see the picture of Indonesian Public Diplomacy in the Friends of Indonesia program.

Integrating Government Studies and International Relation Studies to Enhance International Cooperation By Regional Government


This article focuses on paradiplomacy, the concept used to indicate the increasing activities and practices of regional government in international cooperation. This research shows that increasing international cooperation by regional government with its decentralization and regional autonomy are realized in various types and forms; it is even more responsive to changes influenced by global issues. International cooperation was initially done in what is called “intervention government”, but then it is done by regional government involving the community independently


Berumpun: International Journal of Social, Politics and Humanities , 2021

The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused challenges to international affairs in term of health, economy, politics and security in addition to the changes of interaction between actors. As one of the regional governments in a unitary state and a capital city of Indonesia, the Jakarta government projected its paradiplomacy in response to the pandemic. Its status as a lower administration under the national government did not prevent it from taking active efforts by exploiting internet and digital technology development. The paper aims to describe the Jakarta government’s paradiplomatic practices in responding to the COVID-19. This research applied the qualitative method with a descriptive analysis. In addition, this research employed the concept of paradiplomacy and digital diplomacy. The findings show that the Jakarta government carried out digital diplomacy as the form of its paradiplomacy in a number of activities such as providing reliable information, collaborating with foreign communities, participating in global forum, releasing gubernatorial message, improving data platform capability and initiating an international forum at home. Such internet-supported activities were meant to share experience, collaborate and provide transparency. Paradiplomacy in the form of digital diplomacy activities was mainly conducted to gain trust to the regional government from its international audiences and create an image that Jakarta was a crisis-proof city and the part of global community. The paper argues that sub-national governments’ roles in international affairs are becoming important thanks to a new room for diplomacy practices, strengthened by unprecedented global crises.

Decentralization of Foreign Cooperation: Case Study of Sister Province Cooperation Between West Java, Indonesia And South Australia [Desentralisasi Kerja Sama Luar Negeri: Studi Kasus Kerja Sama Antara Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia Dan Austra]

Jurnal Politica Dinamika Masalah Politik Dalam Negeri dan Hubungan Internasional

Cooperation between cities and states/provinces has gained its attention in contemporary global affairs. Most scholars refer to it as para-diplomacy, which can be defined as cooperation between sub-national actors for the benefit or the interest of the national governments. This research focuses on the practice of para-diplomacy between West Java Province of Indonesia and South Australia. It aims to explain the progress of the sister province cooperation out of the renewal of its agreement in 2015 and their progress of cooperation until 2017. This research utilizes annual reports of the cooperation from both sides of the parties to identify the practices and progress of the cooperation. From the analysis, cooperation in agriculture, fisheries, and tourism, including culture and education are still in the developing progress. Nevertheless, several sectors have shown an improvement on the West Java’s side.AbstrakKerja sama antar Pemerintah Kota dan Pemerintah Provinsi telah menjadi sa...

15. Indonesian Interests in Bali Democracy Forum

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (IcoSaPS 2018), 2018

The end of the Cold War is marked by the changes of issues related with the dynamics of the international political constellation. The urgency of traditional issues such as the military, have begun to change to nontraditional issues such as humanity, environment, and democracy. The existence of these issues will certainly become an attention to foreign policy of a country that run with the diplomacy activities, so the country should adapt and focus more on non-traditional issues. Democracy today is understood as one aspect to show the image of the nation. In diplomatic activity, the image of a democratic country plays an important role in order to achieve the goals of the diplomacy and Indonesia itself embarked on a democratic diplomacy activity in the ideas of the implementation Bali Democracy Forum. This study attempts to examine Indonesia's national interest in developmentalism as a third world country in diplomatic activities at Bali Democracy Forum.