euskal herriko bideak gure aroan: ikerketa berrirako ideiak (original) (raw)
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1997 - Euskalaritzaren historiaren ikerketa-norabideak: zenbait proposamendu
Gómez, Ricardo, 1997, “Euskalaritzaren historiaren ikerketa-norabideak: zenbait proposamendu”, ASJU 31:2, 393-409., 1997
The aim of this paper is to propose some lines of investigation and new methods that can be followed in order to increase our knowledge of the History of Basque Linguistics. The main claim put forward here is that we must profit from the new methodological innovations developed by the H istoriography of Linguistics since the 60's. In the first section, different aspects are mentioned of the relevance of the study of Basque Linguistic Historiography. The second section comments on the boom of the Historiography of Linguistics from the 60's, its causes and its consequences; furthermore, it reports on the methodological models emerged from the discussions since then (as shown in works by Koerner, Swiggers, and many others). The third section points out some difficulties and challenges of the study of the History of Basque Linguistics, and suggests both some priorities for that study and possible lines of investigation. In order to illustrate the different points made throughout the paper, the reader is referred, when possible, to examples chosen from recent investigations or from future topics of research.
Hausnarketa zenbait euskal literatura-ikerketez
Santazilia, E. et al. (arg./eds.), Fontes Linguae Vasconum 50 urte, pp. 467-484. or., 2019
This article analyzes the state of Basque Literary Studies. With that aim in mind, after commenting on the impact of Liter-ary Theory and Criticism in the Basque academic context, I have made a diagnosis of the different fields of research therein. Among others, we have reflected on the studies that have been carried out and the dissertations that have been defended in fields such as Translation Studies, the His-tory of Literature, Literary Canon Studies, Gender Studies and Memory Studies. To conclude, I have pointed out some chal-lenges that Basque Literary Studies will have to face in the future.
Euskarazko bihurkarien historiaz: euskalki zaharrak aztergai
Iñaki Camino & Xabier Artiagoitia & Irantzu Epelde & Koldo Ulibarri (eds.), Eibartik Zuberoara euskalkietan barrena: Koldo Zuazori gorazarre, 2020
Lan honek gramatikalizazio teoriak eta testu zaharretako lekukotasunek euskarazko bihurkarien jatorriari eta garapenari buruz ematen duten informazioa aztertzea du helburu. Gainera, bihurkarien gaur egungo egoera labur azaldu ondoren, buru-bihurkariaren sorreraren datatzeari ekarpena egin diezaioketen zenbait datu eztabaidatzen dira. Azkenik, ikuspegi tipologikoa oinarri hartzen da aditzen eta estrategia bihurkarien arteko erlazioaren zenbait joera azaldu ahal izateko. Datuek garbi erakusten dutenez, idatzizko euskaran buru-bihurkaria iragangaiztearen kaltetan hedatzen ari da, eta litekeena da ahozko hizkeran kontrakoa gertatzea. Hitz gakoak: bihurkaritasuna, gramatikalizazio teoria, euskalki zaharrak, ikuspegi tipologikoa, idatzizko euskara. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the information provided by grammaticalization theory and attestations in old texts concerning the origin and development of Basque reflexives. After providing an overview of reflexivity in present-day Basque some data are discussed which may contribute to pinpointing the emergence of the buru-reflexive. A typological perspective is furthermore adopted in order to account for tendencies regarding the relationship between verb type and reflexive strategy. The data clearly show that in written Basque the buru-reflexive is spreading at the expense of intransitivization, whereas the contrary is probably the case for the spoken language. Keywords: reflexivity, grammaticalization theory, old Basque dialects, typological perspective, written Basque.
Euskal Herriko hirigintzaren argilunak
Planoetatik kalera. Hirigintza, espazio publikoa eta parte-hartzea. Gazte begirada bat, 2010
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Gasteiz eta euskara: Ibilbide historiko bat
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