Concatenated coding and hybrid automatic repeat request for wiretap channels (original) (raw)
Related papers
Secrecy coding for the wiretap channel using best known linear codes
Global Information Infrastructure Symposium - GIIS 2013, 2013
A special case of wiretap channel is studied and analysed when the main channel is an error free channel and the eavesdropper channel is a binary symmetric channel. The goal of this work is to maximise the equivocation on the eavesdropper side by using a combination of the technique of the McEliece cryptosystem using Best Known Linear Codes(BKLC) coupled with syndrome coding. It is shown that as a result the communication security is improved. In this paper, two Best known linear codes are analysed which increase the equivocation on the eavesdropper side. Two encoding stages are employed. The first stage employs a syndrome coding scheme based on the (23,12,7) binary Golay code and the second stage employs the McEliece cryptosystem technique using BKLC. Analysis shows that the arrangement reduces the information leakage to the eavesdropper compared to previously published schemes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2000
This study examines the use of nonsystematic channel codes to obtain secure transmissions over the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) wire-tap channel. Unlike the previous approaches, we propose to implement nonsystematic coded transmission by scrambling the information bits, and characterize the bit error rate of scrambled transmissions through theoretical arguments and numerical simulations.
Generating a Binary Symmetric Channel for Wiretap Codes
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2019
In this paper, we fill a void between information theoretic security and practical coding over the Gaussian wiretap channel using a three-stage encoder/decoder technique. Security is measured using Kullback-Leibler divergence and resolvability techniques along with a limited number of practical assumptions regarding the eavesdropper's decoder. The results specify a general coding recipe for obtaining both secure and reliable communications over the Gaussian wiretap channel, and one specific set of concatenated codes is presented as a test case for the sake of providing simulation-based evaluation of security and reliability over the network. It is shown that there exists a threshold in signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio over a Gaussian channel, such that receivers experiencing SNR below the threshold have no practical hope of receiving information about the message when the three-stage coding technique is applied. Results further indicate that the two innermost encoding stages successfully approximate a binary symmetric channel, allowing the outermost encoding stage (e.g., a wiretap code) to focus solely on secrecy coding over this approximated channel.
Quantifying equivocation for finite blocklength wiretap codes
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2017
This paper presents a new technique for providing the analysis and comparison of wiretap codes in the small blocklength regime over the binary erasure wiretap channel. A major result is the development of Monte Carlo strategies for quantifying a code's equivocation, which mirrors techniques used to analyze normal error correcting codes. For this paper, we limit our analysis to coset-based wiretap codes, and make several comparisons of different code families at small and medium blocklengths. Our results indicate that there are security advantages to using specific codes when using small to medium blocklengths.
Secure Multiplex Coding Attaining Channel Capacity in Wiretap Channels
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2000
It is known that a message can be transmitted safely against any wiretapper via a noisy channel without a secret key if the coding rate is less than the so-called secrecy capacity C S , which is usually smaller than the channel capacity C. In order to remove the loss C − C S , we propose a multiplex coding scheme with plural independent messages. In this paper, it is shown that the proposed multiplex coding scheme can attain the channel capacity as the total rate of the plural messages and the perfect secrecy for each message. The coding theorem is proved by extending Hayashi's proof, in which the coding of the channel resolvability is applied to wiretap channels.
How to attain the ordinary channel capacity securely in wiretap channels
It is known that a message can be transmitted safely against any wiretapper via a noisy channel without a secret key if the coding rate is less than the so-called secrecy capacity CS, which is usually smaller than the channel capacity C. In order to remove the loss C − CS, we propose a multiplex coding scheme with plural independent messages. In this paper, it is shown that the proposed multiplex coding scheme can attain the channel capacity as the total rate of the plural messages and the perfect secrecy for each message. The coding theorem is proved by extending Hayashi's proof, in which the coding of the channel resolvability is applied to the wiretap channel.
Secure Network Coding for Wiretap Networks of Type II
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2012
We consider the problem of securing a multicast network against a wiretapper that can intercept the packets on a limited number of arbitrary network edges of its choice. We assume that the network employs the network coding technique to simultaneously deliver the packets available at the source to all the receivers. We show that this problem can be looked at as a network generalization of the wiretap channel of type II introduced in a seminal paper by Ozarow and Wyner. In particular, we show that the transmitted information can be secured by using the Ozarow-Wyner approach of coset coding at the source on top of the existing network code. This way, we quickly and transparently recover some of the results available in the literature on secure network coding for wiretap networks. Moreover, we derive new bounds on the required alphabet size that are independent of the network size and devise an algorithm for the construction of secure network codes. We also look at the dual problem and analyze the amount of information that can be gained by the wiretapper as a function of the number of wiretapped edges.
Syndrome-coding for the wiretap channel revisited
2006 IEEE Information Theory Workshop - ITW '06 Chengdu, 2006
To communicate an r-bit secret s through a wire-tap channel, the syndrome coding strategy consists of choosing a linear transformation h and transmitting an n-bit vector x such that h(x) = s. The receiver obtains a corrupted version of x and the eavesdropper an even more corrupted version of x: the (syndrome) function h should be chosen in such a way as to minimize both the length n of the transmitted vector and the information leakage to the eavesdropper. We give a refined analysis of the information leakage that involves m-th moment methods.
The Two Way Wiretap Channel: Theory and Practice
Computing Research Repository, 2010
This work considers the two-way wiretap channel in which two legitimate users, Alice and Bob, wish to exchange messages securely in the presence of a passive eavesdropper Eve. In the full-duplex scenario, where each node can transmit and receive simultaneously, we obtain new achievable secrecy rate regions based on the idea of allowing the two users to jointly optimize their channel prefixing distributions and binning codebooks in addition to key sharing.
Matched Information Rate Codes for Binary-Input Intersymbol Interference Wiretap Channels
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2022
A two-stage coding scheme is proposed for reliable and secure transmission over intersymbol interference wiretap channels (ISI-WTCs). It is shown that the ultimate bound on the secure rate of linear block codes over ISI-WTCs is achieved by an independent and uniformly distributed (i.u.d.) input process. Aiming to exceed the i.u.d. secure rate, the proposed scheme comprises the concatenation of an inner trellis code and an outer coset code. The inner stage emulates a Markov process for achieving the constrained secrecy capacity of the ISI-WTC. In contrast, the outer stage vanishes an obtained upper bound on the rate of information leakage toward satisfying the so-called weak secrecy criterion. A carefully modified density evolution confirms the secrecy and the reliability efficiency of the proposed coding scheme at secure rates close to the constrained secrecy capacity.