Dataset: Ecosystem services and uses of dune systems of the coast of the Araucanía Region, Chile: A perception study (original) (raw)
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Province, Morocco, located about 700km south of Rabat, the capital of the Kingdom, along the Atlantic coast. This choice was suggested by the Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte Contre la Désertification, our Moroccan counterpart, as a very interesting area both from the agriculture and forestry points of view and from a soil and water conservation perspective. Essaouira itself is a very beautiful town, with According to the IAO methodology, the Land Unit Map of the study area (scale of 1:100,000) and the land evaluation were the main goals of this case study. During the fieldwork, carried out in March and April, the didactical aspects were emphasized, and particular stress laid on operational procedures dealing with the synergy between Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. Not all the cartographic outputs, complete GIS data set, fieldwork databases and all other data, were included in this publication, because their quantity is overwhelming. We will send a separate CD-ROM free of charge to anyone requesting these data. An on-line version of this report, in the form of a web-based hypertext, will be available on the IAO main website in few weeks. I want to address my thanks to all the participants to this stimulating exercise, both students and teachers, and to all the IAO staff involved. In particular, I must thank M. Abderrahim Houmy, Director of the Direction de la planification, du système d'information et de la cooperation of the Haut Commissariat and my friend and colleague M. Abdelmoula Lefhaili, Head of the Service des études et de l'inventaire forestier national. In Essaouira, the local staff of the Haut Commissariat provided us a wonderful support: a special thank goes to the Head of the Office M. Rachid El Harrak and his colleague M. Abdeljalil Chakir. Prof. Abdelmalek Benabid was so kind to spend a whole afternoon with us, giving a lot of useful information about our study area. He also identfied some tenths of plant specimens: really a basic help! I should also mention the workers that shared with us the hard life of the fieldwork, as well as the staff of our Hotel (thank for your patience), the policemen that forgave us so frequently, the farmers we met during the work, and all the people in Essaouira who always let us without words for their warm hospitality (Photo 1).
Coastal Dunes: Changes of Their Perception and Environmental Management
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