Considerations on Diminuation of the Economic Financial Crises in Agriculture of Moldova (original) (raw)
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The paper has two main applications: it represents a model for pricingwhich might be used by investment funds, or other organizations interested in agricultural land acquisitions; the interest is in buy/sell transactions -a financial mechanism could be created to facilitate these transactions. For example, the creation of a Land Bank or to attract land banking investment funds, which would have the goal to improve the transaction system, develop financial tools necessary for increasing efficiency, improving financial structure. This study explorers the historical transactions and specifics of the land market in Republic of Moldova and how it is affected by social indicators in rural areas.
In this paper, the author considers the impacts of land reform on privatization and ownership structure of agricultural land, as well as on agricultural and rural developments. The analysis is based on official statistical sources, data and results of several questionnaire-based surveys.
Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Moldova: Progress and Prospects (1998)
World Bank Discussion Paper WBD398, 1998
The most prominent outcome of agricultural reforms in Moldova is the elimination of the monopoly of the state on ownership of land. As of January 1998, the state owns 18% of agricultural land, and the rest has been privatized. Yet private ownership does not necessarily mean individual ownership. Most of the privatized land remains in collectives and various corporatized farms, while the individual sector accounts for only 20% of agricultural land. While initially the agricultural reforms in Moldova stagnated because of internal fractiousness and political indecision, there has been a definite acceleration of pace since 1995. The number of exits from collective enterprises increased, and the land holdings of private farms established outside the collectivist framework more than trebled during the last two years, reaching 8% of agricultural land. The study reveals a definite relationship between the economic conditions of collective farms and the willingness of individuals to risk independent private farming. The reorganization of collectives was merely “a change of the sign on the door,” and their failure to adjust to the new reality has resulted in rapidly deteriorating profitability. This in turn stimulated vigorous establishment of private farms by former members of collectives, who now report improved profitability and higher incomes. Land reform in Moldova has produced a highly positive impact on the families of private farmers: they are much better off and more optimistic than the families of rural residents who decided to remain in collectives. The transition from collective to individual agriculture in Moldova has not resulted in a reversal to subsistence farming. The individual farm sector has developed a distinct commercial orientation. Fully 80% of private farmers surveyed report some revenue from sales of farm products, and on average they sell nearly 30% of their output. The growth of private farming is accompanied by emergence of various market services, which primarily include commercial private channels for sales of farm products and supply of farm inputs. Even the collectives and various large corporatized farms are moving away from exclusive use of state procurement and processing, and are beginning to rely to an increasing extent on private traders. The case of Moldova before and after 1995 indicates that political indecision is lethal for reform. Yet, once the government decides to remove the basic obstacles to change, pressure from below, from the grassroots, can be counted on to produce rapid and accelerating movement toward private farming and market-oriented services. While the government certainly has a role in providing public goods and services in a market environment, the experience of Moldova since 1995 shows that the process of transition to the market does not require tinkering by government bureaucrats.
The objective of this policy note on land is to assist the Government of Moldova in improving the effectiveness of land management in agriculture, with a view to enhancing the sector's contribution to Moldova's economic growth and poverty reduction objectives. The note reviews the progress that has been made to date on land reform in Moldova, and provides rigorous economic analysis of the impacts of the reforms and the state of land markets today. It also makes recommendations on options for improving the functioning of land markets. This note is organized as follows. Chapter one explore in detail the progress of land reform, including changes in land ownership and land use since 1990; then describe the results of farm reorganization efforts, including some comparisons with farm structure in market economies. Chapter two examines the impacts of land reform on economic indicators such as productivity for different farm types. Chapter three analyze the development of land markets to date based on new information gathered for this work from the Cadastre Agency, a survey of farms carried out for this study, and other sources. Finally, chapter four provide recommendations based on international best practice for increasing the efficiency of land use by improving the functioning of land markets, including practical advice for implementing pilot land re-parceling projects.
This paper focuses on the links between changes in the land use and sustainable rural development in the Republic of Moldova. A particular attention is addressed to the analysis of land ownership fragmentation, existing impediments for creation of sustainable agricultural systems based on principles of economic growth, social equity and protection of the environment. The following research methods such as analysis of the impact of public policies in rural areas, including in agriculture, comparative analysis, analysis of annual time series, were used. There were also used qualitative research methods such as: interviews of key stakeholders and focus groups' interviews. Data for the quantitative analysis were collected from statistical yearbooks of the Republic of Moldova, National Land Cadastre and other available sources. The agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova after the land reform is characterized by a polarization between large corporate farms and many small and f...
Small and large farms in the Republic of Moldova: trends and perspectives
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 2014
In recent years the Republic of Moldova has implemented a set of reforms in order to increase the efficiency of agricultural production. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight economic advantages and disadvantages of large and small scale farms, and also to focus on the multidimensional role of the small scale farming for rural areas. The methodology used in the article is based on analysis of statistical data, as well as on results of relevant qualitative and quantitative surveys. The main expected results of this paper lay in the proposals of ways in which agriculture can make a contribution to the vibrancy of rural communities from the Republic of Moldova.
Land Reform and Private Farming in Moldova
EC4NR Agriculture Policy Note No. 9, 1997
EC4NR is engaged in a process of updating the current developments in land reform and farm restructuring in four republics of the FSU region. The present publication is an interim report, reflecting the status of land reform and farm restructuring in Moldova on the basis of two small-scale surveys conducted in 1995 and 1996 and a critical assessment of the relevant legislation. The final report will include an analysis of the situation in Moldova based on an extensive farm-sector survey currently being conducted by the World Bank and FAO.
In recent years the Republic of Moldova has implemented a set of reforms in order to increase the efficiency of agricultural production. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight economic advantages and disadvantages of large and small scale farms, and also to focus on the multidimen-sional role of the small scale farming for rural areas. The methodology used in the article is based on analysis of statistical data, as well as on results of relevant qualitative and quantitative surveys. The main expected results of this paper lay in the proposals of ways in which agriculture can make a contribution to the vibrancy of rural communities from the Republic of Moldova.
Dynamics of Agricultural Areas Availability in the Republic of Moldova for the Development of the Agricultural Sector, 2020
In order to identify the most probable and timely development options, the economic and social forecasts become pertinent remedies for determining the development objectives either of the branch or of the society. Therefore, the forecasts become decisive factor in the activities of scientific formulation and argumentation of the strategy and tactics of economic and social growth, and the efficiency of economical international affairs management. The analysis of the foreign trade of the Republic of Moldova showed that the biggest share in the national exports is agrarian and agro-food products. That's why the present article perform a depth study in analyzing and determining the potential of agrarian sector development using modeling and forecasting techniques based on time series adjustment, regression and correlation functions to predict trend and development potential of the agriculture sector.The present article perform a depth study in analysing and determining the potential of agricultural areas development using modelling and forecasting techniques based on time series adjustment, regression and correlation functions to predict trend and development potential of the agriculture sector.