Augmenting BERT-style Models with Predictive Coding to Improve Discourse-level Representations (original) (raw)
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Learning Sentence-Level Representations with Predictive Coding
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
Learning sentence representations is an essential and challenging topic in the deep learning and natural language processing communities. Recent methods pre-train big models on a massive text corpus, focusing mainly on learning the representation of contextualized words. As a result, these models cannot generate informative sentence embeddings since they do not explicitly exploit the structure and discourse relationships existing in contiguous sentences. Drawing inspiration from human language processing, this work explores how to improve sentence-level representations of pre-trained models by borrowing ideas from predictive coding theory. Specifically, we extend BERT-style models with bottom-up and top-down computation to predict future sentences in latent space at each intermediate layer in the networks. We conduct extensive experimentation with various benchmarks for the English and Spanish languages, designed to assess sentence- and discourse-level representations and pragmatics...
Next Sentence Prediction helps Implicit Discourse Relation Classification within and across Domains
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)
Implicit discourse relation classification is one of the most difficult tasks in discourse parsing. Previous studies have generally focused on extracting better representations of the relational arguments. In order to solve the task, it is however additionally necessary to capture what events are expected to cause or follow each other. Current discourse relation classifiers fall short in this respect. We here show that this shortcoming can be effectively addressed by using the bidirectional encoder representation from transformers (BERT) proposed by Devlin et al. (2019), which were trained on a nextsentence prediction task, and thus encode a representation of likely next sentences. The BERT-based model outperforms the current state of the art in 11-way classification by 8% points on the standard PDTB dataset. Our experiments also demonstrate that the model can be successfully ported to other domains: on the BioDRB dataset, the model outperforms the state of the art system around 15% points.
Evaluation Benchmarks and Learning Criteria for Discourse-Aware Sentence Representations
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)
Prior work on pretrained sentence embeddings and benchmarks focuses on the capabilities of representations for stand-alone sentences. We propose DiscoEval, a test suite of tasks to evaluate whether sentence representations include information about the role of a sentence in its discourse context. We also propose a variety of training objectives that make use of natural annotations from Wikipedia to build sentence encoders capable of modeling discourse information. We benchmark sentence encoders trained with our proposed objectives, as well as other popular pretrained sentence encoders, on DiscoEval and other sentence evaluation tasks. Empirically, we show that these training objectives help to encode different aspects of information from the surrounding document structure. Moreover, BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and ELMo (Peters et al., 2018a) demonstrate strong performance across DiscoEval tasks with individual hidden layers showing different characteristics. 1 * Equal contribution. Listed in alphabetical order. 1 Data processing and evaluation scripts are available at
DisSent: Learning Sentence Representations from Explicit Discourse Relations
Learning effective representations of sentences is one of the core missions of natural language understanding. Existing models either train on a vast amount of text, or require costly, manually curated sentence relation datasets. We show that with dependency parsing and rule-based rubrics, we can curate a high quality sentence relation task by leveraging explicit discourse relations. We show that our curated dataset provides an excellent signal for learning vector representations of sentence meaning, representing relations that can only be determined when the meanings of two sentences are combined. We demonstrate that the automatically curated corpus allows a bidirectional LSTM sentence encoder to yield high quality sentence embeddings and can serve as a supervised fine-tuning dataset for larger models such as BERT. Our fixed sentence embeddings achieve high performance on a variety of transfer tasks, including Sen-tEval, and we achieve state-of-the-art results on Penn Discourse Treebank's implicit relation prediction task. Jerry R Hobbs. 1979. Coherence and coreference. Cognitive science, 3(1):67-90. Jerry R Hobbs. 1985. On the coherence and structure of discourse. Tech. Rep, CSLI-85-37. Katja Jasinskaja and Elena Karagjosova. 2015. Rhetorical relations. The companion to semantics. Oxford: Wiley.
A Systematic Study of Neural Discourse Models for Implicit Discourse Relation
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers
Inferring implicit discourse relations in natural language text is the most difficult subtask in discourse parsing. Many neural network models have been proposed to tackle this problem. However, the comparison for this task is not unified, so we could hardly draw clear conclusions about the effectiveness of various architectures. Here, we propose neural network models that are based on feedforward and long-short term memory architecture and systematically study the effects of varying structures. To our surprise, the best-configured feedforward architecture outperforms LSTM-based model in most cases despite thorough tuning. Further, we compare our best feedforward system with competitive convolutional and recurrent networks and find that feedforward can actually be more effective. For the first time for this task, we compile and publish outputs from previous neural and nonneural systems to establish the standard for further comparison.
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)
We argue that semantic meanings of a sentence or clause can not be interpreted independently from the rest of a paragraph, or independently from all discourse relations and the overall paragraph-level discourse structure. With the goal of improving implicit discourse relation classification, we introduce a paragraph-level neural networks that model inter-dependencies between discourse units as well as discourse relation continuity and patterns, and predict a sequence of discourse relations in a paragraph. Experimental results show that our model outperforms the previous state-of-the-art systems on the benchmark corpus of PDTB.
Implicit Discourse Relation Classification with Syntax-Aware Contextualized Word Representations
Automatically identifying implicit discourse relations requires an in-depth semantic understanding of the text fragments involved in such relations. While early work investigated the usefulness of different classes of input features, current state-of-the-art models mostly rely on standard pretrained word embeddings to model the arguments of a discourse relation. In this paper, we introduce a method to compute contextualized representations of words, leveraging information from the sentence dependency parse, to improve argument representation. The resulting token embeddings encode the structure of the sentence from a dependency point of view in their representations. Experimental results show that the proposed representations achieve state-of-the-art results when input to standard neural network architectures, surpassing complex models that use additional data and consider the interaction between arguments.
Improved Document Modelling with a Neural Discourse Parser
Despite the success of attention-based neural models for natural language generation and classification tasks, they are unable to capture the discourse structure of larger documents. We hypothesize that explicit discourse representations have utility for NLP tasks over longer documents or document sequences, which sequence-to-sequence models are unable to capture. For abstractive summarization, for instance, conventional neural models simply match source documents and the summary in a latent space without explicit representation of text structure or relations. In this paper, we propose to use neural discourse representations obtained from a rhetorical structure theory (RST) parser to enhance document representations. Specifically, document representations are generated for discourse spans, known as the elementary discourse units (EDUs). We empirically investigate the benefit of the proposed approach on two different tasks: abstractive summarization and popularity prediction of online petitions. We find that the proposed approach leads to improvements in all cases.
The LAMBADA dataset: Word prediction requiring a broad discourse context
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), 2016
We introduce LAMBADA, a dataset to evaluate the capabilities of computational models for text understanding by means of a word prediction task. LAMBADA is a collection of narrative passages sharing the characteristic that human subjects are able to guess their last word if they are exposed to the whole passage, but not if they only see the last sentence preceding the target word. To succeed on LAM-BADA, computational models cannot simply rely on local context, but must be able to keep track of information in the broader discourse. We show that LAMBADA exemplifies a wide range of linguistic phenomena, and that none of several state-ofthe-art language models reaches accuracy above 1% on this novel benchmark. We thus propose LAMBADA as a challenging test set, meant to encourage the development of new models capable of genuine understanding of broad context in natural language text. * Denis and Germán share first authorship. Marco, Gemma, and Raquel share senior authorship.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Long Papers
Implicit discourse relation classification is one of the most difficult steps in discourse parsing. The difficulty stems from the fact that the coherence relation must be inferred based on the content of the discourse relational arguments. Therefore, an effective encoding of the relational arguments is of crucial importance. We here propose a new model for implicit discourse relation classification, which consists of a classifier, and a sequence-to-sequence model which is trained to generate a representation of the discourse relational arguments by trying to predict the relational arguments including a suitable implicit connective. Training is possible because such implicit connectives have been annotated as part of the PDTB corpus. Along with a memory network, our model could generate more refined representations for the task. And on the now standard 11-way classification, our method outperforms the previous state of the art systems on the PDTB benchmark on multiple settings including cross validation.