Tinjauan Jalur Evakuasi Bencana Tsunami DI Kecamatan Tapaktuan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Berbasis Masyarakat (original) (raw)

Abstract: Earthquakes frequently happen in Sumatra, in particular Aceh province, one of the reason is this island located in convergent horizon (limit) where Sunda plate collided under Indo-Australia plate. Tapaktuan, most of areas are coastal area. the purpose of this research is to provide recommendation in selecting and evacuation route and point in form of providing adequate route and sign for evacuation process. The result of this study is recommendation for evacuation route for tsunami disaster in Tapaktuan district, both in evacuation route and point. Results of a study reported in the District of Tapak Tuan evacuation path leads to some Gampong, namely Gunung Kerambil, Lhok Keutapang, Gampong Hulu, Jambo Apha, Lhok Bengkuang, Panton Luas, Batu Itam, Lhok Rukam, Panjupian, and Air Pinang. The movement of citizens when an evacuation occurs highly leads to Gampong Panton Luas, for 22%, Jalan used when the tsunami evacuation are Jl. Tapaktuan - Medan, Jl. TR. Angkasah, Jl. Tapak...