A fuzzy bi-objective mixed-integer programming method for solving supply chain network design problems under ambiguous and vague conditions (original) (raw)
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Pomorstvo, 2021
In this paper, we devoted a design under uncertainty of a four-echelon supply chain network including multiple suppliers, multiple plants, multiple distributors and multiple customers. The proposed model is a bi-objective mixed integer linear programming which considers several constraints and aims to minimize the total costs including the procurement, production, storage and distribution costs as well as to maximize on-time deliveries (OTD). To bring the model closer to real-world planning problems, the objective function coefficients (e.g. procurement cost, production cost, inventory holding and transport costs) and other parameters (e.g., demand, production capacity and safety stock level), are all considered triangular fuzzy numbers. Besides, a hybrid mathematical model-based on credibility approach is constructed for the problem, i.e., expected value and chance constrained models. Moreover, to build the crisp equivalent model, we use different property of the credibility measure. The resulted crisp equivalent model is a bi-objective mixed integer linear programs (BOMILP). To transform this crisp BOMILP into a single objective mixed integer linear programs (MILP) model, we apply three different aggregation functions. Finally, numerical results are reported for a real case study to demonstrate the efficiency and applicability of the proposed model.
international journal of industrial engineering computations, 2012
In this paper, we study a supply chain problem where a whole seller/producer distributes goods among different retailers. Such problems are always faces with uncertainty with input data and we have to use various techniques to handle the uncertainty. The proposed model of this paper considers different input parameters such as demand, capacity and cost in trapezoid fuzzy forms and using two ranking methods, we handle the uncertainty. The results of the proposed model of this paper have been compared with the crisp and other existing fuzzy techniques using some randomly generated data. The preliminary results indicate that the proposed models of this paper provides better values for the objective function and do not increase the complexity of the resulted problem.
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2013
Nowadays, supply chains play an inevitable role in prompt handling of varying customers' needs. Administration of a successful supply chain depends on how efficiently the network design is accomplished. Therefore, a supply chain network design problem is considered in this paper. The network addresses an uncertain environment threatened by different risk sources in order to captivate the real world conditions. A mixed-integer non-linear mathematical model is developed in which the uncertainties are represented by the fuzzy set theory. Benders decomposition is then applied to solve the proposed problem; consequently, the model is transformed into a mixed-integer one. Moreover, an interactive resolution method is applied to provide the decision maker with alternative decision plans in regard to different satisfaction degrees. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed model is checked by sensitivity analysis test and its performance is considered by different numerical examples. (J. Razmi). affects the entire Supply Chain Network (SCN) configuration (e.g. the numbers, capacities, and locations) are considered by the strategic level and the issues corresponding to deciding on whatever affects the aggregate quantities (e.g. material handling, processing, and distribution) are considered by the tactical level . Therefore, designing an efficient SCN can guarantee the success of the whole chain as many underlying issues are involved in the given problem.
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Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2015
A closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) network consists of both forward and reverse supply chains. In this paper a CLSC network is investigated that involves four echelons in a forward direction including suppliers, manufacturer, distribution center and demand market, and three echelons in a backward direction including disposal, rework and collection centers. This paper presents a bi-objective model in order to design a network of bi-directional facilities in logistics network under uncertainties. Its objectives are to minimize the total costs as well as the total defective rate, disposal rate and pollution production rate. To solve the model, a hybrid solution approach is applied that combines fuzzy possibilistic programming and fuzzy multi-objective programming. Furthermore, in order to illustrate the validity of the model and applicability of the proposed solution approach, numerical experiments and the related sensitivity analysis are provided. Finally, the conclusion is provided.
A New Trade-Off Model for Fuzzy Supply Chain Network Design and Optimization
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Applied Mathematical Modelling
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Applied Soft Computing, 2013
Supply chain design problems have recently raised a lot of interest since the opportunity of an integrated management of the supply chain can reduce the propagation of undesirable events through the network and can affect decisively the profitability of the members. Often uncertainties may be associated with demand and relevant costs. In most of the existing models uncertainties are treated as randomness and are handled by appealing to probability theory. Here, we propose a fuzzy mathematical programming model for a supply chain which considers multiple depots, multiple vehicles, multiple products, multiple customers, and different time periods. In this work not only demand and cost but also decision variables are considered to be fuzzy. We apply two ranking functions for solving the model. The aim of the fuzzy mathematical program is to select the appropriate depots among candidate depots, the allocation of orders to depots and vehicles, also the allocation of the returning vehicles to depots, to minimize the total costs. To validate the model some numerical experiments are worked out and a comparative analysis is investigated. Also, a regression model is considered to analyze the applied fuzzy ranking methods.
This work applies fuzzy sets to integrating the distribution problem of a multi product, multi tiered closed loop flexible supply chain network (involves suppliers, factories, warehouses, distribution centers, retailers, end customers and collection, recovery, recycling centers) under fuzzy material requirement constraints. The proposed fuzzy multi-objective mixed integer linear programming model attempts to simultaneously minimize total transportation costs between all echelons and total fixed costs of manufacturers and distribution centers. The model has been formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model where data are modeled by triangular fuzzy numbers. Finally, a numerical example is solved by a professional package program, compiled the results and discussed.