Kebangkitan Politik Identitas Islam Pada Arena Pemilihan Gubernur Jakarta (original) (raw)
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Ekspresi Kebangkitan Politik Identitas dan Penguatan Kompetensi Sosiokultural
Jurnal Widyaiswara Indonesia , 2021
This paper aims to explain the existence of identity construction based on several models that influence the phenomenon of violence. Identity problems seen from a political psychology approach are often carried out with a negative stigma that has an impact on discrimination. This writing focuses on the development of identity expressions that are influenced by social movements of the community, both religious, ethnic, and political organizations. The phenomenon of political contestation in the presidential election and regional head elections which took place simultaneously, also influenced the strengthening of group identities in practical political participation. This study uses a qualitative research model with a political psychology study approach that uses the method of document review and participant or non-participant observation in a virtual ethnographic approach. The main sources were analyzed by descriptive analysis method to obtain political constructions and movement constructions on certain identities.
Radikalisasi Isu Agama Dalam Pemilihan Gubernur Dan Wakil Gubernur Dki Jakarta Tahun 2017
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Populisme Islam dan Imajinasi Politik dalam Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017
Politeia: Jurnal Ilmu Politik
Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017 terbilang unik. Hal ini berkaitan dengan terbentuknya identitas dan keterbelahan sosial antarajinasi politik Islam secara spontan sehingga menghasilkan preferensi pilihan dalam kontestasi pesta demokrasi. Ucapan seorang Ahok menghasilkan konsekuensi kesadaran identitas kolektif yang ditandai dengan terbentuknya musuh bersama dalam wacana publik. Sehingga Aksi Bela Islam sebagai Aksi Simbolik kemarahan umat Islam menjadi penentu kemenangan Anies-Sandi dalam merebut kekuasaan di Pemilihan Gubernur DKI Jakarta. Penelitian mengenai dua objek yakni Aksi Bela Islam dan Pilkada DKI Jakarta ini akan menggunakan data sekunder sebagai teknik pengumpulan data yaitu berupa surat kabar media cetak maupun kanal berita elektronik, serta bahan lain yang mendukung dan berkaitan dengan judul penelitian termasuk video yang bersumber dari youtube, serta menggunakan studi analisis teks kualitatif sebagai teknik analisis data.
Menguatnya Politik Identitas DI Ranah Lokal
Journal of Government and Politics, 2012
The strengthening of identity politics in the local domains happens together with political decentralization. Post-enactment of Law 22/1999, identity politics movements is more clearly. In fact, Many actors both local and national politics are consciously using this issue in the power-sharing. This research use literature review as method in analysis. Identity politics In Riau, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan and Irian Jaya, which is become the focus of this study, are show how strength this issue. This issue used by political actors when dealing with other political entities.
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This study is about the background, dynamics, and chonges of Islam in Indonesian politics. It tries to explain comprehensively the position ond problems of Islamic politics in the political setting of modern Indonesia. It will be argued here that there are at least three specific characteristic of Islam in Indonesia. First character is the existence of a myth about the crack between Islam and the State – which has beenfound since the age of Mataram. The second character is a double-standard strategy used by the state. Such strategy make the Islam is obtained differently as a social phenomenon and as a political power. As a social phenomenon Islam is one of the most important base of legitimation for the state. While as a political power, it becomes a target of repressive political restriction by the state. The third character is that the Muslim scholars and activists still have different perceptions on the way Islam contribute and act in the context of the nation politics. Those thr...
The similarity of identity such as religion and ethnicity as a primordial aspect becomes a preference in choosing a leader not based on their capability. In the election of the Governor of North Sumatra in 2018, identity politics tended to strengthen in Muslim voters, especially in terms of religion, indigenous issues and natives. This practics of identity politics resulted in a victory for the couple Edy Rahmayadi-Musa Rajeckshah (Islam-Islam). The main question in this study is why identity politics is still relevant to be used by Muslim voters in the Election of Governor of North Sumatra in 2018. The study was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method, in which all data were collected through library studies and internet searching. This study concludes that Muslim voters see identity politics still relevant to use in choosing leaders because they consider Muslims have to be led by leaders who care about Islam. This understanding emerged from previous experiences in DKI Jakarta, namely the Al Maidah 51 incident by Ahok and discriminatory practices against Muslims when led by the non-Muslims and the Muslims who did not care about Islam in various regions in Indonesia
Representasi Gerakan Politik Identitas Islam dalam Film “Sepanjang Jalan Satu Arah”
Jurnal Audiens, 2021
Film merefleksikan keadaan sosial politik dalam dinamika kehidupan masyarakat, salah satunya melalui bentuk pendekatan representasi. Salah satu bentuk pendekatan yang biasa digunakan adalah pendekatan konstruksionis, dari bentuk ini film mampu membahasakan pemikiran sineasnya serta membawa realitas melalui layarnya dengan mengubah dan membentuk realitas tersebut berdasarkan kode-kode, konvensi-konvensi, dan ideologi dari kebudayaannya. Bentuk tersebut diaplikasikan melalui film yang menjadi objek penelitian ini, film yang berjudul “Sepanjang Jalan Satu Arah (Along the One Way)” yang membahas pergolakan gerakan Politik Identitas dalam Pilkada Surakarta 2015. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan analisis semiotika Roland Barthes dengan konsep pemaknaan tandanya (denotatif, konotatif, mitos). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui representasi gerakan politik identitas yang berlangsung selama kontestasi Pilkada Surakarta tahun 2015. Representasi tersebut dianalisis melalui prose...
Islam dan Konstruksi Politik Identitas Etnis di Lampung Barat
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