Internalization of Islamic Moderation Values in Pai Learning at Sma Ma'Arif Nu 1 Banyumas (original) (raw)
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Al-Hayat, 2023
This research is motivated by the need to teach the values of religious moderation at the senior secondary education level as a response to the phenomenon of spiritual understanding of some groups in Indonesian society, which tend to be extreme. Considering that at the senior secondary education level, entering an age vulnerable to influences both from within and outside education. Therefore, it is essential to internalize the purpose of this research, especially in the Madrasah Aliyah (MA) environment. Otherwise, a qualitative approach with a field study research design will gradually lead to national instability. Data were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation of actual conditions and facts that occurred in the field, supported by books, the latest journals and other sources in the form of related information. Data analysis was performed by condensation, presentation and verification. The implementation of religious moderation is pursued in 4 strategies, namely, First, insert moderation content in each lesson. It is second, optimizing the learning approach. Third, organizing specific programs, education, training and debriefing. Fourth, the teacher makes observations simultaneously. The implementation of religious moderation within Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Al-Huda has been running, realized in textbooks of integral and interconnected subjects, starting from regulation to the level of learning.
Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 2021
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Internalisasi Moderasi Beragama dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam
cahya oktavia, 2024
The aim of writing this article is to analyze the literature regarding the importance of internalizing religious moderation in Islamic education. The analysis in this article uses four steps in literature review, namely selecting the topic to be reviewed, searching for and selecting articles related to the topic, analyzing and synthesizing the literature, and organizing the writing. The results of the literature review and analysis show that Islamic religious education plays an important role in the process of forming the character, attitudes and behavior of a Muslim. The study of the concepts of tolerance, moderation and multiculturalism is an important discussion in the learning content of Islamic religious education. In its ideal context, religious moderation is an important basis that needs to be internalized in order to deal with diversity both in the context of religion, ethnicity, language and personal views in life. These results show that religious moderation is very important to internalize at the school, Islamic boarding school and tertiary levels.
Internalizing Islamic Moderation Through Education in Pesantrens
Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN: 2709-1910), 2023
Moderation is the basic character of Islamic religious teachings that make them adaptable to the context of the times. However, the rise of acts of terrorism and violence in Indonesia is concrete evidence of how low the understanding and appreciation of Islamic moderation values is. For this reason, the presence of educational institutions which are capable to transform and internalize moderate values to young generations' personalities is required. In this case, Islamic boarding-schools (commonly known as pesantren in Indonesia) are considered to have more credits compared to ordinary Islamic schools (madrasa) or non-boarding schools alike. This study is library research analyzing the role of pesantren in instilling moderate characters to their students through education in the mission of realizing moderate religiosity in Indonesian community. The findings show that dissemination and internalization of Islamic teaching values during the education process which are coupled with good examples practiced by figures of eductors in pesantrens become the most effective way in spreading the moderate values and practices of Islamic teachings.
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
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Religious Moderation as a New Approach to Learning Islamic Religious Education in Schools
Islam as a religion with a slogan that brings grace to the universe, however historically not all religious articulations are compatible. One example is extreme attitudes in religion. The most important element in realizing the peace mission in schools is learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI). This study was conducted to reveal how to maintain religious moderation in schools in preventing extremism. This field study at SMA Negeri 1 (Senior High School) Krembung, East Java, Indonesia uses a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that school moderation uses three main principles, namely tawassuth, ta'adul and tawazun. These principles are able to create a moderate situation, create a school of peace, progress, and form a generation with moderate views. Abstrak Islam sebagai agama dengan semboyan pembawa rahmat bagi alam semesta, namun secara historis tidak semua artikulasi agama itu cocok. Salah satu contohnya adalah sikap ekstrim dalam beragama. Elemen terpenting...
Jurnal Penelitian, 2023
This article seeks to elaborate the ma'had al-jami'ah-based religious moderation policy at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. This issue is interesting because religious moderation is a government policy that must be implemented by government institutions, including Islamic religious universities. The problem is that there are no nationally formal technical-operational guidelines for implementation so each tertiary institution has an interpretation for making policies to strengthen religious moderation by their respective contexts and considerations. The current study used in this article is qualitative with data mining techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using the Miles, Huberman, and Sa ldańa model which divides the stages of data analysis into data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion. This article argues that UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah made interesting policies for religious moderation in the form of madrasah diniyah and ma'had al-jami'ah learning policies. Madrasah diniyah and ma'had al-jami'ah are designed not only as an activity to provide religious knowledge to students but also as a strategy for internalizing religious moderation and prevention of radicalism ideology.
Mainstreaming of Religious Moderation Program in The Department of Islamic Religious Education
Fikroh: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam, 2023
The initiation of mainstreaming of religious moderation continues to develop. IAIN Kerinci, a campus with Islamic nuances in Jambi Province, has also become a pioneer of religious moderation. This study aims to explore Islamic Religious Education department of IAIN Kerinci in implementing religious moderation program in the academic community. This Research used field study methods to obtain data and information. Data collection techniques include observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results showed that various activities that carry the spirit of religious moderation in Department of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at IAIN Kerinci. The PAI department initiated a religious moderation program that started from the literacy ground and began to touch on various academic activities. The implementation of the religious moderation program at IAIN Kerinci has not been stated in writing (explicitly) or through standard policies. However, it is interesting that the pai department inserts religious moderation into every academic activity carried out even though it is not required in writing by institutional policy. Thus, they succeeded in building a culture of religious moderation through a habitus of moderation that takes place on an ongoing basis.
Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura
The emergence of the concept of religious moderation initiated by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia and set forth in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) indicates that the program for internalizing and strengthening the values of religious moderation is very important and urgent to implement. The values of religious moderation consist of four points, namely national commitment, tolerance, anti-radicalism, and accommodative to local culture. The direction to internalize the four values of religious moderation is also played by the Anak Jalanan At-Tamur Islamic Boarding School, Bandung. This article aims to reveal the role of the Anak Jalanan At-Tamur Islamic Boarding School in internalizing the values of religious moderation to students. This article uses qualitative research methods that are field research. The research data were obtained from two sources, namely field data sources and library data sources. Data collection techniques used ...