Epidémiologie et prise en charge des infections du per-partum à la maternité du centre hospitalier départemental de l’Ouémé-Plateau au Bénin (original) (raw)
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Pan African Medical Journal, 2014
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Epidémiologie des Malformations Congénitales Visibles à la Naissance à Yaoundé
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ESJ, 2019
Objective: To describe the socio-demographic, clinical, paraclinical, therapeutic, and evolutionary aspects of children with severe burns in the general purpose intensive care units at Parakou Teaching Hospital in Benin. Patients and Methods: A longitudinal study with descriptive and analytical purposes and a retrospective data collection was conducted from January 1st 2012 to December 31st 2016. The patients were under 16 years of age, with a severe burn, and were admitted to the intensive care units. Results: During the study period, 2966 patients have been hospitalized in the intensive care units including 122 burns cases (4.52%). Specifically, we recruited 49 children with severe burns representing 40.16% of all the burn victims and 1.65% of those that were admitted. The mean age was 3.5 ± 2.7 years (2 months and 12 years) with a male predominance (57.1%). The median time for admission was 2 hours. All the burns were unintentional and 93.9% of them were domestic. The mechanism leading to their onset was thermal in 100% of cases. Scalding represented 67.3% and flame 32.7% of the cases. The average body surface burned (BSB) was 30.0 ± 19.2% and 95.9% which represented 2nd degree burn. The treatment constituted an occlusive dressing using Trolamine (Biafine®), a vascular filling, analgesic, antibiotic and anti-anaemic administration or even a blood transfusion. The mean duration of hospitalization was 7 ± 5 days with the extremes of 1 and 20 days. Complications occurred in 73.5% of patients: anaemia (75.0%), hypovolemic shock (33.3%), and local infection (22.2%). The mortality was 40.8% and was related to anaemia, hypovolemic shock, and sepsis. Conclusion: The severe burn is life-threatening for the children. Hence, primary prevention must be the rule.
RESUME Introduction. L’hematome extradural (HED) du nourrisson est en croissance dans nos pays. Il s’agit d’une urgence absolue, dont le diagnostic repose sur le scanner cerebral et la therapeutique peut etre conservatrice ou chirurgicale. L’objectif de cette etude est de decrire le profil epidemiologique de nos patients et d’evaluer la prise en charge diagnostique et therapeutique ainsi que le devenir de nos patients. Patients et methodes. Il s’agit d’une etude transversale, retrospective portant sur 23 nourrissons hospitalises pour hematome extra dural, pris en charge au service de Neurochirurgie du Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire de FANN (CHNU) a Dakar, du 1er janvier 2011 au 31 decembre 2018. Les variables d’etude etaient l'âge, le tableau clinique initial, les resultats du scanner ainsi que le traitement et l’evolution des patients. Resultats. L’hematome extra dural representait 7.4% des traumatismes cranio-encephaliques du nourrisson. L’âge moyen etait de 13.5 mo...
European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 2024
Introduction: Malaria is one of the most widespread endemic and epidemic diseases in the world and a major public health problem.. Objective: To study the frequency and factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Parakou public peripheral maternity in 2018. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical study. It consisted of collecting data of pregnant women, facilities through a structured face-to-face interview. Thick Drop/Parasite Density was systematically performed for malaria confirmation. Results: the frequency of malaria in pregnant women was 32.62% (95% CI = [27.94, 37.66]). The mean parasite density was 2056 μl-1 and ranged from 102 to 33627. Factors associated with malaria incidence in pregnant women were age less than 20 years(p = 0.0001), primigravida (p = 0.0001) ), nulliparity (p = 0.0001), single marital status (p = 0.0199), low level of education (p = 0.0004), household occupation (p <0.0001), empowerment ( p = 0.0001), the non-existence of educational communication (IEC) information sessions for pregnant woman (p =0.0008), unsupervised use of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP) (0,0294), no correct use of mosquito nets (p = 0.0001), poor quality of mosquito net (p = 0.0001), no use of insecticide (p = 0.0211), no placement of screens at doors and windows (p = 0.0032), no adherence to number of ANCs (p = 0.0048 ), no adherence to the SP dose number (p <0.0001), the habit of following television late nights (p = 0.0384), no protection of sumps (p = 0.0001. The incidence of malaria among pregnant women in Parakou commune is significant, and the associated factors are known.