Effects of cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA4) signaling and locally applied steroid on retinal dysfunction by recoverin, cancer-associated retinopathy antigen (original) (raw)

Résultats fonctionnels du traitement du rétinoblastome par les traitements locaux en utilisation isolée ou associés à une chimiothérapie

Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 2005

Introduction: Because of long-term complications of external beam radiation in retinoblastoma, a new therapeutic modality using chemotherapy and local treatments is used whenever possible. We conducted a retrospective study to evaluate visual results. Patients and method: We studied visual acuity and ocular side effects in children presenting uni-or bilateral retinoblastoma in whom we were able to achieve conservative management without external beam treatment. The treatments that were used included chemotherapy, chemothermotherapy, diode laser, iodine 125 plaque brachytherapy, and cryotherapy. The initial characteristics (diameter, subretinal or vitreous seeding, and location) of each tumor, the treatments used, their results, and the visual function after age 4 years were recorded. Results: We treated 429 children for retinoblastoma at the Curie Institute between October 1994 and December 2002. Two hundred twenty-seven eyes had conservative treatment without external beam. We were able to study the visual function in 102 eyes at a median age of 67 months. The median follow-up after the end of the treatment was 5 years. The mean visual acuity was 20/37 and 60% of the children had visual acuity of more then 20/40. Macular alteration was observed in 34 eyes. Statistical analysis showed that a larger tumor diameter of the retinal surface (p <0.0003) and location close to the macula (p <0.0001) were the most significant risk factors for vision loss. Conclusion: The visual results of the treatment of retinoblastoma by chemotherapy and local treatments is good when the tumors are not located close to the macula. Larger tumors also have a worse prognosis for vision.

Immunohistochemical Localization of an Isoform of TRK-Fused Gene-Like Protein in the Rat Retina

Acta histochemica et cytochemica, 2014

The TRK-fused gene (TFG) was originally identified in chromosome translocation events, creating a pair of oncogenes in some cancers, and was recently demonstrated as the causal gene of hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with proximal dominant involvement. Recently, we cloned an alternative splicing variant of Tfg from a cDNA library of the rat retina, tentatively naming it retinal Tfg (rTfg). Although the common form of Tfg is ubiquitously expressed in most rat tissues, rTfg expression is localized to the central nervous system. In this study, we produced an antibody against an rTFG-specific amino acid sequence and used it to examine the localization of rTFG-like protein in the rat retina by immunohistochemistry and Western blots. Western blot analysis showed that the antibody detected a single band of 24 kDa in the rat retina. When we examined rTFG recombinant protein, the antibody detected two bands of about 42 kDa and 24 kDa. The results suggest that the 24 kDa rTFG-like pro...

Fonction des rétinoïdes dans les membranes foetales humaines. Action pro-cicatrisante médiée par LOXL4


La vitamine A et ses derives actifs (les retinoides) sont des molecules essentielles a la vie et ce des la periode embryonnaire. Molecules de choix dans de nombreuses applications therapeutiques, notamment dans les domaines de la dermatologie et de l’ophtalmologie, elles sont le plus couramment utilisees pour leurs proprietes pro-cicatrisantes. Malgre cette utilisation courante en clinique, les mecanismes cellulaires et moleculaires permettant aux retinoides de promouvoir un processus de cicatrisation restent encore mal connus. Afin de mieux apprehender ces mecanismes, mais aussi afin d’elargir leur utilisation clinique a la rupture prematuree des membranes (RPM), je me suis interessee aux proprietes pro-cicatrisantes de l’atRA (l’un des derives actifs de la vitamine A) sur les membranes fœtales. Alors que l’amnios et le chorion sont physiologiquement incapables d’initier un processus de cicatrisation suite a une lesion, nos resultats demontrent un effet positif de l’atRA sur la mig...

Rôle de CTLA-4 dans la cosignalisation négative du système immunitaire

médecine/sciences, 2011

Key players on the immunosurveillance program, T cells are regulated by their surface receptors such as T-cell receptor (TCR), and costimulatory molecules, optimizing T-cell activation. Some of these costimulatory molecules, such as the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4), induce inhibitory effects on T cells. By &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;inhibiting the inhibitor&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; CTLA-4-blocking monoclonal antibodies represent a novel class of weapons against cancers. To better understand the promising future and the limits of this immunotherapy, this review dissects the molecular inhibitory mechanisms induced by CTLA-4 in T cells.