Beyond the Modern Physics and Cosmological Equations (original) (raw)

1 Beyond the Modern Physics and Cosmological Equations


Modern physics is based on relativity and quantum mechanics. But there are some unanswered questions or complex concepts in modern physics. The questions that modern physics does not have answers for, and the physicists believe that it is due to the inability of theories. All our theories today seem to imply that the universe should contain a tremendous concentration of energy, even in the emptiest regions of space. For example; the gravitational effects of this so-called vacuum energy would have either quickly curled up the universe long ago or expanded it too much greater size. The Standard Model cannot help us understand this puzzle, called the cosmological constant problem [1]. This shows that the quantum mechanics problems are inseparable of relativity, because the cosmological constant was originally introduced by Einstein in cosmological equation. For long time seemed the Friedmann equation is able to explain universe, but in recent years, the cosmological constant was of int...

On Reconciling Quantum Theory and Relativity


One of the most important open questions in physics is the possibility of reconciliation, and perhaps unification, between quantum theory and relativity theory. Here I show that a relativity theory without the Lorentz Invariance Principle, termed Complete Relativity, reconciles with quantum mechanics at significant meeting points: It explains the quantum criticality at the Golden Ratio. More importantly, it confirms with Planck's energy. These results are quite astounding, given the fact that Complete Relativity, like Special Relativity, is a deterministic model of the dynamics of moving bodies. An application of the theory to cosmology, discussed in a recent paper, revealed that it yields definitions of dark matter and dark energy, and predicts the contents of the universe with impressive accuracy. Taken together, these results raise the exciting possibility that physics at the quantum scale, and at the cosmological scale, are the two faces of one coin: The coin of relativity.


Cosmology is the branch of astrophysics concerned with the large-scale structure of the cosmos and (in the current interpretation) the origin of the universe. Yet the scientific method employed in other branches of physics consists in equating the origins of the constituents of the physical world-the particles and fields that appear in it-to the ends of other elements: science seeks to explain the world from a principle of conservation. It thus appears incongruous that an explanation of the large-scale structure of the universe should require the addition of another "origin", that of the universe as a whole. If the universe had a beginning, then matter and motion, space and time, had to be created. This point of view is obviously incompatible with a principle of conservation. A model that is consistent with the conservation principle, and therefore requires no cosmic beginning, can be investigated by examining the current conception of the large-scale structure of space and time in the light of physical theory. Analysis reveals that the conservation-violating universe model contradicts other theoretical principles which have received confirmation from empirical measurement. An alternative model is proposed to circumvent these difficulties, and an extension of general relativity theory is posited. ================================================================== Cosmology in the twentieth century has been dominated by two major advances: one observational, the other theoretical. The former-the discovery that the spectral lines of light emitted by external galaxies were shifted toward the red in proportion to distance-constitutes the primary empirical foundation for a cosmological model. How this correspondence between redshift and distance is interpreted in the light of theory determines the model. Astronomers presently acknowledge that a universe model must be predicated upon the analytical framework established by the second scientific advance-the general theory of relativity. But unlike the present model for cosmology, relativity unambiguously retains a conservation theorem for momentum and energy. If the accepted universe model is found to exhibit further inconsistencies with relativity, then it is necessary to abandon this model in favour of one that concurs rigorously with theoretical principles.

The Universe as a Quantum Leap, the Schrödinger Equation Links Quantum Mechanics to General Relativity


Big Bang, dark energy and dark matter are the main ingredients of the governing paradigm of astrophysics today. The scenario, however, faces several substantial question marks, such as the cause of the Big Bang singularity, the sudden inflationary expansion and the consistence of dark matter. There are also divergent theories about the origin of dark energy. A new theory, CBU standing for the Continuously Breeding Universe, has been developed in order to find solutions based on known principles of physics. The theory incorporates important ideas from the past. The universe is considered as a complex emerging system, which starts from the single fluctuation of a positron-electron pair. Expansion is driven by the appearance of new pairs, which “stay alive” due to a Planck time far larger than the period between fluctuations. It is shown that the gravitational potential energy is the negative counterpart that balances the increase of energy due to new matter. The gravitational paramete...

Theory of Everything: The Missing Link in Modern Physics, Which Solves All the Problems Part Three

Theory of Everything: The Missing Link in Modern Physics, Which Solves all the Problems, 2014

A theory with a simple physical model gives logical and reasonable answers to all the strange phenomena and difficult-to-understand problems in modern physics, from the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics QM, and up to the field of cosmology. It is a theory suitable for explaining phenomena from small particles to large bodies such as stars, galaxies, and the entire universe. In this article, we will define in an innovative manner how space-time is seen and we will give a different graphical representation to the special theory of relativity. We will show how the Lorentz transformation equations and the space-time interval are obtained from it, how light behaves in space-time, and according to it, how to obtain relativistic Doppler formulas. The most important thing in this article is that just as two bodies can be in two different times, according to the theory of relativity, they can also be simultaneously in two different locations. According to it, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and quantum superposition can be explained. We will present for the first time a very common physical phenomenon, but unknown up to this day, which we will call "leap set". According to it, we will logically and deterministically explain the double-slit experiment of electrons and we will show that the result of the experiment is not a wave interference because the electron does not pass through the slits, but it performs a leap set to possible locations on the screen. Also, according to the same model, we will see the conditions and reasons for quantum entanglement and how it is obtained. We will also show the expansion of the universe and Hubble's law according to this theory and model, the Casimir effect as a cosmological phenomenon. We will discuss the possibility of the existence of a mirror world completely identical to our world, located at a distance of 2x13.8Gly in the space-time and we will prove that the material mass energy of the universe is zero.

The speed of light and the fundamental of modern physics

In recent, the faster-than-light was measured and observed with different experiments. But, physicists ignored these experiments. I think, the reason to ignore these experiments is that it need reassess the whole fundamental of modern physics. In general thought, if the faster-than-light is true, the special relativity shall be invalid. Here, by outlining the development of physics in the past 100 years, it is presented that, although the relative space and time is not a developed theory of physics, a particle can be accelerated to a very large mass according to Mass-velocity equation. Therefore, whether or not the faster-than-light is true, the speed of light with Lorentz factor is significant. It is indicated that, the faster-than-light and the invariance of the speed of light are based on different fundamentals of physics respectively. In the special relativity, the high speed particle is only treated as a particle while in quantum physics a particle is always treated as the wave-particle duality, and the faster-than-light is based on the wave-particle duality.

Theory of Quantum Relativity

In this paper, I have studied the properties of atomic and molecular world along with general and special theories of relativity. This is an attempt to merge Gravity into the standard model in order to complete the Grand Unification Theory. The merger of gravity into the other forces i.e. electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear forces should be well defined and in the boundaries of Gauge Group theory. The Lorentz transformations used in the theory too are invariant under SU(2) type of space. The relative force exerted on two separate quantum systems is also discussed along with Dark matter and Dark energy at a quantum level. I have also tried to solve the Ba-nach-Tarski theorem by applications of Heisenbergs Uncertainty principle in the later part of the paper. Detailed particle Chirality in standard model is redefined to fit in the criterion of operators used in the same process. Possible existence of a new quasi particle is also included in the paper along with its properties.

Aalborg Universitet Beyond the Modern Physics and Cosmological Equations


Modern physics is based on relativity and quantum mechanics. But there are some unanswered questions or complex concepts in modern physics. The questions that modern physics does not have answers for, and the physicists believe that it is due to the inability of theories. All our theories today seem to imply that the universe should contain a tremendous concentration of energy, even in the emptiest regions of space. For example; the gravitational effects of this so-called vacuum energy would have either quickly curled up the universe long ago or expanded it too much greater size. The Standard Model cannot help us understand this puzzle, called the cosmological constant problem [1]. This shows that the quantum mechanics problems is inseparable of relativity, because the cosmological constant was originally introduced by Einstein in cosmological equation. For long time seemed the Friedmann equation is able to explain universe, but in recent years, the cosmological constant was of inte...

New Quantum of the Space of the Universe and New Opportunities for the Development of Quantum Physics

International Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2019

The paper provides the analysis of a number of well-known works on the substantiation of the shape and parameters of quanta of the space of the Universe, within which the dimensions of quanta are related to the wave parameters of the gravitational field. It is shown that this level of the material world is preceded by the levels of elementary particles, atoms and molecules, which are characterized by a dual state-substance and field (wave-corpuscle). On this basis, the quantum of the space of the Universe with the wave parameters of the gravitational field was associated with the graviton, as a minimal real particle of the Universe. A new rationale for the relationship of the wave parameters of the gravitational field with the wave parameters of the electromagnetic field is also suggested, which is obtained on the basis of strict physical relationships composed of fundamental physical constants: the speed c of light in vacuum, the gravitational constant G and Planck's constant h. On this basis, the possibility of linking the parameters of the quantum of the space of the Universe with a single photon is shown. The simplest physical and geometric scheme of the movement of a single photon in the space of the Universe is proposed. The proposed schemes reflect the initial physical structures of the material world, which do not contradict the known laws of physics, so they can be used for further studies of the graviton and photon.