The effects of position cues on the appearance of stimulus elements in a bistable apparent movement display (original) (raw)

Perceptual grouping in the Ternus display: evidence for an `association field' in apparent motion

Vision Research, 2002

We present psychophysical experiments designed to reveal the role of facilitative contour interactions (the so-called 'association field') in apparent motion. We use the Ternus display (a trio of horizontally aligned elements oscillating in apparent motion). This display is perceived in 'element' motion when interframe intervals (IFIs) are short, and in 'group' motion when IFIs are long. Using Gabor elements arranged collinearly or in parallel, IFI is varied to find group motion thresholds. Consistent with a role for collinearity in perceptual grouping, thresholds are lower for collinear displays. The collinear vs. parallel comparison is made while manipulating contrast, spatial frequency, eccentricity, phase, orientation jitter and element separation. Results show a clear effect of contrast not observed in lateral masking paradigms or in 'pathfinder' stimuli, with higher contrast promoting within-frame grouping, and evidence of facilitatory interactions among parallel elements (although over a smaller scale). The tendency for collinear displays to group more than parallel displays declined with eccentricity with no clear difference evident at 12 deg. These changes in group motion thresholds indicate changing association strengths among the elements and is accounted for in terms of an association field. Alternative accounts in terms of second-order collector units or visible persistence are considered but are not supported by the data. Ó

Spatial versus temporal grouping in a modified Ternus display

Vision research, 2007

The Ternus display can induce a percept of 'element motion' or 'group motion'. Conventionally, this has been attributed to two different motion processes, with different spatial and temporal ranges. In contrast, recent studies have emphasised spatial and temporal grouping principles as underlying the apparent motion percepts in the Ternus display. The present study explored effects of spatial and temporal grouping on the apparent motion percept in a novel Ternus display of oriented Gabor elements with no inter-frame interval. Each frame of this stimulus could be further divided into 'sub-frames', and the orientation of the carriers was changed across these sub-frames. In four experiments transitions were found between the motion percepts with changes in orientation across time (Experiment 1) and space (Experiment 2), and with a temporal offset in the orientation change of the outer element (Experiment 3) to the extent that group motion was not perceived even with large orientation changes over time that previously led to group motion (Experiment 4). Collectively, these results indicate that while spatial properties have an influence in determining the percept of the Ternus display, temporal properties also have a strong influence, and can override spatial grouping. However, these temporal effects cannot be attributed to spatiotemporal limits of low-level motion processes. Some aspects of the observed spatial grouping effects can be accounted for in terms of a modified association field, which may occur through connectivity of orientation selective units in V1. The temporal effects observed are considered in terms of temporal integration, the transitional value at a temporal offset of 40 ms being remarkably similar to psychophysical and neurophysiological estimates of the peak temporal impulse response. These temporal responses could be detected at a higher level in the system, providing a basis for apparent motion perception.

Effects of spatial parameters on the perceptual organization of a bistable motion display

Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 1980

In a dynamic visual display which consisted of two alternating frames, each with three line elements, the individual elements which possessed a high degree of spatial correspondence from one frame to the next were paired perceptually and moved about locally. Any remaining elements moved independently and followed different movement rules. When there was no high degree of spatial correspondence of any elements across frames, or when the interval of time between frames was long, the elements behaved as a perceptual unit and moved about as a group. The local pairings and movements appeared to be mediated by a process with different functional characteristics from those of the process which mediated the wholistic movement of the elements as a group.

The perceptual fate of letters in two kinds of apparent movement displays

Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 1984

Two experiments investigated the importance of figurai relationships among stimulus elements in the determination of the kind of motion perceived in bistable apparentovement displays. Stimulus frames containing the words MITE and ITEM were constructed in such a way that the letters I, T, and E appeared in corresponding locations while the M was in disparate locations between frames. When the frames were alternated with a 20-msec ISI, observers maintained local figurai identity in their percepts of apparent movement. However, when the frames were alternated with an 80-msec ISI, observers reported apparent movement of the entire groups of letters and thereby ignored figurai relationships in their percepts of apparent movement. In a second experiment, it was found that figurai nonidentity between elements of successive frames always resulted in apparent movement of a perceptual group or “blob” regardless of ISI. It is suggested that short-range apparent-movement percepts rely strongly upon figurai identity among corresponding stimulus elements, whereas long-range apparent-movement percepts do not.

Perceptual grouping in space and time: Evidence from the Ternus display

Perception & Psychophysics, 1997

We report three experiments investigating the effect of perceptual grouping on the appearance of a bistable apparent-motion (Ternus) display. Subjects viewed a Ternus display embedded in an array of context elements that could potentially group with the Ternus elements. In contrast to several previous findings, we found that grouping influenced apparent motion perception. In Experiment 1, apparent motion perception was significantly affected via grouping by shape similarity, even when the visible persistence of the elements was controlled. In Experiment 2, elements perceived as moving without context were perceived as stationary without context were perceived as moving when grouped with moving elements perceived as stationary without context were perceived as moving when grouped with moving context elements. We argue that grouping in the spatial and temporal domains interact to yield perceptual experience of apparent-motion displays.

Spatial Correspondence and Relation Correspondence: Grouping Factors That Influence Perception of the Ternus Display

Perception, 2008

We cite two different perceptual-correspondence principles whose emphasis can help to disambiguate the otherwise ambiguous Ternus display in apparent movement (a display that can alternately be seen in one of two possible configurations). One of these principles is spatial correspondence, which emphasizes the maintenance of similar stimulus elements in given locations over time. The other principle is relation correspondence, which emphasizes the maintenance of the inter-organization of stimulus elements across frames. Each of four experiments reported here made use of a different stimulus feature (eg element color or element texture) to emphasize these different correspondence principles in Ternus displays. As predicted, an emphasis upon spatial correspondence resulted in an increase in reports of element movement compared to a featureless control condition. Emphasis on relation correspondence resulted in an increase in reports of group movement. Extensions and limitations of the u...

Influences of intra- and crossmodal grouping on visual and tactile Ternus apparent motion

Brain Research, 2010

Previous studies of dynamic crossmodal integration have revealed that the direction of apparent motion in a target modality can be influenced by a spatially incongruent motion stream in another, distractor modality. Yet, it remains to be examined whether non-motion intra-and crossmodal perceptual grouping can affect apparent motion in a given target modality. To address this question, we employed Ternus apparent-motion displays, which consist of three horizontal aligned visual (or tactile) stimuli that can alternately be seen as either 'element motion' or 'group motion'. We manipulated intra-and crossmodal grouping by cueing the middle stimulus with different cue-target onset asynchronies (CTOAs). In unimodal conditions, we found Ternus apparent motion to be readily biased towards 'element motion' by precues with short or intermediate CTOAs in the visual modality and by precues with short CTOAs in the tactile modality. By contrast, crossmodal precues with short or intermediate CTOAs had no influence on Ternus apparent motion. However, crossmodal synchronous tactile cues led to dominant 'group motion' percepts. And for unimodal visual apparent motion, precues with long CTOAs shifted apparent motion towards 'group motion' in general. The results suggest intraand crossmodal interactions on visual and tactile apparent motion take place in different temporal ranges, but both are subject to attentional modulations at long CTOAs.

What does the Ternus display tell us about motion processing in human vision?


A long-standing dichotomy in vision research is that between short-range and long-range processing of moving input. This distinction was introduced by Braddick (1974), via experiments involving the displacement of two-frame random-dot kinematograms. It transpired that for displacements beyond a certain critical spatial limit, d max , the perception of coherent motion broke down, and this was taken as evidence for a short-range motion process, which was contrasted with a long-range process which operated over larger displacements. Subsequent research has shown that, whilst the short-range process fails to operate if stimuli are presented dichoptically , this is not the case for the long-range process (eg Pantle and Picciano 1976). Another difference between the two processes can be highlighted by introducing a temporal gap, or interstimulus interval (ISI), between successive image frames in an apparent-motion sequenceöthe short-range process operates at low or zero ISIs and the long-range process operates at higher ISIs, with a crossover value of around 40^50 ms (eg Pantle and Picciano 1976; The two processes may be distinguished in several other ways: the short-range process appears to be preattentive (or passive), localised in the visual field, and operating over a limited spatial range; the long-range process seems to be attentional (or active), and able to operate over a wider area and greater spatial range . The long-range process has more recently been referred to as a feature-tracking system (eg Lu and Sperling 1995; Scott-Samuel and Georgeson 1999), the implication being that it relies upon the active, high-level observation of changes in position, in contrast to the passive, low-level dedicated motion processing of the short-range process.

Perceptual consequences of visual performance fields: The case of the line motion illusion

Journal of Vision, 2010

Illusory line motion (ILM) is the illusion that a line, preceded by a small dot (cue) near one end, is perceived to shoot out from the dot even though the line is physically presented at once. Does this illusion result from a low-level motion effect, a gradient of exogenous spatial attention, or both? Given that exogenous attention speeds visual processing unequally at isoeccentric cardinal locations (M. Carrasco, A. M. Giordano, & B. McElree, 2004), we hypothesized that the contribution of attention to ILM would follow the same pattern. We characterized psychometric functions of perceived line motion direction, for 1.5-stimuli with varying amounts of physical line motion (8 levels) at four cardinal locations. We used three cue conditions to separate the effects of attention from low-level motionVa single cue to draw focal attention to the stimulus location, a distributed cue with elements near all four possible stimulus locations, and no visual cue. Distributed and single cues generate identical effects along the horizontal meridian, but the effect of the single cue is progressively greater along the vertical meridian, more so at the top location ("North"). We conclude that the low-level motion explanation accounts for the majority of the canonical example of the ILM (line preceded by a single dot) effect used in our study.

The motion-induced position shift depends on the perceived direction of bistable quartet motion


Motion can influence the perceived position of nearby stationary objects (Nature Neuroscience 3 . To investigate the influence of high-level motion processes on the position shift while controlling for low-level motion signals, we measured the position shift as a function of the motion seen in a bistable quartet. In this stimulus, motion can be seen along either one or the other of two possible paths. An illusory position shift was observed only when the flashes were adjacent to the path where motion was perceived. If the flash was adjacent to the other path, where no motion was perceived, there was no illusory displacement. Thus for the same physical stimulus, a change in the perceived motion path determined the location where illusory position shifts would be seen. This result indicates that high-level motion processes alone are sufficient to produce the position shift of stationary objects. The effect of the timing of the test flash between the onset and offset of the motion was also examined. The position shifts were greatest at the onset of motion, then decreasing gradually, disappearing at the offset of motion. We propose an attentional repulsion explanation for the shift effect.