La presencia de Clemente de Alejandría en los discípulos de Evagrio Póntico (original) (raw)

Clemente De Alejandría, Un Filôsofo Cristiano

Scripta Theologica, 2008

Titus Flavius Clement is one of the first exponents of Christian paideia. In these pages we try to identify this author by what modern research has told us about him and, secondly, we analyze some of the passages of his work that characterize him as a Christian philosopher. The identifications proposed by the various researchers who have focused on him go through a range of possibilities from eclecticism to the most profound mysticism, including Platonic, Aristotelian, Stoic and Neo-Platonic elements. From the theological point of view, he has been characterized as a genuine Gnostic heretic, depending on the light in which he is seen. If we base our understanding of him on his own intentions and methods, reflected in those of his works that have been handed down to us, his figure emerges as that of a Christian philosopher such as this was understood in the late second century.

La cristología de Evagrio Póntico en la discusión contemporánea

En los últimos años, dentro del ámbito de los estudios patrísticos, hemos asistido a un fuerte planteamiento acerca de la teología de Evagrio Póntico y su consideración en el ámbito de la ortodoxia cristiana. Estudiosos como István Perczy, Augustine Casiday, Ilaria Ramelli y Luke Dysinger han puesto en duda su adscripción de líder del movimiento y de la herejía origenista que gozaba a partir de las afirmaciones de quien fuera el introductor más importante de sus obras en el mundo occidental y principal conocedor, Antoine Guillaumont. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el estado de la cuestión, tal como aparece sobre todo luego de la publicación del último libro de Ramelli en noviembre de 2015, y proponer algunas conclusiones que contribuyan al debate actual.

La parresía en la obra de Clemente de Alejandría

Los orígenes del cristianismo en la literatura, el arte y la filosofía (II), Eds. Álvarez-Pedrosa, J.A., López Salvá, M., Sánchez Madrid, N. y Sanz Extremeño, I., 2018

En este estudio se analiza el uso del término "parresía" en los textos de Clemente de Alejandría y las resignificaciones que adquirió a la luz de la nueva doctrina cristiana, que intentaba insertarse en los principios de la cultura griega a través de la apropiación de su terminología.

Las doctrinas secretas en la obra de Evagrio Póntico


Like Clement of Alexandria and other Eastern Fathers, Evagrius of Pontus clearly states in several of his works that there are things that must be keep in secret and not be written. These agrapha doctrines are of two types: those related to certain stages of the spiritual life of the gnostic or the man pro cient in the way of perfection, and those related to certain temptations or attacks in icted by demons on those who venture into monastic life. In the words of Origen, it «would be an impiety to reveal them, it would represent a betrayal of the secret oracles of the wisdom of God» ( Contra Celsum V, 29). The purpose of this paper is to explore the various nuances of Evagrius’ secret doctrines, particularly those that deal with the development of the spiritual life as he proposes it, in order to establish some evidence tracing a continuity or resemblance to later teachings in medieval authors. Indeed, considering that Evagrius can be considered one of the main forerunners of the sp...