Entropy of classical histories (original) (raw)
Related papers
The Von Neumann Entropy: A Reply to Shenker
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2003
Shenker has claimed that Von Neumann's argument for identifying the quantum mechanical entropy with the Von Neumann entropy, SðrÞ ¼ Àktrðr log rÞ, is invalid. Her claim rests on a misunderstanding of the idea of a quantum mechanical pure state. I demonstrate this, and provide a further explanation of Von Neumann's argument.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
All the laws of physics are time-reversible. Time arrow emerges only when ensembles of classical particles are treated probabilistically, outside of physics laws, and the entropy and the second law of thermodynamics are introduced. In quantum physics, no mechanism for a time arrow has been proposed despite its intrinsic probabilistic nature. In consequence, one cannot explain why an electron in an excited state will "spontaneously" transition into a ground state as a photon is created and emitted, instead of continuing in its reversible unitary evolution. To address such phenomena, we introduce an entropy for quantum physics, which will conduce to the emergence of a time arrow. The entropy is a measure of randomness over the degrees of freedom of a quantum state. It is dimensionless; it is a relativistic scalar, it is invariant under coordinate transformation of position and momentum that maintain conjugate properties and under CPT transformations; and its minimum is positive due to the uncertainty principle. To excogitate why some quantum physical processes cannot take place even though they obey conservation laws, we partition the set of all evolutions of an initial state into four blocks, based on whether the entropy is (i) increasing but not a constant, (ii) decreasing but not a constant, (iii) a constant, (iv) oscillating. We propose a law that in quantum physics entropy (weakly) increases over time. Thus, evolutions in the set (ii) are disallowed, and evolutions in set (iv) are barred from completing an oscillation period by instantaneously transitioning to a new state. This law for quantum physics limits physical scenarios beyond conservation laws, providing causality reasoning by defining a time arrow.
Information measures and classicality in quantum mechanics
We study information measures in quantum mechanics, with the particular emphasis on providing a quantification of the notion of predictability and classicality. Our primary tool is the Shannon -Wehrl entropy I. We give a precise criterion for phase space classicality of states and argue that in view of this a) I provides a good measure for the degree of deviation from classicality in closed systems, b) I − S (S the von Neumann entropy ) plays the same role in open quantum system. We examine particular examples in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Finally we generalise the discussion into the field theory case, and (this being one of our main motivations) we comment on the field classicalisation in early universe cosmology.
Quantum entropy production as a measure of irreversibility
Physica D-nonlinear Phenomena, 2004
We consider conservative quantum evolutions possibly interrupted by macroscopic measurements. When started in a nonequilibrium state, the resulting path-space measure is not time-reversal invariant and the weight of time-reversal breaking equals the exponential of the entropy production. The mean entropy production can then be expressed via a relative entropy on the level of histories. This gives a partial extension of the result for classical systems, that the entropy production is given by the source term of time-reversal breaking in the path-space measure.
The Homological Nature of Entropy
Entropy, 2015
We propose that entropy is a universal co-homological class in a theory associated to a family of observable quantities and a family of probability distributions. Three cases are presented: (1) classical probabilities and random variables; (2) quantum probabilities and observable operators; (3) dynamic probabilities and observation trees. This gives rise to a new kind of topology for information processes, that accounts for the main information functions: entropy, mutual-informations at all orders, and Kullback-Leibler divergence and generalizes them in several ways. The article is divided into two parts, that can be read independently. In the first part, the introduction, we provide an overview of the results, some open questions, future results and lines of research, and discuss briefly the application to complex data. In the second part we give the complete definitions and proofs of the theorems A, C and E in the introduction, which show why entropy is the first homological invariant of a structure of information in four contexts: static classical or quantum probability, dynamics of classical or quantum strategies of observation of a finite system.
Toward the History of Dynamical Entropy: Comparing Two Definitions
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2016
We prove that for ergodic automorphisms of a Lebesgue space, the definition of the measuretheoretic entropy suggested in the master thesis by D. Arov (1957) and remained unpublished and the well-known definition of Sinai (1959) reduce to each other, while in general this is not the case. Bibliography: 11 titles.
On Classical and Quantum Logical Entropy
SSRN Electronic Journal
The notion of a partition on a set is mathematically dual to the notion of a subset of a set, so there is a logic of partitions dual to Boole's logic of subsets (Boolean logic is usually mis-speci…ed as "propositional" logic). The notion of an element of a subset has as its dual the notion of a distinction of a partition (a pair of elements in di¤erent blocks). Boole developed …nite logical probability as the normalized counting measure on elements of subsets so there is a dual concept of logical entropy which is the normalized counting measure on distinctions of partitions. Thus the logical notion of information is a measure of distinctions. Classical logical entropy naturally extends to the notion of quantum logical entropy which provides a more natural and informative alternative to the usual Von Neumann entropy in quantum information theory. The quantum logical entropy of a post-measurement density matrix has the simple interpretation as the probability that two independent measurements of the same state using the same observable will have di¤erent results. The main result of the paper is that the increase in quantum logical entropy due to a projective measurement of a pure state is the sum of the absolute squares of the o¤-diagonal entries ("coherences") of the pure state density matrix that are zeroed ("decohered") by the measurement, i.e., the measure of the distinctions ("decoherences") created by the measurement.
Aapp Physical Mathematical and Natural Sciences, 2008
What is the physical significance of entropy? What is the physical origin of irreversibility? Do entropy and irreversibility exist only for complex and macroscopic systems? Most physicists still accept and teach that the rationalization of these fundamental questions is given by Statistical Mechanics. Indeed, for everyday laboratory physics, the mathematical formalism of Statistical Mechanics (canonical and grand-canonical, Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions) allows a successful description of the thermodynamic equilibrium properties of matter, including entropy values. However, as already recognized by Schrödinger in 1936, Statistical Mechanics is impaired by conceptual ambiguities and logical inconsistencies, both in its explanation of the meaning of entropy and in its implications on the concept of state of a system. An alternative theory has been developed by Gyftopoulos, Hatsopoulos and the present author to eliminate these stumbling conceptual blocks while maintaining the mathematical formalism so successful in applications. To resolve both the problem of the meaning of entropy and that of the origin of irreversibility we have built entropy and irreversibility into the laws of microscopic physics. The result is a theory, that we call Quantum Thermodynamics, that has all the necessary features to combine Mechanics and Thermodynamics uniting all the successful results of both theories, eliminating the logical inconsistencies of Statistical Mechanics and the paradoxes on irreversibility, and providing an entirely new perspective on the microscopic origin of irreversibility, nonlinearity (therefore including chaotic behavior) and maximal-entropy-generation nonequilibrium dynamics. In this paper we discuss the background and formalism of Quantum Thermodynamics including its nonlinear equation of motion and the main general results. Our objective is to show in a not-too-technical manner that this theory provides indeed a complete and coherent resolution of the century-old dilemma on the meaning of entropy and the origin of irreversibility, including Onsager reciprocity relations and maximal-entropy-generation nonequilibrium dynamics, which we believe provides the microscopic foundations of heat, mass and momentum transfer theories, including all their implications such as Bejan's Constructal Theory of natural phenomena.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2000
This paper treats the Pinsker algebra of a dynamical system in a way which avoids the use of an ordering on the acting group. This enables us to prove some of the classical results about entropy and the Pinsker algebra in the general setup of measure-preserving dynamical systems, where the acting group is a discrete countable amenable group. We prove a basic disjointness theorem which asserts the relative disjointness in the sense of Furstenberg, of 000-entropy extensions from completely positive entropy (c.p.e.) extensions. This theorem is used to prove several classical results in the general setup. For example, we show that the Pinsker factor of a product system is equal to the product of the Pinsker factors of the component systems. Another application is to obtain a generalization (as well as a simpler proof) of the quasifactor theorem for 000-entropy systems of Glasner and Weiss.