Deployment Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks, Coverage and Connectivity: A Survey (original) (raw)
Review of Coverage and Connectivity Issues in Deployment Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
There are various applications of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) including industrial, environmental, military, health applications etc. Gathering information about a given condition of environment in a given zone is the main task of these networks. The sensors are being deployed manually or randomly in the area to be monitored. Sensors are very small size and having different constraints like low energy, low communication range and low storage. The deployment strategies for WSN must be able to cope with obstacles and be energy efficient in order to increase the network lifetime. The deployment process is very much important in WSNs because coverage and connectivity is totally dependent on this. Here in this paper we present a review of coverage and connectivity issues and the impact of deployment on these factors. The paper presents the analysis of deployment issues and the factors influencing the deployment of WSNs. In conclusion he paper gives current trends and open issues in this area.
Coverage Analysis of Various Wireless Sensor Network Deployment Strategies
Abstract: Recent years have seen a developing interest in deploying large number of sensor nodes that coordinate in a distributed fashion on data gathering and analysing. These nodes can be deployed over a Wireless Sensor Network in random or deterministic fashion. While the random node deployment is preferred in many applications, if possible, other deployments should be investigated since an inappropriate node deployment can increase the complexity of other problems in Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) such as excessive energy consumption. Thus, we examine three competitors of node deployment for a sensor network: a regular hexagon based, a octagon-square based and a tri-beehive based tiling. We have taken a major performance evaluation measure namely coverage analysis for all the three sensor node deployment strategies
Coverage and Deployment Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks
International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology, 2017
Efficient energy management schemes are essential in a wireless sensor network, since sensor nodes are battery powered. To subdue the energy problem, it is important to have efficient deployment and scheduling mechanisms. A heuristic to solve simple coverage problem, which schedules sensor activity so that all sensor nodes need not be active at the same time, is proposed. Results match the theoretical upper bound for all the experiments. The performance of ABC (Artificial Bee Colony) algorithm in solving deployment problem of wireless sensor networks is also investigated. Since random deployment does not always lead to effective coverage, especially if the sensors are inordinately clustered and there is an inadequate concentration of sensors in some parts of the terrain, this type of deployment at computed optimal locations proves effective. Experiments are carried out for complex cases when certain targets in the region need to be monitored with greater certainty. Preliminary resul...
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have many fields of application, including industrial, environmental, military, health and home domains. Monitoring a given zone is one of the main goals of this technology. This consists in deploying sensor nodes in order to detect any event occurring in the zone of interest considered and report this event to the sink. The monitoring task can vary depending on the application domain concerned. In the industrial domain, the fast and easy deployment of wireless sensor nodes allows a better monitoring of the area of interest in temporary worksites. This deployment must be able to cope with obstacles and be energy efficient in order to maximize the network lifetime. If the deployment is made after a disaster, it will operate in an unfriendly environment that is discovered dynamically. We present a survey that focuses on two major issues in WSNs: coverage and connectivity. We motivate our study by giving different use cases corresponding to different coverage, connectivity, latency and robustness requirements of the applications considered. We present a general and detailed analysis of deployment problems, while highlighting the impacting factors, the common assumptions and models adopted in the literature, as well as performance criteria for evaluation purposes. Different deployment algorithms for area, barrier, and points of interest are studied and classified according to their characteristics and properties. Several recapitulative tables illustrate and summarize our study. The designer in charge of setting up such a network will find some useful recommendations, as well as some pitfalls to avoid. Before concluding, we look at current trends and discuss some open issues.
Coverage Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2006
An energy efficient cover of a region using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is addressed in this paper. Sensor nodes in a WSN are characterized by limited power and computational capabilities, and are expected to function for extended periods of time with minimal human intervention. The life span of such networks depends on the efficient use of the available power for sensing and communication. In this paper, the coverage problem in a three dimensional space is rigorously analyzed and the minimum number of sensor nodes and their placement for complete coverage is determined. Also, given a random distribution of sensor nodes, the problem of selecting a minimum subset of sensor nodes for complete coverage is addressed. A computationally efficient algorithm is developed and implemented in a distributed fashion.
Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
Wireless Sensor Network is an emerging field which is accomplishing much importance because of its vast contribution in varieties of applications. Wireless Sensor Networks are used to monitor a given field of interest for changes in the environment. Coverage is one of the main active research interests in WSN.In this paper we aim to review the coverage problem In WSN and the strategies that are used in solving coverage problem in WSN.These strategies studied are used during deployment phase of the network. Besides this we also outlined some basic design considerations in coverage of WSN.We also provide a brief summary of various coverage issues and the various approaches for coverage in Sensor network.
Optimal Node Scheduling for Desired Percentage of Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Network, 2012
Recent developments in wireless communication and embedded computing technologies have led to the advent of wireless sensor network technology. Hundreds of thousands of these micro sensors can be deployed in many areas including health, environment and battlefield in order to monitor the domain with desired level of accuracy. When wireless sensors are deployed in an area, the lifetime of the network should last as long as possible according to the original amount of energy. Therefore, reducing energy consumption in WSNs is of primary concern. We have proposed a node scheduling solution that solves the coverage and connectivity problem in sensor networks in an integrated manner. In this way we will divide network life time to finite number of rounds and in each round we will generate a coverage bitmap of sensors of the domain and based on this bitmap it will decided which sensors remain active or go to sleep. We will check the connection of the sensor network by using Laplacian of adjancy graph of active nodes in each round. Also the network will be capable of producing desired percentage of coverage by using coverage bitmap. We will define the connected coverage problem as an optimization problem and we will seek a solution for the problem by using Genetic Algorithm optimization method.
A new model for deployment coverage and connectivity of Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is an emerging technology to instrument the environment and collect detailed data for a better understanding and improved models to monitor or control an observed phenomenon. Coverage of the phenomenon area with a given number of WSN nodes is an important topic in deployments, e.g., collecting scientific monitoring data on a glacier [1]. Unreliable communication over the wireless channel complicates communication protocols and results in low data yield . While finding an optimal placement for the deployment of nodes is a crucial task, it is a complex problem due to several independent objectives and constraints for sensing coverage, connectivity and cost. This paper presents novel models for the deployment of a WSN and proposes constraints and objectives to formulate the optimization problem.
Wireless Personal Communications, 2020
With the rapid growth of the internet of things (IoT), an impressive number of IoT's application based on wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been deployed in various domain. Due to its wide ranged applications, WSNs that have the capability to monitor a given sensing field, became the most used platform of IoT. Therefore, coverage becomes one of the most important challenge of WSNs. The search for better positions to assign to the sensors in order to control each point of an area of interest and the collection of data from sensors are major concerns in WSNs. This work addresses these problems by providing a hybrid approach that ensures sensors deployment on a grid for targets coverage while taking into account connectivity. The proposed sequential hybrid approach is based on three algorithms. The first places the sensors so as to all targets are covered. The second removes redundancies from the placement algorithm to reduce the number of sensors deployed. The third one, based on the genetic algorithm, aims to generate a connected graph which provide a minimal path that links deployed sensors and sink. Simulations and a comparative study were carried out to prove the relevance of the proposed method.
Node Deployment For Improving Coverage Area In Wireless Sensor Network
Wireless sensor network (WSN) [1] is a self-organized network composed of hundreds or thousands of nodes has been observed tremendous growth in the use of Wireless sensor networks (WSN) in the last decade. WSNs behave like an interface between the virtual and physical worlds. The Sensor nodes sense the changes in external environment and send the collected data to the sink nodes in the network called Base Station (BS). Node deployment is one main design issue in wireless sensor network. Node placement in WSNs is of two types manual or randomized. In manual placement, the sensors are manually allocated and data is routed across predetermined paths. Though, in random node placement, the sensor nodes are dispersed randomly, crafting an ad hoc routing infrastructure. The node deployment in wsn should be in such a way that the communication between nodes never failed. So to maintain the proper communication between these nodes an excellent routing protocol is required. This paper represe...