Learning to read and write around year 1000 (original) (raw)

Dónde aprender a leer y escribir en el año Mil

Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2010

The gap created with the disappearance of the municipal schools after the fall of the Western Roman Empire was filled by the different ecclesiastical institutions, giving birth to schools dependant on parish churches, cathedrals and monasteries. These schools, besides guaranteeing the necessary education of the clergymen, admitted often lay children not destined to join the ranks of the Church.

Reading and writing in order not to drop out of university

This text investigates the relationships between dropping out of university and difficulties in reading and writing, in accordance with the recent overview of both phenomena. After a general review of the studies on dropping out of university, in which their importance for the continued development of Colombia's professionalization is gauged, the practices of reading comprehension and producing texts are problematized specifically in the field of higher education and are then causally related to the phenomenon of dropping out of university. Finally, the current processes of literacy at university, based on recognition of its relevance in the educational mission of higher education, are discussed.

Leer y Escribir

Leer y Escribir, 1993

Escribir es un libro difícil de encasillar. Tiene mucho de autobiografía, pero también de ensayo, de relato, e incluso, de guion cinematográfico. Está formado por cinco partes: “Escribir”, “La muerte del joven aviador inglés”, “Roma”, “El número puro” y “La exposición de pintura”. ¿Qué tienen en común?: los temas y el estilo. Son todos textos cortos, donde se manifiesta la angustia y el deseo de personajes que intentan escapar de la soledad, y donde también aparecen la destrucción, el amor y la alienación social. El estilo está conformado por oraciones cortas, de fácil lectura, con párrafos generalmente breves pensados para destacar aquello que obsesiona a la autora.