Cristiano IV di Danimarca-Norvegia (r. 1588-1648): potere navale e diplomazia nell’Europa del Nord (original) (raw)
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Il saggio fa parte di un progetto di ricerca che intende estendere alle dinastie nordiche le acquisizioni storiografiche raggiunte nello studio della spettacolarità di corte europea. Anna di Oldenburg, figlia del re Federico II di Danimarca e Norvegia e sorella di Cristiano IV, ricevette fin dall’infanzia un’educazione principesca che la rese una delle candidate più appetibili nel vorticoso circolo dei matrimoni dinastici. Prima di diventare, a quattordici anni, promessa e poi sposa di Giacomo VI Stuart e quindi regina di Scozia e di Inghilterra, ebbe la possibilità di verificare il valore politico della cerimonialità in una corte raffinata di netto stampo rinascimentale. Il sostrato culturale, alimentato dalla attenta educazione ricevuta in particolare dalla madre Sofia di Meclemburgo-Güstrow e sostanziato dalla presenza a numerosi eventi spettacolar-dinastici, rese Anna perfettamente capace di creare una corte sincretica una volta salita al trono. La ricerca in cui si inserisce questo studio costituisce il primo tassello di una più ampia indagine che si propone di restituire appieno il ruolo di mecenate-regnante della sovrana, meglio conosciuta come fondatrice del masque giacomiano. The essay is part of a research project that aims to extend to the Nordic dynasties the historiographic acquisitions achieved in the study of the spectacle in the European court. Anna of Oldenburg, daughter of King Frederick II of Denmark and Norway, and sister of Christian IV, received since childhood a princely education that made her one of the most appealing candidates in the swirling circle of dynastic marriages. Before becoming, at the age of fourteen, engaged and then married to James VI Stuart, next Queen of Scotland and England, she had the chance to verify the political value of ceremonies in a refined renaissance court. The cultural substratum, feeded by the attentive education received in particular by her mother Sofia of Mecklenburg-Gustrow and supported by the presence of many spectacular-dynastic events, made Anna perfectly capable of creating a syncretic court once she rose to the throne. The research at the base of this study represents the first piece of a wider investigation that aims to highlight the queen’s role as a patron-sovereign, until now better known as the founder of the Jacobean masque.
L'articolo ripercorre l'azione politica, giuridica, teologica e pastorale di papa Innocenzo III (1198-1216) verso la Norvegia, sulla base delle fonti narrative e diplomatiche coeve. Nel periodo in esame le principali problematiche affrontate dal pontefice riguardarono il contrasto allo scomunicato re Sverrir (†1202) e i numerosi quesiti teologico-dottrinali inoltrati alla curia dagli arcivescovi di Trondheim. Questi contatti epistolari si rivelarono importanti soprattutto per l'avanzamento della riforma della chiesa, in una provincia ecclesiastica così vasta e lontana da Roma. L'azione di Innocenzo III rappresenta quindi un passaggio fondamentale nel lungo processo di integrazione della Norvegia nella cristianità occidentale. This article analyzes the political, juridical, theological and pastoral action of pope Innocent III (1198-1216) towards Norway, on the basis of the contemporary narrative and diplomatic sources. The main issues Innocent dealt with during his pontificate were the struggle with the excommunicated king Sverrir (†1202) and the many theological/doctrinal questions posed by the archbishops of Trondheim. Such epistolar relations did proved important for the advancement of the Church reform in an ecclesiastical province so vast and far from Rome. Thus, Innocent III's action was a fundamental step in Norway's long process of integration in Western Christendom.
L’impero del mare come egemonia subalterna nel IV secolo (Diodoro, libri XIV-XV)
Aevum 89, 83-91, 2015
In two passages of book XIV Diodorus emphasizes the recognized hegemony exercised by Sparta both on land and sea after the Peloponnesian War (XIV 10 and 13). We have to put these places side to side with others: XIV 84 and 97, XV 23, XV, 60, XV 78-79, from which comes out a judgment of failure of the maritime hegemony as such: it takes its full value only if it is combined with that on earth. Unlike Xenophon, who still believed in the dual hegemony and in the division of spheres of influence between Sparta and Athens, Diodorus reflects a perspective which is not Athenian and which reopens the debate on the conditions for the exercise of Panhellenic hegemony. Diodorus probably draws this topic from an historiographical tradition interested in Boeotian hegemony.
[short version in «Revista Borja. Revista de l’IIEB», 6 (2017-18), pp. 1-18]
Studi di Storia medioevale e di diplomatica, 2019
The aim of this article is to analyse the position of the vicegerent, a peripheric office which spread in the Angevin kingdom of Naples since the second half of 14th century and became established during the period of the Durazzo dynasty (1381-1435). To achieve the goal, the article starts from the exposition and study of four different letters of appointment as vicegerent, already edited in the past, in order to understand the powers and duties of this officer and to place it in the institutional system of the Angevin kingdom. The paper attempts to understand the reasons which led the vicegerents, officers invested with extraordinary powers, to become an alternative to the justiciars at the top of the provinces of Southern Italy. Moreover, the first documentary evidences of the office in the late 1350s will be reconstructed, thus providing a first chronotaxis of the vicegerents in the Durazzo period, with a short analysis of the people who held the office. The paper seeks to give a contribution to the studies which examine the ‘extraordinary’ offices in the late Middle Ages.
Notabili e negozianti nel Dipartimento del Mediterraneo all’epoca napoleonica
This chapter analyses the elites in Napoleonic Tuscany as defined by the French administration, the so-called notables. It crosses different contemporary lists and stress the caracteristics of the choices made by the French refgime in the départementof the Méditerranée, in which the merchant nature of Leghorn/Livorno differed wuite strongly from the typical profile of the Napoleonic notable. The second part ofthe paper analyses the difficulties for the recruitement of different adminisrative posts in Leghorn and the investissement of the land and urban proprety put on the market after the naionalisaztion of the Church estates (bien nationaux) in ordert o assesd how Leghorn merchants took advantage of the different opportunities opened by the new French regime