The Influence of Shoe Type and Performance Level on Joint Kinematics and Loading in Latin American Dancesport Specific Movements (original) (raw)
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Biomechanic of ballroom dance: corporate adaptations with different footwear
Journal of Physical Education
The aim of this study was to compare the joint amplitude, spine angulation and displacement of the center of mass during the execution of gafieira samba with and without high heels at different speed. In addition, the reproducibility of the movement was tested. Fifteen experienced dancers performed a sequence of gafieira samba steps under the conditions: high heels (7.5cm) and flats at two speeds according to the beat of music (72 and 96bpm). Kinematic analysis was performed on the Vicon® system with 11 cameras (100 Hz). Twenty-one reflective markers were positioned over the participants' bodies to calculate the center of mass and joint angles of the lower limbs and spine. Reproducibility was determined by the intraclass correlation coefficient and the comparison between conditions was tested by a Two-way Analysis of Variance, with the factors footwear and speed. The results indicated to a moderate to very high reproducibility in all variables analyzed. No differences were found...
Dynamic loading on flamenco dancers: A biomechanical study
Human Movement Science, 1989
The Flamenco dancer acts on the floor like a drummer. The percussive footwork during dancing generates a series of shock waves which impose unusual demands on the musculoskeletal system. This study investigated biomechanical aspects of this task and ways to reduce the amplitude of the shock waves by the in-shoe viscoelastic insoles. Using skin-mounted accelerometers, hip and knee vibrations were recorded in three female dancers. The recorded acceleration data reveal the percussive nature of the dance. Urogenital disorders, as well as back and neck pain, may be related to the shock waves generated by the Flamenco dance form. Use of the insoles seems to reduce the amplitude of dynamic loading recorded on the tibia1 tuberosity of the dancer by 9-2948 depending on the dance and performer. Evaluation of the shock waves invading the human musculoskeletal system during Flamenco dancing is suggested as a useful tool for evaluating dancers' biomechanical behavior, as well as the effect of the floors and footwear on the dynamic loading of dancers' musculoskeletal system.
Biomechanical Effects of Flamenco Footwork
Journal of Human Kinetics
Footwork is one of the basic features of flamenco dancing and is performed in traditional high-heeled shoes. The purpose of this study was to analyse the mechanical profile of flamenco dancing in terms of vertical ground reaction force, and knee joint kinematics of the supporting limb in footwork technique in order to understand causes which predispose injuries derived from the practice of flamenco dancing. The participant in our study was a professional female flamenco dancer (34 years, 58 kg, 1.65 m) who performed the ZAP 3 test, a sequence of single strikes of the feet performed continuously for 15 s. 3D lower extremity kinematic data were collected using a five-camera motion analysis system (Vicon; Oxford Metrics Ltd., Oxford, UK). Ground reaction forces were recorded using a Kistler force plate. Our analysis was based on 30 cycles of each lower limb consisting of 177 footwork steps. The vertical component of the ground reaction force did not reveal any significant differences b...
Archivos de medicina del deporte, 2023
Artículo original Resumen El baile flamenco es un arte en el que el zapateado tiene un papel muy relevante. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el efecto del rango de movimiento activo del tobillo sobre la carga externa y su eficacia como predictor durante la realización de un zapateado flamenco, en función de las posiciones del acelerómetro y el dominio técnico de los participantes. Un total de doce bailaoras de flamenco, 6 profesionales y 6 amateurs, participaron voluntariamente en este estudio y en los que no se encontraron diferencias significativas respecto a edad, peso o estatura. Los participantes realizaron un test de zapateado denominado Zap-3 durante 15 segundos a una velocidad de 160 pulsos por minuto, 180 y tan rápido como pudieron. Se colocaron acelerómetros triaxiales en el tobillo del pie dominante, en la 5ª vértebra lumbar y en la 7ª vértebra cervical para calcular la PlayerLoad acumulada y la PlayerLoad uniaxial de los 3 planos (anteroposterior, medio-lateral y vertical) en función de cada nivel de velocidad, así como sus contribuciones porcentuales. Solamente se ha encontrado relación entre la flexión dorsal del tobillo dominante y la carga externa en el eje anteroposterior, tanto en profesionales como amateurs, mientras que a nivel de la 7ª vértebra cervical sólo se ha encontrado relación entre la dorsiflexión y la carga externa en el grupo de amateurs. Respecto a la flexión plantar solo se ha encontrado relación a nivel uniaxial con el eje vertical de los bailarines profesionales. Estos programas podrían servir de ayuda a desarrollar un sistema de retroalimentación de la técnica para que el practicante de baile flamenco pueda seguir su propio modelo respecto al ideal. Esto permitiría intervenir en la prevención de las lesiones por sobreuso en los artistas de baile flamenco. Palabras clave: Rango de movimiento activo del tobillo. Carga externa. Carga de jugadores. Acelerómetro triaxial. Lesiones por sobrecarga.
Kinematic and kinetic analyses of the toes in dance movements
Journal of Sports Sciences, 2015
Due to the significant amount of time dancers spend on the forefoot, loads on the metatarsophalangeal joints are likely high, yet vary between dance movements. The purpose of this study was to compare joint motion and net joint moments at the metatarsophalangeal joints during three different dance movements ranging in demands at the foot and ankle joints. Ten healthy, female dancers (27.6 ± 3.2 years; 56.3 ± 6.9 kg; 1.6 ± 0.1 m) with an average 21.7 ± 4.9 years of dance training performed relevés (rising up onto the toes), sautés (vertical bipedal jumps), and saut de chat leaps (split jumps involving both vertical and horizontal components). Metatarsophalangeal joint kinematics and kinetics in the sagittal plane were calculated. Total excursion and peak net joint moments during rising or push-off were compared between the three dance movements. Greater extension of the metatarsophalangeal joints was seen during relevés compared to sautés or saut de chat leaps, and the largest metatarsophalangeal net joint moments were seen during saut de chat leaps. The metatarsophalangeal joints frequently and repetitively manage external loads and substantial metatarsophalangeal extension during these three dance movements, which may contribute to the high rate of foot and ankle injuries in dancers.
Biomechanical Analysis of Sports Dance
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Science, 2021
Sports ballroom dancing is a type of sports activity that makes serious demands on the development of new motor actions, the manifestation of reaction speed, the ability to concentrate and switch attention, and many more parameters. Success in sports dance competitions depends not only on natural skills but also to a greater extent on a sportsman's practical training. The analysis of the biomechanics of sports dance and the characteristics of the sportsman's dynamic data suggest assessing the feasibility, efficiency, improvement of the technique of the performed motor action, which determines the goals of the development of the motor abilities of young sportsmen at an early stage. Based on knowledge of biomechanics, it is easier for a teacher to teach his pupils. But for this, it is necessary to be able to analyze motor activity and indicate the direction of active search, form a motor task and, based on the foundations of biomechanics, the necessary fundamentals of technology. Information about the biomechanical structure of the movement is used both in the formation of the technique of motor actions of beginner dancers and in its improvement in qualified dancers. This is what determines the relevance of the study; therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify the features of movements in sports dances using their biomechanical analysis. The authors carried out a theoretical and methodological analysis of special literature on biomechanical analysis of sports dance, which allowed them to analyze the movements of two dances. The analysis made it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the performance of these dances, which means that making adjustments to special preparatory exercises with a similar amplitude of the knee joints will lead to better training of sportsmen. Also, this analysis effectively improves the skill level of performing dance steps by experienced dancers because it clearly shows all the features of the movement at a particular moment.
Literature Review Biomechanical Research in Dance: A Literature Review
English language) involving the use of electromyography (EMG), forceplates, motion analysis using photography, cinematography or videography, and/or physics analysis were included. A total of 89 papers, theses/ dissertations, and abstracts were identified and reviewed, grouped by the movement concept or specialized movements being studied: alignment (n = 8), plié (8), relevé (8), passé (3), degagé (3), développé , rond de jambe (3), grand battement (4), arm movements (1), forward stepping (3), turns (6), elevation work (28), falls (1), and dance-specific motor strategies (6). Several recurring themes emerged from these studies: that elite dancers demonstrate different and superior motor strategies than novices or nondancers; that dancers perform differently when using a barre as opposed to without a barre, both in terms of muscle activation patterns and weight shift strategies; that while skilled dancers tend to be more consistent across multiple trials of a task, considerable variability is seen among participants, even when matched for background, years of training, body type, and other variables; and that dance teachers recommend methods of achieving movement skills that are inconsistent with optimal biomechanical function, as well as inconsistent with strategies employed by elite dancers. Measurement tools and the efficacy of study methodologies are also discussed. Med Probl Perform Art 2011; 26(1):3-23. B iomechanics is "the scientific discipline that studies the mechanical principles of human movement and provides information on muscular function and its characteristics." 1(p73) Dance inquiry involving the principles and tech-niques of biomechanics dates back to the early 1960s with the work of Kneeland. 2 However, it was the pioneering researchers of the 1970s who first introduced the measurement tools and research methodology that were the forerunners of the current equipment and approaches used today.
External Load of Flamenco Zap-3 Footwork Test: Use of PlayerLoad Concept with Triaxial Accelerometry
The intense footwork required in flamenco dance may result in pain and injury. This study aimed to quantify the external load of the flamenco Zapateado-3 (Zap-3) footwork via triaxial accelerometry in the form of PlayerLoad (PL), comparing the difference in external loads at the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5), the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) and the dominant ankle (DA), and to explore whether the speed, position, axis and proficiency level of the flamenco dancer affected the external load. Twelve flamenco dancers, divided into professional and amateur groups, completed a 15-s Zap-3 footwork routine at different speeds. Triaxial accelerometry sensors were positioned at the DA, L5 and C7 and were utilized to calculate the total PlayerLoad (PLTOTAL), uniaxial PlayerLoad (PLUNI) and uniaxial contributions (PL%). For both PLTOTAL and PLUNI, this study identified significant effects of speed and position (p < 0.001), as well as the interaction between speed and position (p ≤ 0.001), and...
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2021
Purpose: The proper shape of the foot determines its proper functioning and efficiency, which is significant as far as dancers are concerned. The aim of the study was to identify the arch of feet based on the Arch Index (AI), ability to maintain balance on the basis of stabilometric parameters and the distribution of loads acting on the feet of professional folk dancers. Methods: The study group was composed of 37 folk dancers and the reference group consisted of 56 healthy adults aged 19–45. Balance measurements were performed using the Zebris FDM-S measurement platform, Romberg test with eyes open. Test results were exported to the Matlab 2019b computing environment. The algorithm developed by the Authors in relation was used to calculate Arch Index for the right and left foot, for each test participant separately. Results: Statistical tests did not reveal statistically relevant differences between stabilometric parameters and loads affecting feet in the reference group and that o...
Lower extremity kinetics in tap dance
Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science, 2010
Tap dance is a unique performing art utilizing the lower extremities as percussion instruments. In a previous study these authors reported decreased injury prevalence among tap dancers compared to other dance and sports participants. No biomechanical analyses of tap dance exist to explain this finding. The purpose of the current pilot study was to provide a preliminary overview of normative peak kinetic and kinematic data, based on the hypothesis that tap dance generates relatively low ground reaction forces and joint forces and moments. Six professional tap dancers performed four common tap dance sequences that produced data captured by the use of a force platform and a five-camera motion analysis system. The mean vertical ground reaction force for all sequences was found to be 2.06+/-0.55 BW. Mean peak sagittal, frontal, and transverse plane joint moments (hip, knee, and ankle) ranged from 0.07 to 2.62 N.m/kg. These small ground reaction forces and joint forces and moments support...