Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence: A Missed Finding in Temporal Bone Multidetector CT Scans in Symptomatic Patients Presenting with Vertigo (original) (raw)

CT imaging of superior semicircular canal dehiscence: Added value of reformatted images

Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2010

Conclusion: Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) syndrome may present with various symptoms. CT scans previously interpreted as normal may show SSCD, especially if special reconstructions tailored for superior canal evaluation are added. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate prevalence of SSCD, its length and its correlation with symptoms in patients who had previously undergone temporal bone CT examination that was reported normal and to demonstrate the importance of reformatted images in the diagnosis of SSCD. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 108 patients who had undergone temporal bone CT examination for various symptoms and were reported as normal. High-resolution temporal bone CT imaging was performed with 1 mm slice thickness in the transverse plane. Each of the superior semicircular canals was evaluated in the plane of Pöschl and Stenver reformatted images together with axial images. Results: Ninety-three patients were included in the study. Nineteen patients with semicircular canal dehiscence were detected. The mean age of the study group was 45 years. Radiologic evidence of SSCD occurred in 23 of 186 temporal bones with a radiologic prevalence of 12%. The most common symptoms in dehiscent patients were vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus. Defect lengths varied between 1 mm and 6.5 mm.

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence: positive predictive value of high-resolution CT scanning

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2008

Patients with superior dehiscence (SCD) syndrome present with vertigo and oscillopsia evoked by loud sounds and changes in middle ear or intracranial pressure. The Wrst objective of this retrospective cohort study is to demonstrate that thin-section computed tomography (CT) scans reformatted in the plane of the superior semicircular canal (SSC) overestimate this anomaly compared to pathologic studies. The second objective of this study is to re-evaluate the positive predictive value of temporal bone scanning. All temporal bone CT scans with 0.55-mm collimation and reconstruction in the SSC plane performed over a 1-year period were analysed at a tertiary referral centre. CT-positive cases had their clinical data reviewed and patients were reexamined , if available. A total of 581 temporal bone CT-scans were analysed. A dehiscent-appearing superior canal was seen in 4.0% of studies while published pathologic studies report that only 0.5% of temporal bones SSCs have a dehiscence (P < 0.001). Of the 21 patients with positive temporal bone CTs, only 1 presented with suYcient clinical dues to identify the syndrome. Three additional patients did not have symptoms consistent with the diagnosis, but had surgery for a dehiscence of the tegmen mastoideum. When our Wndings are added to published data, the positive predictive value of temporal bone CT-scanning drops from 93 to 57%. The prevalence of dehiscent-appearing superior canal on thin-section temporal bone scanning with reformation in the SSC plane is much higher than anticipated by pathologic studies. Even with 0.55 mm-collimated helical CT and reformation in the SSC plane, the risk of overdiagnosis is present.

Posterior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence: CT Prevalence and Clinical Symptoms

Objective: To estimate the prevalence of and symptoms associated with posterior semicircular canal dehiscence (PSCD) compared to superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) and nondehiscent semicircular canals (NDSC). Study Design: Retrospective review. Setting: Academic tertiary referral center. Patients: Review of 412 temporal bone CT scans and associated patient records, excluding patients with prior mastoid or skull base surgery. Intervention(s): CT images (0.625 mm thick) were reviewed in the planes of the semicircular canals. Patient demographics and symptoms were tabulated and analyzed. Main Outcome Measure(s): Prevalence of PSCD and SSCD; degree of hearing loss; presence or absence of aural fullness, autophony, tinnitus, pulsatile tinnitus, disequilibrium, vertigo, and Tullio phenomenon. Results: Review of the 412 CT scans revealed 5 cases of PSCD (1.2%) and 20 cases of SSCD (4.9%). All patients with PSCD

Semicircular canal dehiscence: comparison of T2-weighted turbo spin-echo MRI and CT

Neuroradiology, 2004

We assessed the value of MRI for delineation of dehiscence of the superior or posterior semicircular canal, as compared with CT, the current standard study for this entity. We reviewed heavily T2-weighted fast spin-echo images and high-resolution CT of the temporal bones of 185 patients independently semicircular canal dehiscence and its extent. In 30 patients (19 men, 11 women) we identified dehiscence of the bone over the superior and/or posterior semicircular canal on MRI. In 27 of these cases CT also showed circumscribed bone defects. In one patient dehiscence of the superior semicircular canal was initially overlooked on MRI, but seen on CT. MRI imaging thus had a sensitivity of 96% and specificity of 98%. Knowledge of the appearances of this entity on MRI may contribute to early diagnosis in patients with vertigo due to semicircular canal dehiscence.

Bilateral Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence without Signs of Vestibular Involvement about a Case

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) is a rare entity recently described whose typical clinical symptomatology is represented by dizziness triggered by a variation of pressure. We reported a case of SSCD which was diagnosed thanks to computed tomography (CT) scan of the petrous bone conducted systematically in front of mixed deafness with normal eardrum. The SSCD was bilateral and was revealed by mixed deafness on the left side and perception deafness on the right with a normal eardrum without the notion of vertigo. The cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) and an ultra-high resolution CT scan of the petrous bones in coronal and sagittal sections allowed the diagnosis. The SSCD should be considered in the presence of any conductive or mixed hearing loss with a normal eardrum. The CT scan in coronal and sagittal submillimetric sections allows the diagnosis.

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence: A new perspective

European journal of radiology open, 2017

To determine the use of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) in the diagnostic interpretation of superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) or thinning and its association with ear pathologies and to find whether it is an acquired condition and its association with increase in age. study was performed in a tertiary care institute present in a village, following approval of the institutional ethical committee. Retrospective review of temporal bone CT examinations performed between September 2016 and March 2017 was done. 1 mm interval axial images with sagittal and coronal reformatted images were reviewed for the presence of canal dehiscence and thinning by investigators. We characterised the Superior semicircular canal status as normal, frank dehiscence or thinning. Frank dehiscence was further classified anatomically as anterior limb, apex and posterior limb dehiscence.The patient list was then subcategorized into 5 age groups, and the prevalence of SSCD was calculated for e...

Association between superior semicircular canal dehiscence and other dehiscences in temporal bone

Folia Morphologica, 2015

Background: The study of the association between superior semicircular canal and other dehiscences in the temporal bone. Materials and methods: We have studied computed tomography of radiologically diagnosed people with superior or posterior semicircular canal dehiscences, in four health centres. In addition, we have studied one isolated human temporal bone, one skull and one cadaver head belonging to the collection of the Department of Human Anatomy and Histology of the University of Zaragoza that had dehiscence in the superior semicircular canal. Results: The most frequent association that we observed was between superior semicircular canal dehiscence and tegmen tympani dehiscence (37.33%). Three cases (two clinical cases and one isolated temporal bone) showed multiple associated dehiscences (tegmen tympani, mastoid antrum, posterior semicircular canal, internal auditory canal, glenoid cavity, tympanum bone and geniculate ganglion) associated with superior semicircular canal dehiscence Conclusions: When the superior semicircular canal dehiscence is associated to other in the petrous bone (tegmen tympani, mastoid antrum, posterior semicircular canal, internal auditory canal) could be grouped into the same syndrome called "otic capsule syndrome", since they have the same origin and common aetiology (otic capsule).

Use of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence

Journal of clinical imaging science, 2014

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence is a relatively new syndrome in the field of otology. It is of unknown etiology presenting with a variety of vestibular and auditory symptoms and radiologic findings play a crucial role in its diagnosis. Cone beam computed tomography has been shown to be a powerful tool in the field of otolaryngology. It is a three dimensional technique that uses lower radiation resulting in fewer artifacts and offers higher resolution when compared with multislice computed tomography. It is considered to be an excellent imaging modality for radiological exploration of the ear.

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence: Diagnosis and management

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2018

The authors provide an update on the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and various approaches to the treatment of superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD). SSCD is a rare condition where the bone overlying the superior semicircular canal thins or dehisces causing characteristic clinical findings. Since this was first reported in 1998 by Minor and colleagues, there has been much advancement made in terms of diagnosis and treatment. Signs and symptoms include a wide variation of both vestibular and auditory manifestations. Diagnosis made solely on clinical signs is difficult due to how varied the presentations can be and the overlap with other otologic pathologies. High-resolution CT temporal scans have been the standard in confirming superior semicircular canal dehiscence, however, MRI FIESTA scans have recently been used to image SSCD. Additionally, audiometry and vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing are useful screening tools. Currently, the middle fossa approach is the most common and standard surgical approach to repair SSCD. The transmastoid, endoscopic and transcanal or endaural approaches have also been recently utilized. Presently, there is no consensus as to the best approach, material or technique for repair of SSCD. As we learn more, newer and less invasive approaches and techniques are being used to treat SSCD. We present a comprehensive review of SSCD, including clinical symptoms and presentation, histopathology, diagnosis, treatment strategies and outcomes of intervention.