Trip Switch for Catastrophic Event Using Arduino Module is designed to protect and ensure that any fire or electrocution can be avoided from electrical faults. The device uses TMP36GT for fire sensor, MQ-135 for gas and smoke sensor, HC-SR04 for flood sensor, and SW-200D Vibration Rolling Angle Sensor for an earthquake. It features a variety of indication outputs, including LEDs with five various colors for no detection and any catastrophe, as well as a buzzer that will sound when the sensors meet the program's requirements. The device uses a servo motor to cut off the supply of the MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) using the signal sent by Arduino Uno R3. In terms of tripping the MCB as its main purpose, test results showed that the prototype could achieve an average reaction time of 0.484 seconds for the gas sensor, 0.492 seconds for the fire sensor, 0.493 seconds for the smoke sensor, 0.487 seconds for the flood water sensor with 4.7 cm to 15.24 cm distance from the sensor and 0.497 seconds for the earthquake sensor with an intensity of 4.5 and above for it to activate. The device got 90% reliability based on the result from the four experiments conducted by the researchers, such as in gas leakage detection test, which has 80%, fire, and smoke detection test, which has 90%, flood detection test, which has 90% and earthquake detection test which has 100%, giving them 90% reliability based on functionality for the trip switch for the catastrophic event using Arduino module. This signifies that the prototype is fully functional and can be used as a device to decrease the risk of electrical threat during a disaster by disconnecting the power source from appliances and power outlets inside a residential house, ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. Development of Trip Switch for Catastrophic Event Using Arduino Module 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND This chapter presents the background of the study, the objectives of the study, scope and limitation of the study, as well as the significance of the study.