Penalaran dan Aplikasinya (original) (raw)

As humans, of course, we need knowledge. With knowledge, of course, we can master aspects of life. One of the knowledge that we must be able to master reasoning. With this reasoning we can understand the knowledge we learn. Reasoning is a general concept that refers to one of the thought processes to arrive at a conclusion as a new statement. Therefore, studying and understanding reasoning will help us in gaining knowledge about definitions, effective sentences, paragraphs, and essay development. Through the process of reasoning, we can come to conclusions which may be assumptions, hypotheses, theories or other decisions.

Penalaran dan Logika

Ketika sebuah proposisi-proposisi yang dikatakan benar dan tidak benar melalui sebuah penalaran. Sesuatu yang sebelumnya tidak dianggap benar dan berubah menjadi benar. Proses perubahan tersebutlah yang disebut menalar. Penalaran melalui pendekatan-pendekatan serta metode-metode yang dilakukan melalui indra pengamatan, dan dibutuhkan suatu logika. Logika yakni dimana pada hakikatnya meninggalkan segala hal yang disebut tahayul, mitos, fabel, dewa-dewa, dan semacamnya. Disini ilmu dipacu untuk menjadi rasional dan kesanggupan akal.

Dasar-Dasar Pemberian Punishment

Al-Liqo: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

Punishment is a way of giving a warning to students at school by educators due to improper students' behavior so that their attitudes can change into correct and expected general norms. The purpose of this study was to find out the basics of giving punishment applied by educators. The method used was qualitative library research. Primary data sources were prioritized related to the punishment theories, then complemented by secondary sources related to the punishment problem. The results showed that the basics of giving punishment must be done to students who behave wrongly, don't overdo, the form of punishment has a relationship with miss-behavior, give punishment based on the wrong action committed, it must be consistent with the rules, be calm and objective, and before giving punishment, students should first be given a warning.


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