RETHINKING USWAH HASANAH: Etika Dakwah dalam Bingkai Hiperrealitas (original) (raw)
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Dakwah Dan Tantangan Etika Global
TATHWIR: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam, 2018
Da'wah that develops at this time has a tendency to doctrine, where the community is likened to a piggy bank that must continue to be filled with a set of beliefs and moral values in his life. One of the most important issues is the challenge of da'wah in the global era as the impact of the globalization process related to the religious life of the community, namely the depletion of the space of religiosity in the context of human life. On the same side, we can see that some Muslims tend to accept what comes from the West without filtering it out. Besides that, the challenge of global ethics that needs to be a very important study at this time is the dissemination of perspectives around human relations with the natural environment, family relationships, social harmony, especially those that develop in developed countries. For this reason, da'wah in the global era requires the dai to be better able to adjust to the times.
Dakwah Islamiyah Dan Proselytisme; Telaah Atas Etika Dakwah Dalam Kemajemukan
INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication), 2016
This article focuses on proselytism which convert from one’s point of view to other point of view in religion contact, that covers two things; an attempt to convert person from religion to other and convert person from one sect to other. In modern era, Islam is missionary religion that obligates its worshipers to expand its missions where it has rules, ethics, and glorioushabit in preaching the religion. The main duty as preacher, he has to comprehend well his religion teaching with various approaches; normative theological, anthropologic, sociologic, philosophic, historical, cultural, and physiologic approach so that religion understanding will be optimal, consciously do the religion teaching, thus it will awaken and return to itspure potency which is purposed to get the happiness in the world and hereafter
Dakwah Bernuansa Ketegaran Hukum Agama
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication
Komunikasi Sebagai Subyek Intergrasi-Interkoneksi The presence of this paper is motivated by the presence of a number of preachers who prioritize the value of entertainment in their da'wah rather than the values of preaching delivered to a mad'u. Many of us say that this preacher is comfortable speaking because he is able to keep the madam entertained (laughs). This article examines the missionary work of a kiai in his community, Habib Mustafa Al-Djufri, a unique kiai figure who is different from other kiai in general. There is a special attraction in all aspects of life for the Situbondo community. The findings obtained in this paper are: Da'wah social construction of Habib Mustafa in the process of externalization is a process of self-adaptation to the socio-cultural world, social construction of the objectivation process is the creation of a propaganda product by making the experience of preaching so that the creation of a new propaganda product that forces for the ap...
Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah, 2019
Da'wah must be done with science. People who have an interest in plunging into the world of da'wah are required to understand the rules and mechanisms of dakwah fully intact before further practicing it. If one is forced to do da'wah without controlling or understanding knowledge (among other things related to ethics and aesthetics of da'wah), not only the process and the result is not good, but also the consequences can be dangerous, both for the image of Islam, da'wah, and religious life in general . Because, deeper and broader understanding and understanding of religious teachings, community life, and ways of preaching (including ethics and aesthetics), the dakwah is shown more wise, wise, touching, interesting, memorable, and longing. **** Dakwah harus dilakukan dengan ilmu. Orang yang memiliki minat terjun ke dunia dakwah di wajibkan memahami aturan-aturan dan mekanisme dakwah dengan utuh secara sempurna sebelum lebih jauh mempraktikkannya. Jika seseorang me...
Dakwah: Suatu Pendekatan Kultural
HUNAFA: Jurnal Studia Islamika, 2008
Inviting people to perform the good deeds is one of the Islamic core teachings. For this reason, a da'wah should be delivered by employing a proper approach. In other words, a dâ'i should notice the social and cultural condition of the people as the target of his da'wah. Within this context, one of the approaches that can be employed in delivering a da'wah is cultural approach. Employing this kind of approach, a dâ'i will be able to promote the Islamic teaching as a social and cultural need of the Muslims. In addition, cultural approach is persuasive in nature, that is transforming the values of the Qur'an and the prophet's tradition into ideas and deeds in the form of norms.
Etika dan Estetika Dakwah (Perspektif Teologis, Filosofis dan Praktis)
Ad-da’watu bil-bashirah, demikian dikatakan Munir dan Wahyu Ilaihi (2006: 18) dalam bukunya “Manajemen Dakwah”, bahwa dakwah itu harus dilakukan dengan ilmu. Orang yang memiliki minat terjun ke dunia dakwah diwajibkan memahami aturan-aturan dan mekanisme dakwah dengan utuh serta sempurna sebelum lebih jauh mempraktikkannya. Jika seseorang memaksakan diri melakukan dakwah tanpa menguasai atau memahami ”ilmu” (antara lain berkaitan dengan etika dan estetika dakwah), bukan hanya proses dan hasilnya yang kurang baik, tetapi juga akibatnya dapat menjadi berbahaya, baik bagi citra Islam, dakwah, maupun kehidupan keagamaan pada umumnya.
Reformulasi Paradigma Dakwah dan Komunkasi di Era Pos-Pandemi Covid-19
Era pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah tatanan hidup masyarakat dunia dalam semua aspeknya sampai ke kemunculan 'Post-Western World' dan 'Post-Western Social Sciences and Global Knowledge'. Hal ini menjadi tantangan dinamis bagi dakwah untuk menawarkan formulanya. Kajian ini berusaha menawarkan reformulasi paradigma dakwah dan komunikasi pada era pos-pandemi dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan perspektif teori paradigma Kuhn dan Ritzer. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan, bahwa dakwah memerlukan redefinisi dan reformulasi paradigma sesuai dengan kondisi era pos-pandemi. Redefinisi dakwah menempatkan kebahagiaan kedalam pengalaman proses dakwah dan pengamalan ajaran agama, bukan dalam tujuan dakwah. Redefinisi ini dikukuhkan dalam formula paradigma baru, yaitu paradigma dakwah bahagia. Tampilannya mengedepankan identitas paradigmanya. Kinerja sistem aktivitasnya diarahkan untuk menawarkan pesan, bukan memaksakannya. Tampilan dan kinerja sistem dikemas kedalam pola-pola komunikasi...
Transformasi Dakwah di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Artikel, 2020
ABSTRAK Saat ini dunia dilanda krisis akibat muncunya covid-19 dan berdampak pada kehidupan sosial di masyarakat. Dakwah pada dasarnya adalah suatu kebutuhan bagi umat Islam. Dakwah merupakan salah satu cara untuk menyapaikan pesan-pesan kebaikan kepada masyarakat. Terjadi transformasi dalam kegiatan dakwah sejak masa pandemi. Perubahan tersebut yang biasanya dilakukan secara klasik atau tatap muka antara dai dan mad'u sekarang bertransformasi berubah melalui platform media sosial daring yang tersedia. Jika dikaitkan dengan perubahan era informasi yang semakin kompleks, maka banyak masalah yang harus dihadapi dan perlu penyelesain melalui pesan-pesan dakwah. Oleh karena itu, sebagai dai penting untuk mengetahui dan mengoperasikan platform media daring berbasis virtual untuk menyampaikan pesa-pesan dakwah kepada masyarakat khalayak. Materi-materi yang disampaikan berkaitan dengan situasi dan kondisi yang sedang terjadi. Kata Kunci: Transformasi. Dakwah. Pandemi Covid-19