Neutrino Oscillations (original) (raw)
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In the present paper we show, that leptons ( electron, muon, tau ), W + - Z bosons and neutrinos ( electron neutrino , muon neutrino, tau neutrino) can be replaced with electron moving at different speeds from 0.1c up to 0.999.. c . When four protons fuse to become one helium nucleus, two of which must be converted into neutrons, and each such transition depends on the penetration of the two electrons from the Universe, to the interior of the star . Penetration 1038 to 1058 of high energy electrons from the Universe to the interior of the star, transferred huge amounts of energy from the Universe into a small space of the star. This huge cosmic energy is responsible for thermonuclear fusion. Currently prevailing opinion that the star itself is the source of the nuclear fusion powering the star. In fact, without a high-energy electrons from other stars of the Universe, single star can not be able to a nuclear fusion, because without a high-energy electrons from other stars, her stellar protons cannot be transform into her neutrons. Keywords: mass, kinetic energy, electron, nuclear fusion, neutron, neutronization, neutrino. In short, when four protons fuse to become one helium nucleus, two of which must be converted into neutrons, and each such transition depends on the penetration of the two electrons from the Universe, to the interior of the star. How to easily build a power plant where nuclear fusion can take place? 1. On Earth - in the source of protons send high-energy electrons from electron accelerators at CERN,... Of course, it is necessary to eliminate or at least mitigate the wave of neutrinos, otherwise there would be a blast. This is also the biggest problem of the safe implementation of nuclear fusion. 2. On the moon: into source of protons to leave penetrate high-energy electrons from the Universe. 3. Perhaps on Earth (Antarctica) under the ozone hole to place the source of protons into which penetrate high-energy electrons from the Universe. In addition, exist several other options, which after reading this article, the reader certainly finds.
Improvement of Classical Physics
Speeds of electrons and protons in atoms are small. For example: An electron moving at a speed ve= 0,003c creates spectral line Hα. Confirmation of Doppler´s principle in hydrogen for Balmer line Hα. Accompanying activity of reaction on movement of stable particles in the transmission medium are waves. Wave - particle duality elegantly incorporates into kinetic energy in direction of movement as particle, and kinetic energy against directions of movement as wave, in relations for kinetic energy. Neutron, β electron , gamma rays – calculations. Stable electrons moving with speeds (0,99 c – c ) creates leptons (μ−, τ−), neutrinos (νe, νμ, ντ) and bosons W +, W-, Z (= β electrons). Weak interactions are caused with stable electrons, which creates leptons (μ−, τ−) = ( particles = electrons different speeds), neutrinos νe, νμ, ντ (= waves) , bosons W +, W-, Z (= particles = β electrons moving at nearly the speed of light ) and gamma rays (=waves of extremely high frequency >1019 Hz ). Stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α) moving with speeds ( 0,3 c – 0,99 c ) creates baryons and mesons. The strong interactions are caused with stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α ), which creates baryons and mesons.
Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion.
In the article we prove that: 1.Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field is asymmetrical, 2. Form of the interference field is non-linear, 3. Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values: Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave Tkin ad = mc2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)] Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle Tkin id = mc2[ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)] An electron moving at a speed ve= 0,003c creates spectral line Hα. Accurate electron speeds are given in the table in this article. Confirmation of Doppler´s principle in hydrogen for Balmer line Hα. Accompanying activity of reaction on movement of stable particles in the transmission medium are waves. Stable electrons moving with speeds (0,99 c – c ) creates leptons (μ−, τ−), neutrinos (νe, νμ, ντ) and bosons W +, W-, Z (= β electrons). Weak interactions are caused with stable electrons, which creates leptons (μ−, τ−) = ( particles = electrons different speeds), neutrinos νe, νμ, ντ (= waves) , bosons W +, W-, Z (= particles = β electrons moving at nearly the speed of light ) and gamma rays (=waves of extremely high frequency >1019 Hz ). Stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α) moving with speeds ( 0,3 c – 0,99 c ) creates baryons and mesons. The strong interactions are caused with stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α ), which creates baryons and mesons.
One blink of electron is the basis amount of kinetic energy 6.62606957x10-34 Js
In the article we prove that: 1.Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field is asymmetrical, 2. Form of the interference field is non-linear, 3. Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values: Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave Tkin ad = mc2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)] Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle Tkin id = mc2[ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)] An electron moving at a speed ve= 0,003c creates spectral line Hα. Accurate electron speeds are given in the table in this article. Confirmation of Doppler´s principle in hydrogen for Balmer line Hα. Accompanying activity of reaction on movement of stable particles in the transmission medium are waves. One blink of electron is the basis amount of kinetic energy 6.62606957x10-34 Js. Stable electrons moving with speeds (0,99 c – c ) creates leptons (μ−, τ−), neutrinos (νe, νμ, ντ) and bosons W +, W-, Z (= β electrons). Weak interactions are caused with stable electrons, which creates leptons (μ−, τ−) = ( particles = electrons different speeds), neutrinos νe, νμ, ντ (= waves) , bosons W +, W-, Z (= particles = β electrons moving at nearly the speed of light ) and gamma rays (=waves of extremely high frequency >1019 Hz ). Stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α) moving with speeds ( 0,3 c – 0,99 c ) creates baryons and mesons. The strong interactions are caused with stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α ), which creates baryons and mesons. Electromagnetic waves are emited in individual blinks (flickers) and the kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave in transmission medium (as the energy of the electromagnetic field ) of a single electron during 1 seconde is proportional to the number of circulation of electron per second (ie, frequency of circulation) Tkin ad = mc^2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)] = h*f against direct. of mot. .. Lambda (ad)= (h/mc)/ [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)] = c*T = c/f f = c/Lambda (ad)= [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)] c*mc/h = mc^2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)]/h f =Tkin ad/h Tkin ad/f = h..... 1 blink is the basic amount of kinetic energy (6.62606957 × 10-34Js = 4.135667516 × 10-15 eVs), which electron hangs in transmission medium by one revolution around nucleus.
Kinetic energy according to Einstein and according the latest knowledge
Relationship Lorentz derived from the asymmetrical form of the intensity of the moving charge. To derive it we do not need Lorentz's transformations equations, that is we do not need SPACE-TIME. We do not need local time, or covariant equations or physical simultaneity definition or invariant interval. In other words, in physics we do not need Einstein's theory of relativity. From the asymmetrical form of the intensity of the moving charge we can derive Gauss law, Faraday's law and derive the 4th Maxwell's equation, fictional by Maxwell and not to be derived.Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values: in direction of motion as own kinetic energy of charge and against direction of motion of charge represents the wave energy, which charge creates in transmision medium. Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values: Kinetic energy of charge Tkin id =mc2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ] in direction of motion of charge where v is velocity of charge. Kinetic energy of charge Tkin ad = mc2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ] against direction of motion of charge where v is velocity of charge. These are the main differences between Einstein's theory and the latest knowledge. Stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α) moving with speeds ( 0,3 c – 0,99 c ) creates baryons and mesons. Stable electrons moving with speeds ( 0,99 c – c ) creates leptons (μ−, τ−), neutrinos (νe, νμ, ντ) and bosons W +, W-, Z. Speeds of electrons and protons in atoms are smaller. For example: An electron moving at a speed ve= 0,003c creates spectral line Hα. Weak interactions are caused with stable electrons, which creates leptons, neutrinos and bosons W +, W-, Z. The strong interactions are caused with stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α ), which creates baryons and mesons. For example: Lambda hyperon 2286.46 MeV in direction of motion and pion π0 : 134.9766(6) MeV against direction of motion are in the proton at speed of proton v = 0,8022863362c Hyperon Chi c (2645)+ 2646.6MeV in direction of motion and pion π0 : 139.57018(35) MeV against direction of motion are in the proton at speed of proton v = 0,819183027c Hyperon 6,165 GeV in direction of motion and meson K- 493.7 MeV against direction of motion are in the alpha particle at speed of alpha particle v = 0,7533c Electron in direction of motion, electron neutrino against direction of motion are in the electron at speed of electron: from v= 0.1c to v= 0.9 c Muon in direction of motion, muon neutrino against direction of motion are in the electron at speed of electron : v = 0.995308032046c Tauon in direction of motion, tauon neutrino against direction of motion are in the electron at speed of electron : v = 0.99971316674c W + - boson in direction of motion and neutrino against direction of motion are in the electron at speed of electron : v = 0.99999364465781184c Z boson in direction of motion and neutrino against direction of motion are in the electron at speed of electron : v = 0.999994396590953c
Shortened great table of elementary particles
Stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α) moving with speeds ( 0,3 c – 0,99 c ) creates baryons and mesons. Stable electrons moving with speeds ( 0,99 c – c ) creates leptons (μ−, τ−), neutrinos (νe, νμ, ντ) and bosons W +, W-, Z. Speeds of electrons and protons in atoms are smaller. For example: An electron moving at a speed ve= 0,003c creates spectral line Hα. Weak interactions are caused with stable electrons, which creates leptons, neutrinos and bosons W +, W-, Z. The strong interactions are caused with stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α ), which creates baryons and mesons. Therefore creation and annihilation operators in physics are irrelevant. Higgs Boson 125300 MeV/c2 as proton velocity 0,9928305c.
Confirmation of the theory under discussion Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion in discussion group Theoretical Physics !!!! Eureka !!!! Light Captures as Both Particle and Wave Sergey V. Efremov @Sergey V., Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much .... In a Physics First, Light is Captured as Both Particle and Wave Physicists have theorized for over a century that light acts as both a particle and a wave, depending on the conditions, but they've never been able to capture it being both at once — until a team in Switzerland did just that in a recent experiment. Scientists at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne managed to take a snapshot of light in all its elusive wave-particle duality, a form first proposed by Einstein in 1905. It was no easy task: You need light in order to take pictures of things, but how do you take a picture of light itself? The EPFL team, led by Fabrizio Carbone, started by exposing a tiny metallic nanowire to a pulse of laser light. The light travels up and down this wire and interferes with itself, forming stationary "standing waves" and illustrating that portion of light's dual nature. At the same time, though, those waves are made of innumerable photons. This was shown by barraging the standing waves with electrons — some of which would speed up, and some slow down, depending on how they strike photons in the stream. The simple fact that these "quanta" of exchanged energy exist proves that there are particles there, not just a simple waveform of radiation (like a magnetic field). The result is the image above, which shows light exhibiting wavelike and particle-like properties at the same time. This research, published in the journal Nature Communications, significantly advances our understanding of how light works on the smallest detectable scales, and may be highly valuable in the field of quantum computing. It is fully in line with Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion. Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values: Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave in transmission medium (as the energy of the electromagnetic field) Tkin ad = mc2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)] Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle (as its own kinetic energy of particle ) Tkin id = mc2[ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)] Definition of particle The main characteristic of the particle : Particle as a source exists if and only if repeatedly speeds up and slows down its movement in source along ellipse (when blinks). Particle as a source, creates in the transmission medium, electromagnetic wave, that spreads in all directions with the velocity c / n, regardless of the source movement, where n is the refractive index of the transmission medium. In other words, particle, which is the source, can not become the transmission medium and remain in it. Particle that is the source, remain in the source. Definition of waves The main characteristic of the waves is the energy transfer through a transmission medium. And no transfer of the substance (= of real particles) from the source to the transmission medium. Wave exists if and only if there is not a source. Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion. VLCEK, L.: New Trends in Physics, Slovak Academic Press, Bratislava 1996, ISBN 80-85665-64-6. Presentation on European Phys. Soc. 10th Gen. Conf. – Trends in Physics ( EPS 10) Sevilla , E 9 -13 September 1996 , Particles, Waves and Trends in Physics home vixra\_vlcek\_details Cheers. Lubo Vlcek
Principles for the Theory and its Agreement with Experiment
All is building on experiments. The theory is valid if and only if it can explain everything earlier known experiments and can predict something new in physics, which will be confirmed in the future. Metrology must be paramount. All equations must be dimensionally correctly, that is, to use the correct units for each physical quantity. Correct nomenclature and correct terminology. Form of the interference field must be non-linear. Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field must be asymmetrical. Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values: Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave Tkin ad = mc2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)] Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle Tkin id = mc2[ln|1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)] Wave - particle duality as kinetic energy against and In direction of motion. Physicist must to have a healthy arrogance, do not be afraid criticize of the great physicists, if he is adamantly confident on the basis of experiments metrological and mathematically about their truth. Not afraid to speak out about errors in the theory and about their consequences. Physicist must have a flight and constantly looking partners, who can discuss with him, who can jointly develop and explore.
Einstein's theory of relativity can not explain ...
Einstein's theory of relativity can not explain ... 1. Movement principles of the fast-spinning pulsars, 2. Nuclear Fusion , 3. Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion 4. the 4th Maxwell's equation, 5. Lorentz equals without the help of Space-Time, 6.Confinement of quarks 7. Great Table of Elementary Particles 8. Spectral line Hα 9. Neutrino Oscillations 10. Form of the interference field must be non-linear. 11.Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field must be asymmetrical. 12.Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values: Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave Tkin ad = mc2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)] Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle Tkin id = mc2[ln|1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)] 13. Yukawa potential