The Models of Human Resource Development in Preparing Prisoners for Entrepreneurship in Banjarmasin (original) (raw)

The Implementation of Entrepreneurship Training to Improve Ex-Terrorist Convicts' Creative Economic Management Capabilities in Tangerang, West Java

Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 2022

This research was motivated by the deradicalization of ex-terrorist convicts. It requires understanding the development of radicalization and sociological aspects, e.g., community acceptance and rejection of ex-terrorist convicts. One of the efforts to return ex-terrorist convicts to the community is developing their potential in creative economic activities. This study aimed to evaluate entrepreneurship training for ex-terrorist convicts to improve their creative economy management skills. The research approach employed in this study is a descriptive evaluation of the implementation of entrepreneurship training for ex-terrorist convicts to develop creative economy management abilities, which is specifically designed for them. This research novelty is training ex-convicts as a form of self-development and a solution for them to be entrepreneurs; besides, they can readjust to society according to the rules and norms that apply. In this study, the data sources were ex-terrorist prisoners chosen randomly to participate in entrepreneurship training designed beforehand. According to the study results, the entrepreneurship education model is suitable for developing the entrepreneurial spirit of the creative economy and national insight as a deradicalization strategy with multiple economic, social, and cultural benefits. Ex-terrorist convicts are occupied with economic activities, accompanied by increased national awareness. Their public acceptance, on the other hand, will increase.

Developing Professional Skills of the Convict through Entrepreneurship Education

Creative Education

The aim of this study was to propose an innovative model for the development of the convict's professional skills through the teaching of Entrepreneurship. The importance of this research resides in the survey and presentation of data that show the possibility of developing the convict's professional skills, which may provide their reinsertion in the labor market. Therefore, it is an exploratory study with qualitative approach that comprises two stages: sampling and analytical, which support the development and application of the model named Professional Education Program with emphasis on the Entrepreneurial Spiral-PEP with EnSp. Thereafter, the data analysis and the development of professional skills are presented, and the results point positively to the promotion of teaching Entrepreneurship to the convict through the PEP with EnSp. Thus, it becomes evident the opportunities for learning and development of the convicts' professional skills through the teaching of Entrepreneurship, with an innovative model, in order to promote employability among individuals who need to be reinserted in the labor market.

Profile and Entrepreneurial Literacy among Former Prisoners in Malaysia

International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, 2023

This study is carried out with the objective of identifying the profile and entrepreneurship literacy among the former inmates in Malaysia. This study was conducted using a quantitative cross-sectional survey design. A total of 354 prisoners who have been released from detention but are still under the supervision of the Malaysian Prisons Department (JPM) have been selected as respondents to the study. Results shows that the majority of the respondents who took part with the study are those between the age of 31 years old until 40 years old (40.4 percent), Malays (78.8 percent), Muslim (86.4 percent) and mostly are men (93 percent) and not married (53.1 percent). Moreover, their education level are mostly at SPM level (42.7 percent) and were employed before they were imprisoned (88.1 percent). Results also shows that the income earned by most respondent before imprisonment are at the B40 level specifically at the B1 category which earned under the amount of RM2,500 a month (72.9 percent). Results on the interest of the respondent towards entrepreneurship shows that they are interested in doing business (59.6 percent) even though majority of them have never been involved in doing any business (66 percent), have any family members who are involved in entrepreneurship (62.1 percent) nor have they ever been taking any course in entrepreneurship (87 percent). Descriptive analysis of the study found that the entrepreneurship literacy among the former inmates at a high level (55.6 percent). Only 1.2 percent of them have a very low literacy level on entrepreneurship and the rest have a moderate level of entrepreneurship literacy (43.2 percent). The implication of this study would help the organization that provides assistance and hope in giving equal opportunity to former inmates to integrate into the community and begin a new life after their sentence in prison.


International Journal of Organizational Business Excellence, 2019

The study examined the entrepreneurship educations of prison inmates' in Nigeria: effects on skills acquisition for self reliance. The research design for this study is an Expost Facto design. The population of the study is put at 5629 according to records of the Nigerian Prisons Service, Akwa Ibom State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 303 respondents out of the population. From the findings of the study, it was revealed that relationship between entrepreneurship educations and skills acquisition for self-reliance among Prison Inmates in Akwa Ibom State have a proportional effect on their skills acquisitions. These will become a source of their livelihood after completing their jail terms, foster quickly integration into the labour market and the society and reduced stigmatization of getting a job or enrolling in apprenticeship. It is recommended that the management of prisons establishments in Akwa Ibom State should give more time and resources to the prisons entrepreneurship education which contribute more to inmates' entrepreneurial skills acquisition.

Life Skills and Entrepreneurship of Juvenile in Prisons

Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Psychology and Pedagogy - "Diversity in Education" (ICEPP 2019), 2020

A study to learn about early life skills of Senior High School students of Taruna Wiyata Mandiri, science major at Juvenile Correctional Penitentiary Class II Bandung. Study conducted on 5 samples, taken purposely under the consent, with characteristic: 15-22 age level, middle and lower economic class and still under coaching program. This study was preliminary study about life skills provision refer to Department of National Education indicators, such as, personal, social, academic, and vocational skills that would be discovered in further. The data collection was conducted by using questionnaire to detect personal and social skills, observation sheet used to observe development activities, and the interview to the subjects, teachers and officers to find out the responses of the activities. Vocational skills become a focus as part of life skills for subject provision to be an independent entrepreneur. The result showed that the subjects having a good basic time management, planning and job allocation in making group products. Innovation and creativity ideas by using eggs as the basic material for assessment academic. It was an expected basic skill that could bring the subject to a brighter future.


In present times, correctional centers do not only help to keep offenders off society, but also ensures a path to their reformation by improving on potentials and subsequent change into better social functioning. It is clear that training programmes in entrepreneurial skills exists in most Nigerian correctional centres as part of the rehabilitation processes. After several consultations on literature, it was evident that there are no sufficient studies on inmate's entrepreneurship training programme. Hence, the objective of this paper is to empirically Review entrepreneurial training among inmates in Nigerian Correctional Centers. To achieve the purpose of this research, secondary data such as scholarly articles, journals, text book, official documents and statistical bulletin were immensely utilized. The research philosophy was a Utilitarian approach which deems that an action is ethically correct if it produces the highest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. The study identified deficient entrepreneurial training facilities and poor funding as the major factors affecting entrepreneurial training of inmates in correctional centers in Nigeria. As such, the paper concludes by emphasizing on the need for facilities required to deliver entrepreneurship training for inmates across correctional centers in Nigeria. The paper avers that, Government, Non-Governmental Organizations and development partners should render assistance in the form of special intervention to Nigerian correctional centers through the provision of training facilities in prisons as this will make the acquisition of vocational training realizable. Furthermore, Government should provide enabling environment for private sector-led investment to partner in correctional programmes that facilitate socioeconomic development among discharged inmates in Nigeria.

Influence of Prison Education Programmes on Performance of Ex-Convict Small Scale Business Ventures in Taita Taveta County, Kenya


European Prison Education Association (EPEA) sees prison education as a moral rightthat meets a basic human need. Similarly, the advocacy of human rights claims thatpeople held in prison are citizens, and that citizens are entitled to life-long educationtoensure their full development, therefore prisoners should be offered meaningfuleducation hence education is a very important human activity. It helps any societyfashion and model individuals to function well in their environment. The purpose ofeducation is to equip the citizenry to reshape their society and eliminate inequality. Thisstudy therefore sought to examine the influence of prison education programme onperformance of ex-convict small scale business venture in Taita Taveta County, Kenya.The objective of the study was: To establish how entrepreneurial skill influencesperformance of ex-convict small scale business ventures. Data wascollected by use of asemi-structured questionnaire and an interview schedule from the target po...

The entrepreneurial aptitude of prison inmates and the potential benefit of self-employment training programs

Ilatth ' " Robert. obert J. Barba 0, onfie d Hof: tra niversit us ier pringfield Coil e oche ter n •titutc of Teclmo ogy AB CT Using newly colfe t d dara, and building upon previous research, this strld ompared a sample ofprison inmaies wilh v rious other entrepr new'ial and non-entrepreneurial groups l1iith re rard to entrepreneurial aptitude, as measured b the Miner j\1, CS~T t st. Results silo} illmates scorin higher than "nonnat!'ve" efllr preneurs, ''sla-growth II emrepr n ut and "manager-sci mist'S, II bur low r {han "high-growth ,. entrepreneurs. A/Jio. inmates score 1he same re ardless of type of crime,. Irsl-lime versus r 'Peat con lic/rorl, or enrollm III or 110t i I small busUlesslself-employment fr ining programs, The implications of these findings, including the potential I enefils 0/ posl-priwn self-emp!o :menl and '? Imilling programs for inmate,<;, ar• discussed. ROD ION A major facu of attention an polic}' in this country L day is the ve. large prison inmate 1 opulatioll> and the substantial level of recidi ism which \vorks to maiDtainthis population, GTOwing at a 7% annual rate sinc 1990 in comparison with a total population anllU ! growth ate or0.91 % I the t tal AmeJican prison population reached two million in 2000, with an w jailor prison being buill somewhere in the Unilc.d tates on the average of once a week. (wvvw.cia.g v,;,. (Minority inmates con tirute 62% [the stale and federal prisonpopula ion, yet nly 22% of the total Amencan population (' Recidi ism, th cycle in which ex-convict Tell.1m to crime and subsequent prison sent nces, further exacerbates lhe problem. R searchers have fOUIld that 70% of youn convict• return to prison wjthin six years digman. 1989 paroJeviolalions are up 9% since 1990 \Villing T 1999), and the rate ex-convictsretumin to crime may b.. .. . e 1,;11 hi gher since uch studies only measure a lua] cOlwictlons rather than crime comm.ilted (Grossnl'm t985. Within a business r search I;ontext. it i particularly mteJeslirlg 0 note U1C relationship berv,,'ecn o't-prison employment and the rate of r •cidivism. Unemployed ex-convict are three to


(Re)integration of persons who have been detached from the labor market is an ongoing tackle in all EU countries. With free movement policies of labor forces, also the problems travel cross border. One of the groups who (re)enters the labor market with restricted opportunities is released felons. The new EU member states with soviet background carry historic and cultural traits that still affect government-level policies, including imprisonment. Limitations in finding a sustainability-supporting employment might be one of the factors affecting extremely high recidivism in Eastern European region. Could becoming an entrepreneur be one of the alternatives to domestic employment and is it in reality an option for the released? In this article are discussed some of the work-related aspects of today’s convicts’ preparedness for the option of an entrepreneurial activity after release.

Need Assessment of Women's Prison Class IIB Batam Business Incubator Assistance

Business Review and Case Studies

Self-reliance development of independence at the Class IIB Batam Women's Penitentiary can be indicated to be less intensive because the flow of guidance is still unclear so the purpose of fostering independence has not been fully realized. Therefore, an appropriate mentoring model is needed to complete the objectives. One of the facilities that play a role in business assistance is a business incubator. This study aims to identify the need for Tanjak independence development and the establishment of an appropriate business incubator mentoring model for the Class IIB Batam Women's Prison. Qualitative analysis is needed to identify the need for Tanjak independence development and the establishment of a business incubator mentoring model. In addition, the analysis of VPEC-T and MoSCoW is also needed as input for the mentoring model. The results of this study were designed based on the priority needs and expectations of parties related to the development of Tanjak independence.