جدلية العلاقة بين العقل والوحي من منظور حنفي وأبو زيد (original) (raw)

ديوان " أنّات حائرة" لعزيز أباظة (دراسة في المقالات النقدية )

مجلة كلية التربية, 2022

The search revealed that the first and most remarkable first-generation Arabic poetry, which was devoted to the wife's well-being, was the sincere emotional outpouring and deep emotion of the husband present by force and based on the height, height, height and delicate feeling conveyed by the heart. Critics showed appreciation for these ten,) In the ordeal, within a diverse critical vision of the diversity of their cultures and their perceptions reflected in their calendars of the Diwan in the critical articles published in the Arab journals: the most prominent of them (culture and mission), and agreed to show the uniqueness and nobility and novelty and originality of the religion and the poet at the same time.

تشكل العقل الثقافي المركًب لدى " مولود العمري" Formation of the complex cultural mind of "Mouloud Mammeri

سياقات اللغة والدراسات البينية

This article is placed in the framework of the reconsidering of Algerian thought through one of its symbols, the linguist, novelist and anthropologist Mouloud Mammeri, Which emerged after the Second World War with the first generation of the Algerian novelists who used the colonial language, such as Mouloud Feraoun, Kateb Yacine, Mohamed Dib, and Asia Jebbar. He was engaged in the field of Ethnographic Studies, which was monopolized by the Orientalists, and he is not more than twenty-one years old. He studied the Amazigh community from inside, with multidiscipline, as history, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, lexicography, translation of poetry, and recording of the Algerian oral Amazigh tradition. Indeed, he becomes a model of a multidisciplinary thinker, an intellectual who combines science and creativity. We will examine the aspects of Mouloud Mammeri's cultural mind , through the examination his scientific opinions and novels, in order to describe the nature of the thought produced for fifty years, and his impact on Algerian culture, and his struggle for language and national values.

عبد الرحمان بن خلدون والدعوات الدينية

دفاتر مخبر المسألة التربوية في الجزائر, 2017

Abderrahmane Ibn Khaldun is one of the first to study the relationship between religion and the state in a deep sociological analysis based on the relationship between the tribe and the state in the Maghreb countries. He developed his analysis from the concept of "assabia", emphasizing his decisive relationship with the religious call ((Daawa). He demonstrated in his famous work (Muquadima) how the "assabia" as a "tribal" social bond is consolidated thanks to the religious call, given its cultural and educational dimensions; and succeeded in mitigating the conflicts between the tribes, pushing them to compete and establish the states. In addition, He emphasized when the religious call succeeds and when it does not reach its goal. He connected the concept of tribal "assabia" in a comprehensive analysis of the social and political role of religion. This document tries to push the search in this direction.

المنهج النبوی فی دعم الصحة النفسیة للأبناء

مجلة کلیة الدراسات الإسلامیة والعربیة للبنات بکفر الشیخ, 2019

The product that he produced-may God's prayers and peace be upon him-whose revenues reached the east and west of the earth, was through an integrated approach that meets the needs of the individual in all aspects, including aspects of mental health, there is no fear, no concern, no weakness, and no psychological imbalance. Education scholars and psychologists criticize each other in a number of ideal educational theories, realism, and pragmatism, and this is what I observed during my studies at the College of Education by studying a diploma in them, while we have one of the best approaches that history has known in all fields, including mental health. It is true that the researcher enters the Sunnah directly through the books of the Sunnah to produce the curriculum that the Messenger of God-may God's prayers and peace be upon him-drew for us-not to embrace it and start from their rules first, but rather proceed from the approach of prophethood first. This prophetic approach to mental health has left generations with pride in itself, in its approach, in facing society, and in leading the world, even as they are at an early age the leaders of armies such as Usama bin Zaid. To the extent that they support the mental health of children, their giving is when they grow up; since childhood, important touches have been placed in their personality.

نظرية المعرفة عند الفيلسوف محمد إقبال

Academic Journal of Research and Scientific Publishing, 2020

هذه الدراسة هي محاولة للوقوف على رؤية الفيلسوف الدكتور محمد إقبال اللاهوري فيما يتعلق بنظرية المعرفة، ومقارنتها مع رؤية فلاسفة اليونان كسقراط وأفلاطون وأرسطو، وكذلك فلاسفة الإسلام والمتكلمون والمتصوفة، وذلك من خلال الإجابة على الأسئلة التالية: كيف كانت نظرة فلاسفة اليونان لنظرية المعرفة؟ وكذلك المسلمون فلاسفة ومتكلمين ومتصوفة؟ وما هي نظرة محمد إقبال؟ وما السر في إعادة طرح محمد إقبال لنظرية المعرفة؟

مبحث القضاء والقدر عند القاضي البيضاوي

مجلة العلوم الأساسـية, 2022

The subject of decree and predestination is one of the most complex doctrinal issues, and despite the many investigations in it, ‫العدد‬ ‫الخامس‬ (279)-(298) JOBS ‫األساسـية‬ ‫العلوم‬ ‫مجلة‬