Kafaah dalam Pernikahan Endogami Pada Komunitas Arab di Kraksaan Probolinggo (original) (raw)

Standar Kafa’Ah Dalam Perkawinan Masyarakat Muslim Yordania, Maroko, Dan Pakistan Pada Era Kontemporer

Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2021

Kafa'ah merupakan salah satu pertimbangan bagi seseorang saat hendak melakukan proses perkawinan. Secara umum konsep kafa'ah mengacu pada kesetaraan terkait dengan aspek agama, nasab, kecantikan/ketampanan dan materi akan tetapi, konsep sekufu lebih ditekankan pada permasalahan agama. Dalam perkembangannya konsep kafa'ah sebagaimana di negara Maroko, Yordania, serta Pakistan telah bergeser tidak hanya sekadar terpaku pada permasalahan materi, nasab, agama atau paras semata. Akan tetapi, dalam beberapa hal masih tetap berpegang pada pendapat ulama' madzhab. Kendati bukan sebagai sebuah keharusan bagi seorang calon mempelai, konsep kafa'ah dinilai memiliki sumbangsih bagi tercapainya keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah, dan rahmah.

Analisis Maslahah Terhadap Konsep Kafa’ah dalam Tradisi Perkawinan di Kalangan Pesantren Pamekasan


One of the factors that can influence family harmony is the condition of balance between husband and wife. The phenomenon in some Islamic boarding house (pesantren) in Pamekasan show new things in the implementation of kafaah in a marriage system. Many of the kyais (the figures) mate and marry their sons and daughters with the closest people or from the same level and class. This research uses descriptive qualitative method and observation, interview, and documentation study to obtain data. The results obtained from this research are: in the process of choosing a mate to their sons, they as parents prefer and emphasize on the factors of the same nasab. The goal is for the struggle of continuing their Islamic boarding school, the creation of kinship with other kyais and so on. According to the perspective maslahah, such marriages can be justified. First, because there is a basis of the Qur’an and the hadiths affiliated with it. Second, the purpose of marriage with consideration of co...

Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Pelaksanaan Tradisi Uang Japuik Dalam Pernikahan DI Kanagarian Sikabu Kecamatan Pariaman Selatan Kota Pariaman


ABSTRAK Fadel Yelian Putra, 2021: Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Pelaksanaan Tradisi Uang Japuik di Kanagarian Sikabu, Kecamatan Pariaman Selatan, Kota Pariaman Dalam prosesi pernikahan di Desa Sikabu, Kota Pariaman, ada istilah uang japuik. Secara teori tradisi ini mengandung makna saling menghargai antara pihak perempuan dengan pihak laki-laki. Ketika laki-laki dihargai dalam bentuk uang japuik, maka sebaliknya pihak perempuan dihargai dengan uang atau emas yang dilebihkan nilainya dari uang japuik. Skripsi ini membahas tradisi uang japuik, dan pengaruhnya cukup besar dalam prosesi adat pernikahan masyarakat Sikabu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan yang didukung oleh studi kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian adalah pendekatan antropologi yaitu menggunakan teori antropologi fungsionalis yang dikembangkan oleh Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942). Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ...

Pandangan masyarakat Islam terhadap tradisi Weton sebagai perjodohan di Desa Karangagung Glagah Lamongan


Menikah adalah sunnatullah yang mesti dijalani oleh manusia. Namun terkadang jalan menuju kepelaminan tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Memilih pasangan hidup bukanlah perkara yang mudah, tetapi memilih pasangan hidup bukan pula merupakan perkara yang sulit. Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi seseorang dalam memilih pasangan hidup. Sebagai orang yang beragama Islam, Nabi Muhammad Saw menekankan umatnya untuk memilih pasangan hidup menurut empat kriteria, yaitu harta, keturunan, kecantikan dan agamanya. Namun, orang-orang zaman dahulu terutama yang hidup di daerah Jawa terbiasa menentukan pasangan hidup melalui cara yang tidak lumrah, yaitu dengan menggunakan tradisi weton. Menurut orang Jawa, weton adalah gabungan antara hari dan pasaran saat bayi dilahirkan kedunia sehingga setelah dilakukan perhitungan dapat mengetahui tentang karakter, kepribadian dan kesuksesan seseorang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Wawancara dan Dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini d...

Pergeseran Sistem Pernikahan Endogami Masyarakat Etnis Bugis


Endogamy or marriage in family clumps or known as in-marriage is one way to maintain kinship relations in Bugis society. The purpose of this research is to know the development of the endogamous marriage system adopted by Bugis ethnic society to the present. This research uses qualitative method with fenomenology approach. The subject of this research consisted of six pairs of husband and wife who had mixed ethnic marriages. The results showed that the contemporary Bugis extended the boundaries of endogamy, from within close and extended families (cousins) to Bugis from the same village, and eventually to ethnic Bugis generally. But over the times, technology and time have been able to erode the endogamous marriage system that was originally adopted by the Bugis ethnic society. There are several reasons that affect Bugis endogamous marriage system, such as the background of parents who choose to marry different cultures, gender (males who have more influence to determine the spouse)...

Analisis Konflik Perubahan Tradisi Pra-Pernikahan “Diba’an” dalam Kelompok Masyarakat Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Desa Gading

Nuansa, 2022

Gading Village, Madiun Regency has a tradition which is a relation between the beliefs of the Nahdlatul Ulama community and local culture, namely diba'an. Generally, diba'an is understood as a prayer activity accompanied by a sermon. Meanwhile, in Gading Village, the diba'an is carried out as a series of pre-wedding rituals because it is believed to be a prayer hoping for smoothness and harmony between two couples getting married. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of the diba'an tradition has changed or even been stopped and caused conflict. The purpose of this study was to analyze the conflict by using the conflict theory of Karl Marx and descriptive qualitative methods sourced from primary and secondary data. The results of the study indicate that the conflict stems from the conflict between "priyayi" religious leaders and ordinary people who are subject to social distancing policies. Starting from religious leaders who devote themselves to the interests of the hereafter so as to position themselves to protect and defend the diba'an and prevent people from returning to old habits that glorify their ancestors compared to God in expecting a smooth wedding ceremony. In contrast to ordinary people who have their own views on traditional and worldly asceticism, namely prioritizing the safety of the world. So, there are two things that are caused by this conflict, namely the number of marriages has decreased and there are people who have re-adopted the old habit of making offerings at the village punden in prewedding rituals.

Pandangan Hukum Islam Terhadap Adat Perkawinan Endogami Masyarakat Sade

Ulumuna: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2019

Adat is a culture or custom of a particular society inherent and binding to every resident. While marriage is a strong covenant bond (mitsa> qan ghali> zhan) between a man and woman to live together. Endogamy is a mixed marriage within the sphere of kinship it self, whether it be inter ethnic, clan, tribe, or kinship within the kinship. The endogamous marriage done by the traditional Sade Rembitan Central Lombok do it from amongst his immediate family in other words a cognate marriage conducted within the village and is not allowed to marry out. It is done by the Sade-Rembitan society driven by several factors namely, a deeply embedded culture among families, keeping and preserving kinship, to guard property or inheritance, and most embedded in their heads is to inherit parental counsel. There are several types of endogamy marriages performed by the Sade community in general that is, by way of tepedait (meeting), in this case the parents are meeting their children with other families who are still within the family or relatives own. The matchmaking is usually done by both parents who are concerned when the child is young. When the child is matured then the marriage is held. As an attempt to maintain a kinship system closely related to the term merariq mbait kance diriq (endogamy).

Pernikahan Rungal Persfektif Hukum Islam: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Desa Kebarongan, Kecamatan Kemrajen, Kabupaten Banyumas

Misykat al-Anwar Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Masyarakat, 2023

Rungal marriages or a marriage that step over the elder sibling has become a tradition in Kebarongan Village. The effects emerge not only for the brides but also for the elder siblings, and their families believed it may cause calamity. The people"s negative view for the rungal brides has also created another fear; therefore, "uang pelangkah" is needed to avoid this calamity. Although this tradition is no longer done by many people, people in Kebarongan Village still do this tradition. How is fiqh perspective? Previous studies on rungal marriage have not discussed this from fiqh perspective. Based on the study of fiqh, rungal marriage and "uang pelangkah" belongs to 'urf. The type of 'urf is based on the scope, material and the perspective of the rungal marriage practitioners, whether it is good or bad. In terms of the scope of its use, the rungal tradition and the step money are included in the 'urf khas category. In terms of material, including 'urf fi'li. And in terms of good and bad, it can include 'urf fasid or 'urf shahih depending on the goals and views of the perpetrator in giving step money in marriage.

Kafa'ah dalam pernikahan

Nikah merupakan salah satu asas pokok hidup yang paling utama dalam pergaulan atau masyarakat yang sempurna. Oleh karena itu, Agama memerintahkan kepada umatnya untuk melangsungkan pernikahan bagi yang sudah mampu sehingga akan terpelihara dari kebinasaan hawa nafsu. Namun, seringkali kita mendengar istilah “Sekufu” di dalam sebuah proses pernikahan. Seseorang yang marah-marah tidak jelas ketika pihak perempuan menolak calon suaminya karena alasan tidak sekufu. Entah tidak sekufu dalam hal agama, tidak sekufu nasab (keturunan), atau tidak sekufu dalam hal harta. Sebagai sebuah agama yang mulia, dengan segala kesempurnaannya, Islam telah mengatur dan menjabarkan tentang hal ini. B. Rumusan Masalah 1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kafa’ah ? 2. Bagaimanakah hukum kafa’ah dalam pernikahan? 3. Hal-hal apa sajakah yang dianggap menjadi ukuran Kafa’ah?

Selamatkan Perkawinanmu, Selamatkan Bahasamu: Catatan mengenai Dampak Positif Perkawinan Endogami terhadap Bahasa Masyarakat Keturunan Arab di Pasarkliwon Surakarta

Language Maintenance and Shift V, 2015

This paper is a study of Arab descent in Indonesia which their identity is represented through kinship and marriage. What is interesting is that in the case of marriage, they adopted the endogamy marriage system’s –where marriage is only performed in the same descent, more precisely Arab descent. The consequences of this marriage can be briefly observed in Arabic as the language choice (where Arabis as minority language) in a sermon ritual of marriage, ijāb-qabūl agreement, until the naming of their children. In fact, as a result of the endogamy marriage makes the Arabic is still spoken among the Arab descent in Indonesia hitherto. This illustration may be able to provide a appropriate prototype in language maintenance efforts through marriage.