On a queue with correlated arrivals (original) (raw)
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Performance Analysis of A Single Server Queue Operating in A Random Environment -A Novel Approach
Mathematics and Statistics, 2023
In this paper, we consider a single server queueing system operating in a random environment subject to disaster, repair and customer impatience. The random environment resides in any one of N + 1 phases 0, 1, 2, • • • , N + 1. The queueing system resides in phase k, k = 1, 2, • • • , N for a random interval of time and the sojourn period ends at the occurrence of a disaster. The sojourn period is exponentially distributed with mean 1/η k. At the end of the sojourn period, all customers in the system are washed out, the server goes for repair/set up and the system moves to phase 0. During the repair time, customers join the system, become impatient and leave the system. The impatience time is exponentially distributed with mean 1 ξ. Immediately after the repair, the server is ready for offering service in phase i with probability q k , k = 1, 2, • • • , N. In the k−level of the environment, customers arrive according to a Poisson process with rate λ k and the service time is exponential with mean 1/µ k. Explicit expressions for time-dependent state probabilities are found and the corresponding steady-state probabilities are deduced. Some new performance measures are also obtained. Choosing arbitrary values of the parameters subject to the stability condition, the behaviour of the system is examined. For the chosen values of the parameters, the performance measures indicated that the system did not exhibit much deviation by the presence of several phases of the environment.
Some practical considerations on multi-server queues with multiple poisson arrivals
Omega, 1978
A simple approximate formula is presented and evaluated in this paper for the steady-state average number of customers in the M(~)/G/r queueing system. The derivation of the formula is based on a heuristic argument. Comparisons between approximate results and the ones obtained analytically or by extensive simulation experiments seem to suggest that the degree of approximation achieved is satisfactory for most practical purposes.
Computing the Performance Measures in Queueing Models via the Method of Order Statistics
Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2011
This paper focuses on new measures of performance in single-server Markovian queueing system. These measures depend on the moments of order statistics. The expected value and the variance of the maximum minimum number of customers in the system as well as the expected value and the variance of the minimum maximum waiting time are presented. Application to an M/M/1 model is given to illustrate the idea and the applicability of the proposed measures.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2007
In an attempt to examine the effect of dependencies in the arrival process on the steady state queue length process in single server queueing models with exponential service time distribution, four different models for the arrival process, each with marginally distributed exponential interarrivals to the queueing system, are considered. Two of these models are based upon the upper and lower bounding joint distribution functions given by the Fréchet bounds for bivariate distributions with specified marginals, the third is based on Downton's bivariate exponential distribution and fourthly the usual M/M/1 model. The aim of the paper is to compare conditions for stability and explore the queueing behaviour of the different models. 2 J.J. Hunter
RAIRO - Operations Research, 2015
This paper analysis a discrete time infinite capacity queueing system with correlated arrival and negative customers served by two state Markovian server. Positive customers are generated according to the first order Markovian arrival process with geometrically distributed lengths of On periods and Off periods. Further, the geometrically distributed arrival of negative customer removes the positive customers is any, and has no effect when the system is empty. The server state is a two state Markov chain which alternate between Good and Bad states with geometrically distributed service times. Closed-form expressions for mean queue length, unfinished work and sojourn time distributions are obtained. Numerical illustrations are also presented.
Measures of Performance in the M/M/1/N Queue via the Methods of Order Statistics
Life Science Journal
This paper computes new measures of performance in Markovian queueing model with single-server and finite system capacity. The expected value and the variance of the minimum (maximum) number of customers in the system (queue) as well as the r th moments of the minimum (maximum) waiting time in the queue are derived. The computations of the proposed measures are depending on the methods of order statistics. The regular performance measures of the M/M/1/N model are considered as special cases of our results. [Yousry H. Abdelkader and A. I. Shawky Measures of Performance in the M/M/1/N Queue via the Methods of Order Statistics] Life Science Journal. 2012; 9(1):945-953] (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 138
We investigate the behavior of a discrete-time multi- server buer system with innite buer size. Packets arrive at the system according to a two-state corre- lated arrival process. The service times of the pack- ets are assumed to be constant, equal to multiple slots. The behavior of the system is analyzed by means of an analytical technique based on proba- bility generating functions (pgf's). Explicit expres- sions are obtained for the pgf's of the system contents and the packet delay. From these, the moments and the tail distributions of the system contents and the packet delay can be calculated. Numerical examples are given to show the inuence of various model pa- rameters on the system behavior.
An Invariance Relation and a Unified Method to Derive Stationary Queue-Length Distributions
Operations Research, 2004
For a broad class of discrete-and continuous-time queueing systems, we show that the stationary number of customers in system (queue plus servers) is the sum of two independent random variables, one of which is the stationary number of customers in queue and the other is the number of customers that arrive during the time a customer spends in service. We call this relation an invariance relation in the sense that it does not change for a variety of single-sever queues (with batch arrivals and batch services) and some of multi-server queues (with batch arrivals and deterministic service times) that satisfy a certain set of assumptions. Making use of this relation, we also present a simple method of deriving the stationary distributions of the numbers in queue and in system as well as some of their properties. This is illustrated by several examples, which show that new simple derivations of old results as well as new results can be obtained in a unified manner. Furthermore, we show that the invariance relation and the method we are presenting are easily generalized to analyze queues with BMAP (Batch Markovian Arrival Process) arrivals. Most of the results are presented under the discrete-time setting. The corresponding continuous-time results, however, are covered as well because deriving the results for continuous-time queues runs exactly parallel to that for their discrete-time counterparts.
Performance Measures for Service Systems With a Random Arrival Rate
Proceedings of the 37th …, 2005
It is commonly assumed that the arrival process of customers to a service system is a nonhomogeneous Poisson process. Call center data often refute this assumption, and several authors have postulated a doubly-stochastic Poisson process for arrivals instead. We develop approximations for both the long-run fraction of calls answered quickly, and the distribution of the fraction of calls answered quickly within a short period. We also perform a computational study to evaluate the approximations and improve our understanding of such systems.