Single-Correct Answer (SCA) and Multiple- Correct Answer (MCA) in Multiple-Choice Computer Assisted Language Testing (CALT) Program (original) (raw)

Mulyono, H & Suryoputro, G. (2013). Single correct answer and multiple correct answer in CALT multiple choice program. Paper presented at The 21st International Conference on Computer in Education, Bali, Indonesia. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3403.8081

This paper describes the use of single-correct answer (SCA) and multiple-correct answer (MCA) in assessing secondary school students’ grammar proficiency in Indonesia. There were 154 students from year 11aged 15 year old that participated in the study. From the total 154 students; 98 students participated in the SCA test session, 103 students complete the MCA test, and 84 students filled in the survey. In addition, 52 students were recorded to attend the three sessions from the study: SCA, MCA and survey. Result of the study has shown that the design of SCA and MCA in multiple-choice the computer assisted language testing (CALT) program corresponds the main principle of language testing similar to the paper-based testing format. Although the design of both SCA and MCA tests fulfilled the requirement of CALL environment such as interactivity, flexibility, content appropriateness as well as performance; as the nature of test the application of SCA and MCA test in delivering the grammar test was believed to suggest stressful environment. The authenticity setting of both SCA and MCA test which was proposed to promote the originality of students’ work was identified to drive uncomfortable testing situation. Within comparison between the SCA and MCA tests, result of the study has shown that students preferred to SCA test than the MCA test. The SCA test was believed to serve practicality for the students to complete the grammar task for the sake of number of correct answer available. Although students were challenged to complete the grammar test carried within the MCA test format, students preferred not to have such testing as it created more uncomfortable testing environment for them.

Validity Test and Reliability of Indonesian Language Multiple Choice Examination of Even Semester


The problem of education system that often accured is ineffective evaluation. The evaluation can be done with tests and non tes. The test can be multiple choice test and description test. The purpose of this reseacrh is to examine the validity and reliability of the multiple choice of Even semester on the subjects of Bahasa Indonesia class VIIA SMP N 2 Surakarta academic year 2015/2016. The method used, namely quantitative research is applied from the primary data in the form of documents from SMP N 2 Surakarta. Respondents include 26 students. The result of the discussion shows that based on the calculation of significance of 5% with the correlation table of 0.388, the validity of the multiple choice items of the final results of even semester of Indonesian subjects from 45 items, 7 items are "valid" and 38 items are "invalid" . The reason why 7 questions is valid because it is in accordance with the standards of competence and basic competencies. In addition is...

Computer-Based Test and Paper-Based Test as English Language Assessment in Indonesian Junior High Schools 2017


This paper explains and critiques the implementation of CBT (Computer-Based Test) and PBT (Paper-Based Test) as English language assessment in Indonesian Junior High Schools. The policy analysis was done by scrutinising two regulations of Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan (Indonesian Bureau of Standardised Education): BSNP: 0075/SDAR/BSNP/XII/2016 about the contents of National Examination, and BSNP: 0043/P/BSNP/2017 about the national examination procedures. The comparison to the validity and reliability of English language assessment was also done based on the implementation in 2017. There are some findings: 1) The regulation reduced the highstakes of national examination; 2) 4,2 million examinees did two different administration procedures in the examination: 11,096 schools (1,349,744 students) used CBT, while 2,855,633 students in 45,092 schools used PBT ; 3) Sixty percent of 11,096 schools could do CBT independently whereas the others should take test on other schools, 4) The content and construct validity of the English testing was challenged by the fact that the listening and speaking skills were not assessed in both CBT and PBT, the use of multiple choice could not accommodate students' higherorder thinking, and the educational gaps among Indonesian regions; 5) The reliability of this assessment was also reduced due to the different forms of administration, technological barriers, and test schedules causing different psychological impact on the test takers; 6) Although there were limitations of these policies implementation, the Indonesian government was optimistic to increase the quality and quantity of CBT use in the national examination to improve the accountability of Indonesian education.

Does the Type of Multiple-choice Item Make a Difference? The Case of Testing Grammar

With the widespread use of multiple-choice (MC) tests, even if they were disapproved by many practitioners, investigating the performance of such tests and their consequent features is desirable. The focus of this study was on a modified version of multiple-choice test, known as multitrak. The study compared the multitrak test scores of about 60 students against those of the standard MC and constructed-response (CR) tests. The tests employed in the study evaluated English language grammar while they all had identical worded stems. The results showed that multitrak items are at a higher level of difficulty in comparison to the other formats. The results suggest that these items can be used to test more advanced aspects of grammatical competence as the test taker requires going beyond mere syntactic knowledge to be competent in the range of alternatives being used in communication to find the unacceptable choice. Therefore, multitrak test is better geared for higher levels of proficiency and could provide better information about test takers who are more proficient. At the end, implications of the study for test constructors and test users, as well as implications for future research, are discussed.

A Validation Study on National English Examination of Junior High School in Indonesia

Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 2014

The research purpose is to provide feedback about the test quality from a local context that leads to the improvement of National English Examination in Indonesia. Simple random sampling is applied to obtain 1 packet of test items out of 42 packets. Next, the sample of participants as the examinees, 3 junior high schools, is obtained through stratified purposive sampling based on the school accreditation ranks. Lastly, for the sample as the content validity analysts, 3 English subject teachers are purposively selected based on the set criteria. The findings show that the test has fulfilled the criteria of having content validity. However, the test score reliability coefficient calculated with KR-21 is .65 which is categorised unreliable. The test developers need to consider revising items with very low or very high item difficulty and very low item discrimination. Finally, a further action needs to be taken to revise the implausible distractors.

The Quality of Teacher-Made Multiple-Choice Test Used as Summative Assessment for English Subject

PRASI, 2020

This study analyzed the quality of multiple-choice test used as middle test made by the English teachers in one school in Singaraja. This study was essential to be conducted since the items of the multiple-choice test must have good quality to be used to assess the students’ achievement levels. This study used content analysis method in analyzing100 items from 3 different instruments. In collecting the data, the checklist analysis form was used to compare the items of teacher-made multiple-choice test with the norms as one of the standards in making a good multiple-choice test, then clarified through interview. From the data that have been obtained, there are 72% of students who got bad scores in the middle test. There is 1% of the items has sufficient quality, 8% of items have good quality, and the rest of the items have very good quality. The most common mistake found is in the punctuation and capitalization. It is supported by the results of the interview, which show that the tea...

Advantages and Constraints in the Implementation of Computer-based Summative English Tests (CBEST) in Indonesian Vocational High Schools

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Language, Literature, Education, and Culture (ICOLLITE 2018)

This past ten years, some educational institutions in Indonesia have started to conduct language assessment through computers. In 2017, this computer-based test has been implemented in 9,829 vocational schools in Indonesia. While in 2015 and 2016 there were only 379 and 2,100 vocational schools have implemented this test mode. This paper deals with the implementation of Computer-Based English Summative Tests (CBEST) in one vocational school in Bandung, Indonesia. The paper also focuses on the advantages and constrains found during the implementation of CBEST. The data were collected through observation during the implementation of CBEST and interview with teacher and headmaster. The result of this study reveals that the implementation of CBEST has its own benefits and limitations in relation to aspect of economy, implementation and test administration and test design.


Junior High School National English Examination in Indonesia is perceived to embed quality biases in its structure. For that reason, evidence is gathered in a validation analysis. This research concentrates on the content validity, the reliability, the item difficulty, the item discrimination, and the effectiveness of each distractor of Junior High School National English Examination in the academic year 2012/2013. The research purpose is to provide feedback about the test quality from a local context that leads to the improvement of National English Examination and English teaching and learning in Indonesia.

The Quality of English Language Testing Implemented in Kbri School, Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching), 2016

This study is aimed to know how the quality of second grade senior high school Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia English language testing like in term of content validity, index of difficulty, index of discrimination, and the effectiveness of distracters. The design used in this study is a qualitative research. Qualitative in this research is descriptive research. Then, use quantitative descriptive research to calculate and compute the data to prove the qualitative data and conclude the result of this research. The object of this research is second grade of senior high school of Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and only focus in multiple choice test items. The sample of this research is second grade of Science class and second grade of Social class which conclude all students in the class. The result of this study reported that the English language testing has good content validity. It also reported that the index of difficulty of the English language testing are accept...