Human Ecology. An Outline of the Concept and the Relationship between Man and Nature


The concept of human ecology comprises a full and integral, scientific view of the human person and their natural environment. It is a theory which protects the person from various reductionisms. On the other hand, however, it allows perceiving the dangers which result from these incomplete views. We clearly name these threats and point out how to prevent or, in case they exist, counteract them. The theory also allows noticing the natural dependencies which link people to their environment. Besides noticing these, it also points to the way to care for and develop these natural ties. The essential thesis of this concept is to value society as an important element of the natural human environment. This comprises a unique novum in the description of this environment.

Ecosophy and the relationship between man and nature in contemporaneity


Among its functions, Philosophy allows us to understand reality and, in view of today's environmental issues, Ecosophy consists of the study of the relationship between nature and human beings, proposing discussions between the environment, man and social relations in modern times. This work aims to reflect on the relationship of man with the environment through the principles of Ecosophy. The Ecosophy proposed by Guattari (2009) addresses our understanding, as part of the environment in which we live, and how we learn and act on the environmental issue, based on the three ecologies: that of the environment, that of social relations and that of human (mental) subjectivity. Thus, it is possible to understand that Ecosophy is more than a reflection on ecology, nature and man-nature relationship, it is a search forconcrete actions, taking into account man's interaction with the environment. In this way, Ecosophy stimulates a broad environmental awareness, making it possible to extract from the field of learning and knowledge the potential to become capable of understanding what our planet needs and reviewing our actions.



In this paper, the author deals with environmental risks from the sociological aspect, which, along with political and economic risks, represent the greatest danger of modern society. Modern society embodied in neoliberalism represents its paradigm, carries with it certain risks, which seem to be hard to deal with it. Many experts and movements whose activities are closely related to environmental protection warn of possible consequences if something is not done about this issue. On the other hand, multinational corporations, advocates of neoliberalism, are not overly troubled by the fact that the environment is in danger as they actively continue to annihilate nature. It is clear there is a profit behind everything. However, the human factor also bears a great responsibility because its (un)conscious action significantly contributes to the ecocide. By destroying natural resources for profit and our irresponsibility, we are endangering the planet Earth and the survival of the human race. Man is a being who must live with nature and not against it.

A Philosophical Reflection on the Debate Concerning the State and the Future of the Natural Environment

This essay examines the crises of opinion regarding the nature and character of environmental problems in the world today. The essay examines two philosophical positions in the debate on environmental degradation-the position of persons commonly referred to as ecological pessimists and that of persons commonly regarded as ecological optimists, thereafter, the study proceeds to adopt the position of ecological optimists, who trust in human and technological ingenuity in resolving any environmental problem. Next, study attempts a philosophical gaze at the debate arguing in consequence that due to the glaring, deplorable state of the environment, it is wiser

Uvod do environmentalni politicke filosofie [Introduction to Environmental Political Philosophy]


The book is an attempt to identify the main principles of a new political philosophy corresponding to the parameters of the Anthropocene, i.e. the geological-climatic epoch of the planetary system in which the negative influence of man on planetary cycles and evolutionary processes exceeds the influence of geological forces. Humanity has become the dominant force affecting all components of the planetary ecosystem (biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere) and its activities bring with them problems that affect the social and political spheres. An Introduction to Environmental Political Philosophy illustrates these problems, examines their causes and phenomena, and seeks to understand them in detail. The book does not formulate cheap populist solutions or serve as a political agenda. Rather, it presents philosophical analyses of ecologically, sociologically, politically, and economically contingent phenomena in order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the socio-political situation of the Anthropocene.

THE HUMAN WORLD (Atena Editora)

THE HUMAN WORLD (Atena Editora), 2023

The article reflects on the idea of humanizing the world and naturalizing the human. We reflected on the elaboration of proposals for the construction of an environmental Ethos that allows taking care of the Earth. Starting from the anthropological theory about how indigenous natives of Brazil understand the relationship between human beings and the world through the culture-nature duality. The philosophical incursion is based on the notion of caring for the environment and on the possible paths for this care based on the referrals and responses of Environmental Psychology as an area of Psychology that is dedicated to the study of the Person-Environment relationship.

A Philosophical and Historical Enquiry into the Nature of Environmental Problems

Environmental problems constitute challenges to ecological prosperity. This study analyses such problems and their implication for environmental ethics. The study argues that most of the resources of nature are not readily available for human ends. For this reason, people exploit and modify the environment to ensure congenial living. This utilitarian intervention, inevitably, leads to some inseparable negative consequences, which now put the environment and its inhabitants in danger of survival and harmonious living contrary to their original aim and intention. The study stipulates that environmental problems are not new, except the intensity and the amount of attentions they now attract. It embarks on a wide-range analysis of some of these problems, assuage these problems, prevent reoccurrence, and ensure environmental sustainability, human survival and harmonious living.

Pojem krízy v environmentálnom myslení [The Concept of Crisis in Environmental Thinking]

Pojem krízy v environmentálnom myslení. ISBN 978-80-8200-038-5, 2019

Environmental thinking originated during the 20 th century and achieved massive expansion especially in the second half of the century. It developed within the reflection of phenomena in six-ties of the last century and began to be referred to as ecological, later on environmental crisis. Environmental degradation fixed the attention of humanities and social sciences on the issue that was not a centre of their interest for a long time-until then not reflected environmental conditions and aspects of human culture, civilization, moral, law, also political, economic and social organization of society. State of environment that enables the beginning and surviving of civilization as such, as it seems, can not be taken for granted and quite easily vulnerable even by men-strength. Environmental degradation was and still is mostly unwanted side effect of human activities that are primarly focused on preserving life and improving its quality-at least for a part of human population. The concept of crisis is used in connection with environmental devastation approximately since sixties of 20 th century by authors that look at this phenomenon from various, by that time very rare perspectives-philosophical, ethical, historical, theological, cultu-rological, also economic, political, sociological or legal. Processes happening in environment and its quality and composition therefore stopped to be strictly the domain of natural sciences. At the same time, many scientists begun their research in area of environment and reflected their results also from philosophical, ethical , economic or political aspects.