Speciella yrken? : Specialpedagogers och speciallärares arbete och utbildning (original) (raw)

Frivilliga organisationer, socialt arbete och expertis

Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 2016

I denna artikel diskuterar vi expertisbildning och professionalisering i frivilliga organisationer på det sociala området. Det finns två infallsvinklar i texten: dels vill vi se den allt större tonvikten på expertis och professionalitet som en följd av professionaliseringsdiskussionen i socialt arbete, dels undersöker vi hur denna utveckling förhåller sig till organisationernas demokratiska karaktär.

Lärares professionella autonomi under New Public Managementepoken

Utbildning & Demokrati – tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitk

Teachers' Professional Autonomy During the New Public Management Epoch. The last few decades of intensive school reform has affected and continue to affect teachers' work and the construction of the teaching profession. This article examines how upper secondary school teachers perceive and respond to the consequences for their professional autonomy of recent school reforms and restructurings. Based on empirical material from interviews of 119 teachers in three studies conducted between 2002 and 2014, the findings indicate that teacher autonomy has been reduced by school reforms and restructurings since the late 1980s. Most of these policies are neo-liberal policies or New Public Management technologies. The findings testify to the ongoing emphasis on the significance of market logics as well as on how these work together with bureaucratic logics to shift occupational professionalism to organizational professionalism and licensed autonomy to regulated autonomy.

Vems ansvar? En studie av sfi-utbildningens organisation och invandrarlärarnas kvalifikationer, 1960–1998

Nordic Journal of Educational History

Whose responsibility? The organization of teaching in Swedish for Immigrants and the qualifications of teachers, 1960–1998. The importance of people with a foreign background learning Swedish and establishing themselves at the labour market, in order to become part of the society, has for a long time been a political goal. Education in Swedish for immigrants and labor market measures have in this context been seen as important components. Nevertheless, the following article shows that the organization and management of education in Swedish for Immigrants and the competence requirements for teachers working in the field, have been an unregulated history with many temporary solutions and without any consensus from the actors involved. The purpose is to investigate why and how it comes about that the responsibility for the educational has varied over time.

Yrkesutbildning eller yrkesbildning: vad lär vi oss egentligen? En introduktion till empirisk yrkesbildningsdidaktik [Vocational Bildung or Vocational training: what do we really learn? An introduction to empirical vocational Bildung didactics]

Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 2016

The Bildung contents and processes of vocational education and training is the focus of this article. This is something that has, for the most part, been treated on a philosophical level previously and where the intent here is to discuss how empirical research into vocational Bildung didactics can be conducted and what kinds of knowledge it can contribute. In the Bildung-philosophical discussion vocational education has historically often been contrasted with general Bildung and part of an empirical inquiry into vocational Bildung didactics is to surface the actual experiences of Bildung that vocational education and training can afford. The inquiry is based on an extensive explorative study of craft master Wolfgang B. and his vocational education biography. A part of this biographical study is presented in the article where the conversation centres on a vocational task he remembers and the various vocational Bildung affordances that can be found in his account. This leads to a more nuanced understanding of the concept of vocational Bildung and to a concluding discussion of the various ways in which this kind of empirical studies in vocational Bildung didactics can contribute to both research and practice.