Perspectivas de internacionalização e cenários políticos de professores de idiomas no contexto de uma Universidade Federal brasileira (original) (raw)
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A internacionalização do currículo na perspectiva de professores de línguas no Brasil
Revista Educação em Questão
A internacionalização do currículo busca incorporar uma dimensão intercultural e global nas atividades de ensino, a fim de contribuir para a formação de cidadãos e profissionais engajados na diversidade cultural e linguística do mundo globalizado. Neste artigo, discutimos a internacionalização do currículo, destacando as reflexões dos professores de línguas como agentes da internacionalização da educação. Em seguida, analisamos os dados qualitativos gerados mediante um questionário estruturado, aplicado aos professores brasileiros de línguas que são membros do Grupo de Estudos Críticos e Avançados em Linguagens (GECAL-UnB), com o objetivo de compreender suas concepções sobre a internacionalização do currículo. A análise dos dados, à luz da Linguística Aplicada Crítica, indicou que a internacionalização das instituições educacionais brasileiras pode ser viabilizada pela internacionalização do currículo, exigindo discussões sobre interculturalidade, multilinguismo e plurilinguismo. As...
Formação de professores de línguas em contexto de internacionalização
Revista NUPEM, 2020
Investigating how teacher education in commodified contexts occurs is essential for us to undertake practices that operate in the education of non-alienated individuals. Therefore, in this paper we seek to understand which aspects of teacher education, in internationalization contexts, are approached in the abstracts of papers presented in two conferences in the area of applied linguistics, one of which being international and, the other, Latin American. Thus, we aim to collaborate with the research panorama which regards teacher training in internationalization contexts. Our analysis was based on the lexical-semantic analysis of these abstracts in order to understand the meanings given to teacher education in the context of the Languages without Borders (LwB) program. The results point out that the majority of papers that mention pre-service teaching is aligned with themes already approached in teacher education, and also highlight still not explored issues within this area.
The interest in the internationalization of Brazilian universities has grown exponentially in recent years with some Federal Government initiatives such as the Science without Borders (SwB) Program. Launched in 2011, its objective was to promote the consolidation, expansion and internationalization of science and technology, innovation and competitiveness through exchange and international mobility (SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS, 2011). The work presented here was proposed in 2017 as a Practical Curriculum Component (PCC) project by the article’s professor-authors and included, among other students, the student-author’s participation. The aim of the research was to study the internationalization process of Higher Education Institutions (IES), more specifically the Federal University of Goiás (FUG), and the role of foreign languages (LEs). The students of the PCC participated in the theoretical-practical activities, aiming at broadening their knowledge on the subject as well as getting to know the internationalization experiences of undergraduate students and exchange students of the university community. The results, compiled from quantitative and qualitative analyses of the collected data, highlight the foreign exchange students’ positive and negative perspectives regarding their exchange program at the FUG and served to show that there are several internationalization actions already implemented in the institution, but there is still room for the promotion of others which are still in progress.
ABSTRACT This work investigates the phonological awareness of professors of English as L2 and discusses the importance of a systematic approach of phonetic and phonological aspects in Brazilian classrooms so that there is a satisfactory teaching of English, especially in the sphere of speech, which is the largest obstacle for those who study it. In order to carry out our discussions, we assumed that the need for proper pronunciation of English teachers has been little emphasized in teaching training centers, especially in English programs, and we bring the theoretical basis of some of the biggest names among those who dedicated to research the sounds of language and speech. As a research question, we outlined the diphthongs on the segmental level of pronunciation in order to show that the intelligibility and communication of a language articulate the control, of not only grammar and lexicon, but phonetics, also. The method used is the inductive, and the application consisted on collecting, via audio recording, the speech of five English professors and teachers of English as L2 at universities and language schools. At the last stage of the work, we propose a simple exercise that envisions to enhance the issues discussed, which concern the training and teaching of English phonetics. After all ruminations, we conclude that, on the one hand, without formal instruction, pronunciation teaching will be rather precarious and will not prompt the student to acquire the phonological awareness of the English language; on the other hand, the foreign speaker’s phonological awareness, solely, does not support the ability to teach English as L2 either, which proves there is no full phonological awareness when it does not come from the combination between the formal and the empirical of the language. Keywords: Phonological awareness. Professors of English as L2. Pronunciation. Diphthongs.
Sociedade e Estado
Resumo Nas últimas duas décadas ocorreu uma expansão dos programas de pós-graduação em ciências sociais e, ao mesmo tempo, uma crescente pressão, por parte das agências financiadoras, para a “internacionalização”. Tal processo não é isento de contradições, muitos já apontados na literatura, como a dificuldade de “internacionalizar” programas relacionados às humanidades. Neste sentido, o presente estudo discute os principais fatores explicativos da internacionalização de docentes das ciências sociais. Para tanto, desenvolve uma descrição dos aspectos relacionados à internacionalização da carreira dos professores e, ao final, identifica os fatores preponderantes para este processo, a partir de um survey on-line nacional. Os principais resultados são: realização de pós-doutorado no exterior é mais significativo para internacionalização do que doutorado sanduíche; antropologia tem indicadores de internacionalização maiores do que sociologia e ciência política, embora não seja possível i...