Solusi Bias Kognitif Kesenjangan Digital Dan Moralitas DI Era Pandemi Covid 19 (original) (raw)
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Pergeseran Nilai-nilai Etika, Moral dan Akhlak Masyarakat di Era Digital
SINDA: Comprehensive Journal of Islamic Social Studies
Era digital telah merambah dibarbagai kalangan masyarakat baik di desa hingga di perkotaan, keadaan tersebut tidak dapat dihindari. Realitasnya ditemui banyak pergeseran nilai etika, moral dan akhlak masyarakat memunculkan pergeseran nilai etika, moral dan akhlak masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara diskripsi tentang pergeseran nilai etika, moral dan akhlak masyarakat di era digital factor menganalisis factor penyebabnya beserta upaya mengatasinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis diskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan library research. Data-data yang dipaparkan diperoleh dari telaah literature, bersumber dari buku, jurnal ilmiah, laporan penelitian maupun website. Hasil penelitian ini diperolah bahwa nilai etika, moral dan akhlak masyarakat mengalami pergeseran, diantaranya diantaranya sebagian besar masyarakat tergantung dengan media digital, android dan medsos untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya yang sebelumnya dilakukan secara langsung dalam dunia nyata, memperha...
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Digital literacy goes beyond the ability to use media; it encompasses the skills to analyze, evaluate, and assess the information obtained. Through digital literacy, information acquired from media is not immediately disseminated without being analyzed or assessed for its accuracy. Therefore, it is essential to have proficiency in digital literacy to possess the ability to navigate social media wisely. Based on this phenomenon, the objective of this community engagement is to provide information and knowledge to enhance public understanding of digital literacy and wise social media usage. The results of the community engagement conducted in Pabean Village, Dringu District, Probolinggo Regency have shown an increase in knowledge and understanding of digital literacy. This was evidenced by the evaluation of comprehension, which revealed an average score improvement of 21 points among participants. Additionally, participants showed enthusiasm during the material delivery and actively engaged in discussions. Consequently, the enhanced understanding of digital literacy serves as a solution to prevent the spread of false information in society and enables individuals to critically assess information before sharing it.
Kesenjangan Digital dan Solusi yang Diterapkan di Indonesia Selama Pandemi COVID-19
Jurnal IPTEK-KOM (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komunikasi), 2023
The digital divide is a crucial issue in developing countries. Indonesia needs to find elite solutions to solve the issue. By looking at the speedy development of telecommunications and the cheapening of information technology, especially the internet, the expectation is to lower the digital gap problems. By this time, the digital divide discourse is mostly associated with the availability of access and infrastructure, even though good digital capabilities are a prerequisite for digital equality. This study aims to observe how the conditions of the digital divide in Indonesia and the way to solve it are presented by the government or individuals to overcome the digital divide. Using the descriptive qualitative method in this research is to illustrate the restrictions of the digital divide between provinces and regions in Indonesia and what solutions have been taken to address the digital divide in Indonesia. This study concludes that the enlargement of internet access in Indonesia has not been linear with the digital competency of its people. It includes motivation to be more productive using the internet, get useful information and use it for productive activities that can improve the economy
Menangkal Rasisme DI Era Digital
Racism is an attitude created by humans towards humans to create a degree of limitation among humans through culture, skin, or anything that they think is strange/different in their groups. In this article, we want to emphasize the people's awareness of racism that occurs starting from among young people. According to the Central Statistics Agency, in Indonesia alone there are 1340 ethnic groups in Indonesia. Because there are so many ethnic groups in Indonesia, Indonesia is called a plural state. The method used is qualitative, namely interviews and quantitative questionnaires because the writer needs to get resources from people who are experts in their fields and also need to know the situation about racism in the vicinity.
Pengaruh Komunikasi Digital di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Masyarakat
Saat ini pandemic COVID-19 masih melanda hampir di seluruh dunia. Berbagai kebijakan telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk mengurangi resiko terjangkit virus Corona salah satunya dengan menjaga jarak dan tinggal di rumah. Dengan berkurangnya kesempatan untuk menghabiskan waktu kontak langsung secara social maka masyarakat mempunyai perubahan perilaku agar tetap bisa melakukan kegiatan sosial. Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh komunikasi digital di masa pandemi COVID-19 terhadap perubahan perilaku masyarakat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh dari 1.300 orang di bulan Mei 2021. Pertama-tama membahas apakah orang mengubah cara komunikasi digital dalam perilaku sosialnya, seperti melihat pesan teks, panggilan suara, game online, panggilan video, dan media sosial. Penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana segi usia, kebiasaan hidup sendiri, jenis kelamin problematika kesulitan saat mengakses internet, dan cara penggunaan internet dihubungkan dengan perubahan perubahan perilaku sosial selama pandem...
Literasi Digital Mahasiswa Vokasi DI Era Pandemi COVID-19
Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi
Digital technology is developing very rapidly and touching all sectors of life, including the world of education. Efforts to improve the digital skills of the community, especially the younger generation, have begun to minimize negative content that has flooded the digital space. The Covid-19 pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation in Indonesia. This study aims to describe and measure the level of digital literacy among vocational students in the pandemic era. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The object that became the research target were all active students of the Vocational Faculty, Airlangga University. The sampling method in this study used purposive random sampling. Data collection in this study used a survey method through the distribution of questionnaires. The data extracted to determine the level of digital literacy of students includes technology, ethics and cognitive. The data obtained were then analyzed using SPSS versi...
Urgensi Literasi Digital Dalam Menangkal Hoax Informasi Kesehatan DI Era Digital
Metacommunication: Journal of Communication Studies, 2019
Many as the number of the community of being exposed to hoax various kinds of health information in this digital era. This clearly need the consciousness of the community itself and requires support to overcome this phenomenon because it can to be harmful and made anxious the doers the public related to false news or hoax in social media. A support for to overcome problems related to this can be conducted one of them is by digital literacy. Even though the community is therefore skillful in digital or social media but also need to be given digital education related to the use of the information that spread in the digital era so that into society who is wise and critical in using social media..