Pembentukan Karakter Anak Dengan Pendekatan Berbasis Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (original) (raw)

Pendidikan Karakter Anak Prabalig Berbasis Al-Qur’An


Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang pendidikan karakter anak prabalig berbasis Al-Qur’an. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Pendidikan karakter menjadi hal yang penting dan utama yang harus diberikan oleh orang tua. Dalam proses pendidikan karakter terdapat faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pembentukan karakter anak terutama sebelum dewasa atau dalam kajian Islam disebut aqil balig. Istilah aqil balig adalah kondisi tercapainya kedewasaan psikologis, sosial, finansial, juga kedewasaan biologis dengan kematangan alat reproduksi serta kemampuan memikul tanggung jawab syariah. Dalam Al-Qur’an untuk membentuk karakter anak, harus dilakukan sebelum balig, tepatnya ketika seseorang memilih pasangan untuk pernikahan, karena dengan pasangan suami dan istri yang baik kromosom dan perilaku keduanya akan menghantarkan cikal bakal yang baik, sampai pada terlahirnya anak sampai usia balig. Fase ini menjadi fase penting untuk...

Metode Pengajaran Karakter Berbasis Al-Qur’an

Mumtaz: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Keislaman

Metode pengajaran karakter dalam tulisan ini memaparkan bagaimana menanamkan karakter pada peserta didik dapat ditempuh. Pesan penting al-Qur’an sebagai pedoman penyempurnaan akhlak manusia, dapat ditempuh melalui pengajaran yang menarik. Pengajaran yang membuat peserta didik dengan senang hati mengikuti tahapan-tahapan hingga implementasinya. Pengajaran karakter berbasis al-Qur’an ditempuh melalui dua metode. Pertama, metode pengajaran sebagai cara atau strategi mengajarkan karakter. Pada pemahaman ini tersirat makna bahwa ukuran keberhasilan menggunakan metode pengajaran adalah hasil. Di sini, dapat mengambil pelajaran dari metode dakwah rasulullah saw dan walisongo. Kedua, metode merupakan sistem pengajaran pendidikan karakter. Artinya, metode pengajaran pendidikan karakter merupakan sistem pengajaran yang menyangkut seluruh komponen pendidikan termasuk kurikulum, pendidik, strategi mengajar, dan komponen proses pembelajaran lain. Dalam hal metode pengajaran sebagai seb...

Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Al-Qur’An

Ar-Risalah: Media Keislaman, Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam, 2019

Religious education is delivered at the school level, in order to impart the basics of faith and devotion to God Almighty, the learners who aim to embody human piety and noble character, as well as generating an honest man, fair, ethical, ethical, mutual appreciates, discipline, harmonious and productive, both personal and social. Character education is very urgent need to be studied. It has long been understood that a Government condition is determined by the character of the people. The founders of this nation was repeatedly emphasized that the successful or failure of an experiment of the country will be determined by the values of character education attached to the personality of the inhabitants of the land. In this article will discuss how character education in the Qur'an? How the implementation of character education in Indonesia?

Pendidikan Karakter dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an

Mumtaz: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Keislaman

Character education based on ethical values of religious teachings is considered urgent to be promoted as a basic capital to sha- pe human beings who have superior character, play an active role in creating a peaceful society and a dignified nation. Education in the Qur›an strongly emphasizes aspects of morality. The verses that contain emphasis on cognitive are determined by morality, as well as things that are ritualistic, such as prayer which is a ritual aspect directly related to God at the end is to look right and left which symbolizes the necessity to have social care. The concept of education in the Qur›an is implied by the use of the terms tarbiyah, ta›lim, tadris, ta›dib and tazkiyah. From the term, it is understood that the Prophet Muhammad. as a source of exemplary always strives to educate people to be able to read and express the meaning contained in the Qur›an and can practice it. The five terms are important in providing a clear concept for character education in the ...

Strategi Menanamkan Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an

Jurnal Kariman, 2020

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsep pendidikan karakter dalam perspektif al-Qur’an melalui kisah-kisahnya terdiri dari: Pertama, tujuan pendidikan karakter. Sasaran dari tujuan pendidikan karakter di sini ialah pembentukan insan kamil serta pembinaan akhlak. Kedua, nilai-nilai dasar pendidikan karakter, seperti: tidak sombong, cita-cita yang kuat, bersungguh-sungguh dalam mencari ilmu, sopan santun, tolong-menolong, sabar, pemaaf, tanggung jawab, ikhlas, tidak mudah putus asa, berani mengakui kesalahan, cinta Tuhan dan segenap ciptaan-Nya, syukur, tidak boleh syirik, kasih sayang, patuh kepada kedua orang tua, kepemimpinan dan kepedulian sosial. Ketiga, tahapan-tahapan pendidikan karakter melalui pendidikan akhlak, pendidikan aqidah dan pendidikan syari’ah.

Pendidikan Karakter Perspektif Al-Qur’an

INSANIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Alternatif Kependidikan, 2013

Character education is now indeed become a major issue of education in Indonesia today. In addition to being part of the process of formation of the child character, character education is also expected to become a major foundation in the form of qualified personal and responsible generation. Lately more and more people realize the importance of character education or in Islam is called the noble character education. In addition to being part of the process of formation of the child character, character education is also expected to become a major foundation in the form of qualified personal and responsible generation. Character education has been applied in various educational institutions as a form of policy to realize the Ministry of National Development National Movement National Character. In the implementation of character education, educational institutions have to equip teachers to integrate character education values with a comprehensive variety of methods. In this paper, the author will try to discuss about perespektif character education in the Koran.

Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Islam

Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2018

The development of lifestyles that follow the trends of western cultures causes anxiety to wane even the disappearance of ethical and moral values. Because it can cause free sex, drug use, and even brawl among school-aged children. This phenomenon encourages the government to formulate a national policy of nation character building. Islam is a religion that has a long history of developing attitudes, character and human character to the highest degree of glory by means of moral education. Prophet Muhammad was sent as the apostle of Allah in order to improve human morality. In the whole teachings of Islam, morality occupies a special position and very important.

Membentuk Karakter Siswa Melalui Metode Kisah Qurani

FITRAH:Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 2016

As direct practitioner, teachers have important role to understand and implement educational character in perfect reality. Teacher as curriculum practitioner required to understand educational character and have extensive knowledge about the method of planting character to the students. By listening a story will make them forming the visualization. Then, they will imagine the characters and situations in the story, then appearance in their hearts. This can inspire students to do something like that already made as in their hearts. Based on these, teachers need to select exemplary stories which can carry a positive message to the students, and Qur'anic story or the story from Al-Qur'an is the best story in the world. It has adopted good, exemplary, and islamic story. Qur'anic story in learning offers the solution to shape the students' character especially in PAI subject. The story is able to make teachers and students have closer relationship as well as balancing television show. The implementation of Qur'anic story method in the PAI learning can be done by integrating materials to the story, and then identifying characters value in the story.

Pembentukkan Karakter Anak Dalam Pandangan Agama

Character is also called morals. Morals are a major principle in Islamic teachings. Humans are required to have noble morals compared to other creatures of Allah (SWT). This is because humans have five senses and reason and try to choose, judge and compare good, bad and wrong actions in life. The arrival of the Prophet (SAW) with the main mission to invite people towards piety and noble character. Islam sees the Prophet (SAW) as a role model for all mankind teaching noble morals theoretically and practically. This research aims to determine character formation using a scientific approach method.

Pembentukan Karakter Anak dengan Penerapan Tahfidzul Qur’an Menggunakan Metode Thoriqoty di Yayasan Ulul Albab Sambi


Pengabdian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh sebuah fenomena dimana banyaknya siswa ulul albab yang belum memiliki kemampuan Tahfidzul Al-Qur’an sesuai dengan kaidah ilmu tajwid serta makhroj dan shifatul huruf Al-Qur’an.Berdasarkan data yang dihimpun dari pengabdian ini sedikitnya 55% siswa ulul albab terkategori belum mampu melaksanakan tahfidzul qur’an dengan baik. Artinya 45% siswa ulul albab yang terkategori mampu melaksanakan tahfidzul qur’an sesuai dengan kaidah ilmu tajwid. Belajar tahfidzul qur’an dengan baik dan benar sangat penting,karena salah satu kunci dalam mengkaji islam. Untuk mengkaji itu maka pengabdian ini perlu adanya guru,materi,metode belajar lainya. Terdapat berbagai metode yang menawarkan keluesan dalam pembelajaran tahfidzul qur’an,salah satunya yaitu metode Thoriqoty. Oleh karena itu pengabdian ini menerapkan metode Thoriqoty untuk membenarkan ilmu tajwid,makhroj serta shifatul huruf dengan baik dan benar.