Эпоха расцвета средневековой мусульманской культуры и европейский Ренессанс: исторические параллели (original) (raw)
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Средневековые таманские подражания в свете советской и российской историографии
Средневековая нумизматика Восточной Европы. Вып. 7. М. РИА Внешторгиздат. 2018. С. 91–113., 2018
В статье рассмотрен и обобщён 65-летний опыт исследований таманских подражаний византийскому милиарисию Василия II и Константина VIII (976–1025). Представлено собственное видение автора, выработанное на основе критического анализа работ предшественников и изучения массива таманских подражаний, большое количество которых стало известно в последние годы. В работе используется принцип систематизации, предложенный одним из авторов, призванный способствовать кодификации возросшего объёма данных об этой интереснейшей чеканке. А.М. Гилевич в 52 (77) томе журнала «Византийский временник» поместила статью «Новые материалы к нумизматике византийского Херсона», где описала первую ставшую известной находку ТП в Херсонесе, в Северном районе. Три монеты были найдены в виде слипшегося комочка. Не зная об этой работе авторы указали:"Возможность обращения ТП в Крыму пока ничем не подтверждается, публикации монет, найденных при археологических раскопках, не известны"(С. 93). ТП J99-2 (С. 94, 99) будет в дальнейшем переименовано в E9-2.
Греко-римские и византийские традиции в миниатюре арабского средневековья
Греко-римские и византийские традиции в миниатюре арабского средневековья, 2020
A comparative analysis of the Middle Eastern art monuments from different epochs urge the assumption upon us that colourful murals, reliefs and mosaics of palaces, religious and public buildings, just as the illustrated Greek, Latin and Syrian scrolls and codes, created in distant and recent the Western Asia pre-Islamic past or in the early centuries of the Caliphate, served as a kind of breeding ground for the development of a new art form for the Islamic worlda book miniature. In the works of monumental art of the city-states of pre-Islamic ancient Syria and Mesopotamia, traits are found that allow us to see in the heritage of the different art cultures of the ancient and early medieval Mediterranean and the non-Mediterranean Hellenized East not only a cradle, but also schools of Greco-Roman and Early Byzantine miniatures that complement and decorate texts of the ancient manuscripts. With the absorption of these regions by the Caliphate and the development of the medieval Islamic civilization, these schools, next to the vivid and developing art of Byzantium, became sources of knowledge and skill for the designers of Arabic manuscripts. The design of Greek, Latin and Syrian codes, along with the illustrations in the text, inspired the inclusion in the Arabic manuscripts of the frontispiece with the "portrait" of the author (or authors) of the book, and 'the dedication picture'that were the separate miniatures glorifying the patron or the crowned addressee of the book in allegorical form. Over time, the style of Arabic manuscripts had lost the visible connection with both Greco-Roman and Byzantine prototypes. However, the acquisition of their own stylistic devices, methods and norms did not mean either a final deviation or a complete denial of lessons of the classical book painting. In one form or another, their contribution in Medieval Near Eastern arts was also manifested in the later illustrated Arabic manuscripts, although now at most they were oriented toward the models and ideals of Iran and Eastern Asia.
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The Renaissance Dream: The Language of Adam in the European Culture of the XV–XVII Centuries. A. V. Karabykov's monograph is devoted to the analysis of the idea of the Adamic language and the project of its recuperation, which was developed in the early modern European culture. The author explores the features of the Renaissance worldview that determined the nature of the project, and considers additional factors related to the interpretation of those passages of the Book of Genesis that are relevant to the topic. At the same time, the main subject of the study is the strategies for acquiring the primordial language and the variants of their interaction with each other. Based on a wide range of sources, including philosophical, esoteric, naturalphilosophic, historical-philological and linguistic treatises, the author retraces the dialectic of the Adamicist project, manifested in the rise, change and extinction of those strategies. The publication is addressed to philosophers, cultural scientists, historians, philologists, as well as all those interested in the intellectual history and spiritual culture of the West.