The Effect of Discovery Learning Method Towards Students’ Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Skills in Primary School (original) (raw)

The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on Student ’ s Critical Thinking and Cognitive Ability in Junior High School


The aimed of this research is to know the effect of learning discovery model on the critical thinking and cognitive ability of SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran students. This research is a quasi experimental research with two group pretest posttest design. The population of this research is all students of class VII of SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran, first semester of academic year 2017/2018. The sample selection is done by cluster random sampling that is class VII-1 as experiment class applied discovery learning model and class VII-3 as control class applied conventional learning. The instrument used in this research is the critical thinking and cognitive thinking skills in the form of essays each of 5 questions that have been declared valid by the expert team. The results concluded that the first hypothesis test obtained tcounted = 2.10 with α = 0.05 obtained ttable = 2.00. By comparing thitung with ttable turns tcounted> ttable, this means the critical thinking ability of students applying discover...

The Influence of Collaboration of Discovery Learning and ARIAS on Students' Critical Thinking Abilities


DOI /jpe.v9i3.33232 Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of discovery learning model, ARIAS model, and the collaboration of the discovery learning and ARIAS model on the critical thinking ability of the fifth-grade elementary school students. This study applied a quantitative method in the form of quasiexperimental design using pre-test and post-test scores. The samples in this study were taken by using purposive sampling technique. There were three elementary schools participated in this study, and fifth-grade students at Public Elementary School Kebonagung 2, fifth-grade students at Public Elementary School Kebonagung 3 and fifth-grade students at Public Elementary School Prigi 2 Pekojan, Kebumen. The data collection techniques used were descriptive test questions. The results showed that there was an influence of discovery learning model, ARIAS, and the collabora...

The Effect of Experimental Skills toward Senior High School Students’ Critical Thinking Abilities through Discovery Learning Model

Proceedings of the Educational Sciences International Conference (ESIC 2018), 2019

The experimental skill is an ability in which students are able to do the experiment, observe the processes, and write the result of their experiment. Critical thinking is skillful in thinking deeply about the problem or something, such as knowledge about methods, investigation and rational thinking, and such an ability to apply those methods. Discovery learning is a learning model that given the students a chance to search and find out by their selves, using problem approach, whereas teachers only give instruction and direction. This study aimed to know the effect of experimental skills by using discovery learning toward Senior High School students’ critical thinking skills. The subject in this study were 29 students of XI IPA 2 Class. This study conducted at SMAN 14 Samarinda in the Academic Year of 2017/2018. The data collected using experimental skills observation form and critical thinking skills test. The result showed that the mean score of students’ experiment skills was 68,...

Improving Problem Solving Ability Through the Discovery Learning Approach on Study of Social Sciences


The condition of Implementation of teaching and learning at the level of schooling today is still colored by the emphasis on the knowledge aspect and still a little referring to the involvement of students in the learning process itself. In addition, Implementation of teaching and learning social science, conducted by teachers has not been able to foster learning culture among students. The research method used Elliott Model Class Action Research which consists of three cycles and in each cycle there are three actions. Data collection techniques use observation guides, interview guides, field notes, student worksheets, evaluation sheets, photo cameras. The result of the research shows that there is an increase of learning steps by using discovery learning. The statement is based on the result of learning the average value the results of individual tests, the average cycle I of 7.48, cycle II of 7.76 while the third cycle of 7.84.Based on these results, IPS learning using discovery l...

Discovery Learning Application Using a Rope (Track A Line Idea) to Detect Critical Thinking Skills on Elementary School Students

Indonesian Journal of Primary Education

The study was conducted to collect preliminary data on the effectiveness of the use of Discovery Learning models using TALI (Track A Line Idea) for students' critical thinking skills in mathematics subjects in class VI geometry material in elementary schools. The purpose of this study is to describe whether the application of Discovery Learning models using TALI can be effective against critical thinking skills students on mathematics subjects in class VI geometry material in elementary schools, with research design referring to the syntax of Discovery Learning models that are the benchmarks in learning design namely, (1) providing stimulus; (2) identify the problem; (3) collecting data; (4) data processing; (5) verification; and (6) make conclusions. This study uses a One-shot Case Study experimental research design. With the subjects of class VI students with a total of 17 students. Data collection is done by tests, observations and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the motivation and activities of students in Discovery Learning based on TALI are interpreted in high criteria with a percentage range from 84.12%-88.24%. This indicates that Discovery Learning as constructivism learning provides space for students to actively participate in learning by using group learning design and guided discovery so that students keep paying attention to disciplinary aspects in conducting each stage in learning activities. The results of this study indicate that the motivation and activities of students in Discovery Learning based on TALI are interpreted in high criteria with a percentage range from 84.12%-88.24%. This indicates that Discovery Learning as constructivism learning provides space for students to actively participate in learning by using group learning design and guided discovery so that students keep paying attention to disciplinary aspects in conducting each stage in learning activities. The results of this study indicate that the motivation and activities of students in Discovery Learning based on TALI are interpreted in high criteria with a percentage range from 84.12%-88.24%. This indicates that Discovery Learning as constructivism learning provides space for students to actively participate in learning by using group learning design and guided discovery so that students keep paying attention to disciplinary aspects in conducting each stage in learning activities.

The Effectiveness of Discovery Learning on Thematic Learning on the Understanding of the Concept Social Science in Class IV Elementary School Students\_Vol.8\_Issue.10\_Oct2021/IJRR-Abstract016.html, 2021

This research was descriptively to determine the effectiveness of Discovery Learning and Numbered Head Together on understanding the thematic learning concepts of Social Science content in fourth grade students of SD Sedabin Ahmad Yani, Kemusu District. The type of research used in this study was Quasi Experiment. The populations of this study were all fourth-grade students of SD Sedabin Ahmad Yani, Kemusu District with a total of 116 students, while the sample was 28 students. Data collection techniques used documentation and test techniques. Instrument test used a test which includes a test of the validity of the items with biserial correlation; the results obtained are 25 valid items and 5 invalid items. Reliability using the KR-20. The data analysis technique used was the distribution normality test, the homogeneity of variance test, and the Paired Sample T-Test. The results of the descriptive study showed that the trend of understanding concepts in the experimental class using Discovery Learning obtained an average score of 21.142 and included in the very high category, while the control class using Numbered Head Together obtained an average score of 18.357 and also included in the high category. But the average score of Discovery Learning was higher than Numbered Head Together. So, it can be concluded that the understanding of the thematic learning concepts of Social Science content in the experimental class was higher than the control class. Based on the results of hypothesis testing using the t-test, the result = 3.446, 0.002, it can be concluded that < 0.05, there was a very significant difference between Discovery Learning and Numbered Head Together on understanding the thematic learning concepts of fourth grade students at SD Sedabin Ahmad Yani, Kemusu District.

The Effects of Learning Models of Discovery Learning and Learning Interest on Social Science Learning Outcomes in Grade VII of Junior High School of Al-Azhar Medan

Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal, 2019

This study deals with the effects of learning models of discovery learning and learning interest on social science learning outcomes in grade VII of Junior High School of Al-Azhar Medan. This study was conducted in the Even Semester of the Learning Year 2018/2019, which began in April to May 2019 with stages: observation, determining the experimental class and the control class, preparation of research instruments, instrument testing, pre-test administration, giving questionnaires of interest, treatment, giving post-tests, processing data, analyzing data, drawing conclusions. The conclusion of this study were there is a significant effects of learning models of discovery learning on social science learning outcomes in grade VII of Junior High School of Al-Azhar Medan (Fcount = 306,594; P = 0,000). There is a significant effects of learning interest in social science learning outcomes in grade VII of Junior High School of Al-Azhar Medan (Fcount 69,071; P = 0,000). There is a signific...

The Effect of the Discovery Learning Model on the Critical Thinking Abilities of Geography Students

KnE Social Sciences, 2022

The discovery learning model, a mainstay in the Indonesian 2013 curriculum, can help hone students' critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the discovery learning model on critical thinking skills in terms of students' perceptions of geography subjects. Critical thinking ability, the dependent variable, was measured by a test of critical thinking skills. The moderator variable, namely students' perceptions of geography subjects, was measured by a subjective questionnaire. The study took place over three meetings and ended with a post-test and questionnaire. The hypothesis was tested using independent sample t-tests and ANOVA using SPSS and a significance level of 0.05. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the scores of the experimental group and the control group. The average critical thinking skills value of students who used the discovery learning model was higher than that of the other students.

Guided discovery model: An alternative to enhance students’ critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions

Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika

This current study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the guided discovery model in increasing students' critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions. Each experiment and control group consisted of 34 students of grade X of one high school class in Bandar Lampung city. The data were obtained through mathematical critical thinking skills test and critical thinking dispositions scale. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to obtain a comprehensive description of the impact of learning on the increase in both skills. The results showed that the increase of students’ critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions after learning was in the effective category. Other finding showed that the use of a contextual problem in the beginning of learning could trigger students to activate their prior knowledge. In this way, students used some strategies and made an appropriate conclusion confidently. This study suggested that the guided discov...

Implementation of Discovery Learning Model by Using Scientific Approach to Improve Students’ Natural Sciences Learning Competence in Grade VII SMPN 21 Padang


Purpose of the research was to improve grade VII students’ learning competence in SMPN 21 Padang in academic year 2017/2018 by using implementation of discovery learning model in materials of living organization and interaction between organisms and their environment. This research was a classroom action research done in two cycles. Every cycles consisted of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subject was class VII 8 of SMPN 21 Padang in academic year 2017/2018. Data sources were teacher and students. Techniques of data collection were through test and observation sheets. The collected data were analyzed in qualitative descriptive. Based on the research finding, it can be concluded that the implementation of discovery learning model can improve students’ learning competence. The result showed that percentage of affective competence in pre-Cycle was 79.30%, in cycle I was 81.26%, and in cycle II was 88.13%. Students’ psychomotor competence in pre-Cycle was 65.20%, in cycl...