Pembinaan Karakter Disiplin Siswa Berbasis Nilai Religius Di Sekolah Dasar (original) (raw)
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Konstruksi Alat Ukur Karakter Religius Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan validitas konstrak dengan menggunakan analisis faktor pada alat ukur karakter, khususnya karakter religius. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD). Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 347 responden, dengan teknik pengambilan secara acak di setiap wilayah yaitu pada SD Negeri 149 Muaro Tebo, SD Negeri 1 Kota Jambi, SD Negeri 4 Kuala Tungkal, SD Negeri 139 Kerinci. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa validitas konstrak yang menggunakan analisis Principal Component Analysis dengan rotasi orthogonal dan ekstraksi varimaks menghasilkan l ima faktor yang berhasil diekstraksi yang berupa toleransi, kepercayaan diri, melindungi , ketulusan dan anti kekerasan. Hasil uji reliabilitas konsistensi internal dengan Metode Guttman λ=0,824. Norma alat ukur menggunakan standar deviasi hipotetik baik untuk setiap komponen maupun alat ukur keseluruhan. Alat ukur ini didukung ole h validitas konstrak yang baik serta reliabilitas yang memuaska...
Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Religius Di Sekolah Dasar
El Bidayah, 2022
The background of this research is the increasing incidence of character deviations in the community which shows the weak behavior of students. This is due to the lack of maximum enforcement of religious character in schools. The purpose of the study was to describe the implementation, strategy, and supporting aspects as well as aspects of the implementation of religious character education in elementary schools. The writing method uses descriptive qualitative and literature review. The data to support the writing of this journal paper comes from the literature related to the problem being studied. Various kinds of reference books, namely books, papers, proceedings, scientific journals, and scientific articles come from the internet. Writing maximizes mutual continuity with each other and in accordance with the subject matter. The data obtained are filtered and sorted by subject matter. Then, do writing papers based on data that has been designed which are mutually sustainable in a coherent manner. The data study method is descriptive and argumentative. The results showed that the implementation of religious character implementation can be seen from 1) The dimensions of the religious character developed. 2) The strategy is implemented through layers of artifacts and layers of values and beliefs. 3) Supporting factors and inhibiting factors. The method in shaping the religious character of the students is packaged in the subject matter as well as in the school environment. Thus, the teacher has the most important role in shaping religious character. Regarding how to use it, there are model guides, story methods, and traditional ways of doing things.
Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Religius
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan pendidikan karakter berbasis religius di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (LPI) Kota Malang pada tingkat Sekolah Dasar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang datanya diperoleh dari observasi, angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter berbasis religius diterapkan melalui program Maqoman Mahmudah dan program Evereday with Al Quran. Beberapa strategi pendidikan karakter yang dilakukan yaitu: 1) Keteladanan; 2) Pembelajaran; 3) Pemberdayaan dan pembudayaan; 4) Penguatan; dan 5) Penilaian. Pendidikan karakter harus diintegrasikan pada pendidikan agama. Peranan agama dapat memenuhi kebutuhan manusia dalam hal pengarah, pembimbing, dan penyeimbang karakter peserta didik.
Syntax Literate ; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
SD Muhammadiyah 12 Pamulang and SDIT Al Azkar Pamulang both have the same core goal, which is to create a generation of people with religious character. Religious character values are character values that are used as references as obedient attitudes and behaviors towards carrying out religious teachings. Religious character is needed by students in the face of such rapid changes in the times. The purpose of the study is to determine the strategies, supporting and inhibiting factors, as well as the formation process that the principal applies to shape the religious character of students through school culture. This study used descriptive qualitative research methods conducted at SD Muhammadiyah 12 Pamulang and SDIT Al Azkar Pamulang. Research data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation with data sources of the two principals. The results of the study are strategies used by the principals of SD Muhammadiyah 12 Pamulang and SDIT Al Azkar Pamulang in shap...
Pembinaan Karakter Siswa Berbasis Pendidikan Agama DI SD Dan SMP Diy
Jurnal Kependidikan (Penerbit: Lembaga Penelitian …, 2011
The study is aimed at identifying models of character building of elementary and junior secondary school students based on religious education in the province of Yogyakarta. The study is a research and development (R & D) designed in three stages. In the first stage (2010) the study was a survey in 20 elementary and junior secondary schools in Yogyakarta. The data were collected by observation, interviews, focus group discussions, and documentation. The cross-check technique was used for data validity The data were analysed by the inductive analysis technique. The results showed: 1) A special model was not found yet in character building based on religious education in the elementary and junior secondary schools in Yogyakarta. Character building developed in the elementary and junior high schools was still one that was general, 2) A model should be developed for character building in school based on religious education to make religious education as a major base for developing students' characters. Religious education should actually teach religious attitudes and behaviors. Another important aspect to be considered in the framework of an effective character building in schools is the vision, mission, and goals for the school, and togetherness. There are programs that are clear and detailed, involving all subjects and all teachers. There are support facilities and special teams for the character building programs.
Pembentukan Karakter Disiplin bagi Siswa
Jurnal Intelektual: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Keislaman
This paper presents the role of Moslem education in shaping the character of student discipline. Many public school students still underestimate morality, manners, and disciplined behavior. Therefore, education is the center of Islam and the best solution to shape student discipline. Islamic education may be a method of deepening and appreciating knowledge. In this process, students learn Islamic values through the expansion and development of their natural abilities. They notice their potential for equality and excellence in life. The analysis methodology employed in this research is descriptive analysis; a collection of data and sources to analyze, explain critically, and understand more systematically the role of Islamic education in shaping student discipline. The results of the research show that the benefits of Islamic education can shape student discipline, including providing religious material, guidance, advice, recommendations, and role models for educators.
Kedisiplinan Siswa SMA Ditinjau dari Religiusitas
The purpose of this research was to know the discipline of senior high school students in terms of religiosity. The research method that has been used was quantitative. The submitted hypothesis was, there was a positive relation between thereligiosity with discipline of senior high school student. The population of the research was students from 12th grade of senior high school in MA X, 2018-2019, which total 195 students, consist of 8 classes, meanwhile the sample research of 83 students was used cluster random sampling method. The data accumulation method used discipline’s scale and religiosity’s scale. Based on analysis result using correlation technique of Person’s Product Moment, obtained the value of coefficient of correlation (rxy)=0.702 with sig (1-tailed)= 0.000 (p<0.01). It showed there was a positive relation which very significant betweenreligiosity with senior high school student’s discipline, it means the higher the religiosity level, the higher thestudents’ discipl...
Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Nilai Religius Dalam Program Kegiatan Budaya Sekolah
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2019
This research aims to describe the program's cultural activities as a deciding of the quality of the school. This research uses qualitative research methods with descriptive type. The results of this research, namely, programs for strengthening the character education religious values that exist in the school consist of extracurricular, cocurricular and cultural school. But the quality of a school is determined from the culture of the schools it has set. This is because the program of extracurricular and co-curricular activities is not every day executed by learners. So that the character resulting from the program of extracurricular and co-curricular activities is not as much as the program of school culture activities that are applied everyday. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan program-program kegiatan budaya sekolah sebagai penentu dari mutu sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu program-program kegiatan penguatan pendidikan karakter nilai religius yang ada di sekolah terdiri dari krgiatan ekstrakurikuler, co-kurikuler, dan budaya sekolah. Akan tetapi, mutu dari sebuah sekolahan tersebut ditentukan dari budaya sekolah yang diterapkannya. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pada program kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan co-kurikuler tidak setiap hari dijalankan oleh peserta didik. Jadi, karakter yang dihasilkan dari program kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan co-kurikuler tidak semaksimal program kegiatan budaya sekolah yang diterapkan setiap hari.
Pendidikan Karakter Disiplin DI Sekolah Dasar
Cakrawala Pendidikan, 2014
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali, mengkaji, dan mendiskripsikan pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter disiplin di sekolah dasar dan diharapkan dapat ditemukan kebijakan yang mendukung keberhasilan pendidikan karakter. Penelitian ini pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di SD Muhammadiyah Sapen Yogyakarta, dengan subjek kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data yang digunakan adalah teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam melaksanakan pendidikan karakter disiplin di SD Muhammadiyah Sapen dilakukan melalui sembilan kebijakan, yaitu (1) membuat program pendidikan karakter; (2) menetapkan aturan sekolah dan aturan kelas; (3) melakukan sholat Dhuha dan Sholat Dhuhur berjamaah; (4) membuat pos afektif di setiap kelas; (5) memantau perilaku kedisiplinan siswa di rumah melalui buku catatan kegiatan harian; (6) memberikan pesan-pesan afektif di berbagai sudut sekolah; (7) melibatkan orang tua; (8) melibatkan komite sekolah; dan (9) menciptakan iklim kelas yang kondusif.
El -Hekam
Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pembentukan karakter religius siswa pada sekolah dasar negeri eks pilot project kurikulum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu penelitian yang mengungkapkan dan menggambarkan kejadian-kejadian, fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada dimana penelitian itu di lakukan.Yang menjadi informan penelitian adalah guru PAI dan siswa.Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan yaitu, lembar obeservasi, dalam situasi sosial yang dilakukan terhadap pembentukan karakter religius siswa, melakukan wawancara baik terstruktur maupun tidak terstruktur terhadap informan penelitian. Temuan dalam penelitian ini mengungkapkan pembentukan karakter religius siswa oleh guru PAI, melalui keteladanan guru, melalui kegiatan keagamaan dan melalui kegiatan intrasekolah.