Perilaku Partisipasi Pemilih pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Kudus Tahun 2018 (original) (raw)

Perilaku Pemilih Dalam Pilkada Kabupaten Kudus 2013

Politika Jurnal Ilmu Politik, 2014

This study describes of Kudus Regency (Kabupaten Kudus) voting behaviour. Voting behavior is explained by three main approaches in the study of voting behavior, which are sociological models, psychological models and rational / economic model. Research was conducted in local election (Pilkada) Kudus Regency. The research is based on survey with a sample of 100 members who are chosen randomly. The study found that the economic models and candidate figure are the main factors. Also found that voters had permissive attitude to money politics.

Perilaku Pemilih Buruh Rokok Dalam Pilkada Langsung DI Kabupaten Kudus


Direct regent election is firstly held in Kudus regency. It had lasted on April 12 th 2008. As we know that Kudus is a city of cigarette industry, thousand of big and small cigarettes factories give jobs to its people. More than a hundred thousand people work in this sector. Most of them are cigarette workers. The interesting one is that, in this election, each candidate fights over their votes. Moreover, a couple of the candidates took them as the main target. This research intends to know and identify the dominant factors which influence the elector of cigarette workers in the direct regent election of Kudus regency. In the process of data collecting, the writer used a study of literature, interview and observation. To analyze the data, the writer used the descriptive qualitative method. Based on result of the study, the writer concludes that there are six factors which influence the behavior of the elector of cigarette workers in regent election of Kudus in 2008. The first factor is the spokesman of campaign or the team of success. This is mostly influenced by the attitude of cigarette workers who tend to be passive in political activities. Most of them are women whose time is spent for working and doing their house works. They tend to dislike having a conflict, thus their choices in voting depend on people around them. The second factor is the intensive or political donation. It is closely related with their pragmatical attitude. Generally, they are not really sure that the regent election will change their future of lives. They have also considered that the political promises of the candidates during the campaign are just common things to attract their sympathies. Therefore, when they distribute some money or anything else to people, it is considered as a common action. They don't consider it as a money politic or selling votes, but it is just a social donation or a form of poor caring action and the like. The third factor is the candidate profile. They will choose the candidate who they think has good behavior and who is willing to get close and visit the poor people. Most of them have never met nor known the candidates. That's why the dialogue within people and the candidate's personality, it will easily spread out among people and sometimes being out of control. The fourth factor is the campaign issue or the candidate 's vision and missions. The candidate 's vision, missions and promise in their campaign which is too long will not be read, remembered or understood by the workers society. That's why the simple and practical promises here, will be more effective for these will be easily reminded when they are finally elected. The fifth factor is the party background of the candidate. Here, the popularity of the party takes important role in making their choice in the election. The candidates of a big and popular party such as PDIP, Golkar, PKB, and PPP have great influence because they have been popular among people. But the solidity of the party influences also takes role in making their consideration. They think that, "How can they manage the goverment if they can't manage their own parties ?" The unsolidity of the party will certainly cause many problems of the 10 2) ibid, hlm. 150 11) John K. White, ( /27 Pebruari 2007 Internet).

Partisipasi Pemilih Disabilitas Dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Kabupaten Kudus Tahun 2018

IJTIMAIYA: Journal of Social Science Teaching

The direct election of regional heads is a new mechanism in democracy in Indonesia where the people in a region directly elect their regional heads. It is hoped that the public will better understand the regional head candidates and choose candidates whose vision and mission is in accordance with regional needs. In the Kudus Regency Regional Election held on June 27, 2018, voter participation in this election was quite significant, amounting to 84.26%. But the disability voter participation is relatively low, that is, only 0,131% from the total of voter. This study aims to identify the lack of disability participation in local elections, forms of disability political participation, and supporting factors disability participation. This research applies descriptive qualitative research method with the political participation of disability analytical framework. The data collection techniques in this qualitative study using primary and secondary data. For primary data, researchers will conduct in-depth interviews of institutions related to the holding of the elections and will also be conducted with disability voters in Kudus Regency, both those registered as Permanent Voter Lists (DPT) and those who have not participated in the elections. As for secondary data, researchers conducted a literature review.

Strategi Kpu Dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Pemilih Pada Pemilihan Walikota Dan Wakil Walikota Samarinda Tahun 2015

Jurnal Administrative Reform, 2019

The purpose of this study was to determine the KPU Strategies to Improve Voter participation on Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Samarinda in 2015. Qualitative research methods used, techniques of data collection is done by the research library (library search) and field (Field work search), observation, interviews and documentation. Source of research data with the primary data is purposive sampling technique (key-informant) and snowball sampling (informant) and secondary data. Data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative data analysis method of Milles and Huberman is condensation, data presentation, conclusions and verification. Conclusions from the study showed a picture that basically strategy commission to enhance participation of voters on election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Samarinda in 2015 are strategy institutional strengthening, strategies political socialization, beginner voter education strategy.Keyword: Strategy, Commission, Voter Participation, Elect...

Perilaku Memilih Pemilih Pemula Dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Dan Wakil Kepala Daerah Di Kota Semarang Tahun 2020

Jurnal Lanskap Politik

This study aims to explain the extent to which novice voters in the city of Semarang are actively involved in the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada, as well as to find out what factors can influence the behavior of novice voters in making choices. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Researchers use this method in order to more deeply analyze the voting behavior of novice voters. Data collection techniques were taken through in-depth interviews with related sources, literature studies, and field observations. This is intended so that the data obtained can be more comprehensive and make it easier to map the area of election factor analysis for novice voters. The results showed that in general, novice voters in the city of Semarang were classified as rational voters, these novice voters chose regional head candidates based on considerations of past performance or the vision-mission carried by the candidate.

Perilaku Pemilih Masyarakat Adat Desa Kakara Pada Pemilukada Maluku Utara 2018


This research is about voting behaviour of indigenous people at Kakara Village in North Mollucas election 2018. On the previous Governor election in 2013 and Regent election in 2015, typologhy of North Mollucas Voter is traditional voter category and most of them spread to littoral and inland villages. This research be doing at Kakara village with purpose to reveal how is voting behavior of indigenous people at Kakara village to vote their governor and vice governor, and the causes of it. The method of this research is qualitative which is to explain and describe the facts of voting behavior of indigineous people as voter. Design of this research is case study with the research object such as important people in the custom, community, religion, and some of people at Kakara village. Collecting data technique be doing by observation, sharing questionnaire and deep interview to some of respondence by choosing as purposive to get data about social structure of indigineous people, ident...

Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah

Administrative Law and Governance Journal, 2018

This paper aims to find out how the principles of participation in the election of regional heads in Indonesia. The conventional method is an approach that uses a conceptual approach that can be used to analyze synthetic. The results of the study indicate that the basic principles for conducting the election of regional heads must be conducted at the time of openness as a basic principle of community participation. It must also be based on the Principle of Legal Certainty, the orderly principle of the state organizer, the public interest principle. principle of transparency, proportionality principle, principle of professionalism, principles of accountability, principles of efficiency and principle of effectiveness. Keywords: Community Participation, Election of Head of Region, Pricimples of Openness.

Perilaku Politik Pemilih Pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Di Di Kota Madiun (Studi Pada Perilaku Pemilih Pada Pilkada Di Kota Madiun)


Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dimana fokus penelitiannya menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian kualitatif adalah salah satu prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data diskriptif berupa ucapan, atau tulisan dan perilaku orang-orang yang diamati. Pendekatan kualitatif diharapkan mennghasilkan uraian yang mendalam tentang ucapan, perilaku, yang dapat diamati dari para pemilih. Tehnik pengambilan data penelitian ini dengan tehnik wawancara mendalam (indepth interview ) melalui snowball pada pemilih yang ada di daftar pemilih tetap. Untuk mendukung pelaksanaan penelitian, peneliti menggunakan kajian teori antara lain, teori pertukaran Sosial, teori Perilaku Sosial dan teori tindakan Sosial. Teori - teori tersebut sangat relevan dengan permasalahan yang menjadi kajian karena menyangkut tentang perilaku sosial, tindakan sosial manusia dan pertukaran sosial yang terjadi dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada) di Kota Madiun. Faktor yang mempengaruhi peril...

Partisipasi Pemilih Dalam Pemilihan Umum Presiden Dan Wakil Presiden Tahun 2019 DI Kota Mataram

Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education

Elections are a means of democratic experience. It can be said that there is no democracy without elections. However, elections are not an objective, but as a means of electing parliamentarians and executive leaders at the central and regional levels. In the concurrent elections on 17 April 2019 which were held throughout Indonesia, including the Election Commission of Mataram City which had recorded the number of DPT in Mataram City amounted to 278,358. This study uses political culture theory (Gaffar 2004), types of political culture (Davies and Lewis, 1971), voter participation (McClosky in Miriam Budiardjo 2008), as a knife for analysis and as an instrument for researchers to examine in depth about voter participation in presidential elections and vice president in 2019 in the city of Mataram. The research methodology used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. Descriptive analysis methods are used to get a systematic, factual, and accurate picture of the facts, the characteristics and the relationship between the phenomena under investigation.The conclusion of this study is the number of people participating in Mataram City up to 222,687 voters, and looking at the results of research between active voter participation models and apathetic voters, the people of Mataram are included in active voters with 60% while apathetic voters are 40%.

Partisipasi Politik Pemilih Pemula pada Pemilu 2024

Triana, 2024

First-time voters play a crucial role in the electoral process. This year, Indonesia conducted elections to choose members of the DPR, DPRD, President, Vice President, and DPD. In this election, particular attention is given to the participation of first-time voters, with an estimated 52% of young voters predicted to participate. However, the lack of awareness about democracy and low political education among first-time voters could potentially decrease voter turnout in the upcoming 2024 elections. Recognizing the importance of the participation of first-time voters, especially in the forthcoming elections, there is a need for community outreach and education on political participation, particularly targeting Sekaran Village in Wonosari Sub-District, Klaten Regency, which has a total of 64,760 registered voters. This community service initiative aims to enhance the awareness of first-time voters about the significance of political participation. The results of this initiative show an increase in awareness among young people, particularly first-time voters, as evidenced by their enthusiasm for fulfilling their electoral duties.