Reformasi Dalam QS. Al-Kahfi: Telaah Konsep Al-Ishlāh Wa At-Taghyīr Sholāh Shulthān Serta Relevansinya Terhadap Fenomena Radikalisme di Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Wawasan Al-Qur’an Tentang Radikalisme Dan Penanganannya DI Era Milenial
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Raushan Fikr, 2019
This paper seeks to examine the insights of the Qur’an about radicalism and how to deal with it in the millennial era by utilizing information technology to realize moderate Islam. At present the notion of radicalism has spread through various means and has become a troubling problem. This needs to be dealt with seriously in order to realize peace and tranquility in life throughout the world. Al-Qur’an as a way of life for Muslims also contains things about the problems of mankind, instructions for their settlement and so forth. So in this paper we will examine how the Qur’an talks about radicalism and seek solutions to these problems. Data sources were obtained through literature review and explained descriptively analytically. The study was conducted through a review of several interpretations of the Qur’an and other supporting sources. From this study, the results show that human radical behavior that occurs among humans has been described in Surat al-Baqarah verse 30. Th...
Pemikiran dan Resistensi Kaum Salafi Terhadap Radikalisme
Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam
Salafis have two typologies, namely groups that tend to think purely and groups that combine thought and action, this is where there needs to be an analysis because not all salafis are radical. In research using a case study approach, namely at Islamic boarding schools and Umar bin Khatab, the two huts do classify themselves as salafi schools, but in their development the two salafi cottages have different tendencies. The results of this study are that Islamic boarding schools including Islamic boarding schools that carry Jihadi are included in the second typology of thought and action, while Umar bin Khatab Islamic Boarding Schools are more included in the first Salafi typology, namely purifying teachings and returning to their khitah. So from that it was concluded that the Islamic boarding school had seeds and seeds against radicalism, while the Umar bin Khatab Islamic boarding school tried to practice Islam as practiced by the Prophet and the early generations and the Salaf as-sh...
Radikalisme Agama: Rekonstruksi Penafsiran Jihad Dan Islam Yang Rahmat Lil ‘Alamin
MUSHAF JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmu Al Quran dan Hadis, 2022
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Kontemplasi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2017
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Global Salafism: Perspektif Baru tentang Keunikan Radikalisme Islam
Journal Article, 2011
Emotional flow cannot be stemmed due to historical critic within Islamic community. As a result of its global phenomenon is self-acclaimed that Islam is the best among others as value and power. This fact drives the thing into afore new perspective along with new themes such as Wahhabism, Salafism, Islamist, Jihadism, etc. The increasing attacks on non-Muslim also shows that religious majority in every country tends to be arrogant as it thinks it has power in its hands and targets minorities. Radical Islam is not merely an extreme version of Islam. Rather, it is a cultural-social ideology dominating all aspects of life. Like many violent totalitarian movements, its primary objective is to dominate all those within its reach and suppress all other ideologies, movements and beliefs in its path. Radical Islam draws on widely accepted Islamic religious philosophy and customs. However the movement also draws heavily on dangerous ideas that negate basic human rights and freedoms of expression. Radical Islam's arsenal is diverse and dangerous. Terrorism is only one of the tactics used by radicals, with new tactics arising every day. Some are more subtle such as the use of textbooks, while others are outright violent, such as terrorizing those who embrace freedom of speech.
Politika Jurnal Ilmu Politik, 2013
After collapse the World Trade Center, make terrorism rumors and religious radicalism, especially islam is central rumors and be international attention. In indonesia, rumors about terrorism and religious radicalism is attention many sides after Balinese Bomb I and Balinese Bomb II. Of so much many religious terror events, executant predominantly from circle santri Pondok Pesantren Salaf. This study has deskriftif-kuantitatif, that is study to realize certain phenomenon and elaborated by using number score or rank. Result from this study mentions, that study system at salafiy influential towards Islamic fanaticism so strong in self Santri. Santri's opinion that Islam religion that must they fight for and distribute to society variously. Perspective of santri about religious radicalism is only around that aspect. In other aspect, like nationalism, jihad, and their attitude is towards hebrew person and christian within measure standart.
Reformulasi al-Qawā’id al-Uṣūliyyah al-Tashrī’iyyah dalam Pengembangan Fiqih Kontemporer
Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman
As a first step in extracting Islamic law, namely through the study of texts, qawa'id al-uṣūliyyah al-tasyri’iyah in this way has an important position in the discourse of studying Islamic law. Unfortunately, in today's situation, al-qawā‘id al-uṣūliyyah al-tashrī'iyyah seems to be ruled out. This position is taken by ijtihād models based on a progressive approach rather than an approach to the text. This study is a discourse analysis using a qualitative method with a normative approach. In this study, the author examines the concept of al-qawā‘id al-uṣūliyyah al-tashrī'iyyah which is then formulated in several issues and problems of contemporary Islamic law. The findings in this study indicate that: first, the al-qawā'id al-uṣūliyyah al-tashrī'iyyah model in determining and establishing Islamic law places more emphasis on the substance of fundamental values in Islamic law, second, reformulation of al-qawā'id al -uṣūliyyah al-tashrī'iyyah in the settl...
Radikalisme Islam dan Upaya Deradikalisasi Paham Radikal
Educational institutions are supposedly not immune from the influence of radical ideology. This research concluded that: (1) Some teachers acknowledged that the concept of radical Islam may have been spread among students because of their lack of religious knowledge; (2) The units of Islamic study in the schools is progressing well but there is no guarantee of immune from radicalism since most of the learning process is released to a third sides; (3) In the textbooks and worksheets there are various statements that may encourage students to hate other religions and other nations. It can be concluded that the strategy of deradicalization may be implemented are preventive deradicalization and preservative deradicalization of moderate Islam, andcurative deradicalization.
Radikalisme dalam Pandangan Islam (Analisa dalam Perspektif Al Qur'an dan Hadits)
Islam is a religion that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet and messenger for a way of life of all mankind until the end of time. Understanding Islam harfiyah means" peaceful, happy, bow, and clean". From the definition of Islam is that it does not justify the concept of radicalism and fanaticism that lead to acts of violence or terrorism. Lately reappeared fanaticism and religious radicalism in Indonesia, even rare due to narrow thinking that there was a problem that the use of violence in addressing the differences. The factors the occurrence of radicalism is faaktor thought, economic, political, social, psychological and educational.
Konsep Dakwah Nir-Radikalisme Perspektif Syaikh Ali Mahfudz
Dakwah: Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Kemasyarakatan, 2020
This article aims to explore the concept of non-radicalism dakwah initiated by Ali Mahfudz. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the non-radicalism da'wah indicator formulated by Yusuf al-Qaradawi. The results of this study are: (1) the concept of preaching non-radicalism is manifested through three major conceptions, namely mauidzah (tadzkir and qissah), isryad, and khitabah; (2) a preacher must balance the use of revelation and reason; (3) in khilafiyah matters, Ali Mahfudz only explains it, without forcing readers to become fanatical about one understanding; (4) permits the use of israiliyyat as material for preaching; (5) the dynamism in his preaching is thought to have been caused by the transformation of his religious experience from the syafi'i school to the Hanafi school. AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi konsep dakwah non radikalisme yang digagas oleh Ali Mahfudz. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan indikator dakwah non radikalisme ya...