Qualitative Analysis of Digital Technology Studies in the Field of Social and Human Sciences (original) (raw)
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This paper aims to present how the topic of digital technology has been discussed in the field of sciences, especially education. At first, presents 10 theoretical categories dedicated to the study of education in interface with digital technology, extracted from the systematic review of, approximately, 2,300 scientific papers collected in two portals: CAPES and ERIC. Following, the paper presents a topical research carried out in the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Rome La Sapienza, in particular on the Sostenibilia Research Center which integrates transdisciplinary research in the interface of social sciences, digital technologies, education and sustainability. In the scope of the research, Professors and Researchers were interviewed about which categories they identify as the main trend of study about digital technologies. After selecting the category of “The Study of Technology as a New Paradigm of Post-Modern Societies” two groups of possible answers were ela...
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The article deals with the problem of the influence of the digitalization of education on human consciousness and the development trends of modern society. The main approaches of modern philosophy to the formation processes of the world educational space are under research. The authors set themselves the goal of identifying the most important consequences of these processes for human consciousness and the evolution of society. The article discusses the impact of digital education on the structure and functions of traditional educational institutions and the modern human consciousness; attention is paid to the consequences of the digitalization of education for such a historically established social group as the professional intelligentsia (clerisy). The analysis of the problem concludes that a fundamentally new model of the transmission of social experience and scientific knowledge is emerging in the modern world educational space. Traditional educational institutions like schools and universities are giving way to a whole system of network structures. This process is accompanied by the deinstitutionalization of education, the departure of education from some of its historical functions, such as the reproduction of the traditional worldview, the decline in the social status of a university diploma, and the transformation of the clerisy.
Digital Society: New Challenges for Education
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The world has entered a new phase of development – the era of digital society. Under the influence of a new round of technological progress, the mechanisms and practices of the world order, as well as equipment and technologies, are changing. The range of innovations today is not limited to one or two industries; changes cover almost everything – telecommunications, information and communication sectors, nanotechnology, space, bioengineering, robotics, etc. The research aims to study the processes of changing the paradigm of social development under the influence of the formation of a digital society. The article analyzes the concept of "digital society," shows how the tools of the digital economy are used to justify a paradigm shift in social development for the modern generation. The research methodology is based on a systematic and structural-functional approach. Also, methods of sociological survey and statistical processing of information were used. As a result of the...
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Italian University Students and Digital Technologies: Some Results from a Field Research
Developments in information and communication technologies have raised the issue of how a kind of intergenerational digital divide can take place between "digital natives" and "digital immigrants". This can in turn have important consequences for the organization of educative systems. In this paper we present the result of a research performed during the course of 2008 to study how university students in Italy make use of digital technologies. The methodology was based on a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches. A survey research was done, on a sample of 1186 students of the University of Milan-Bicocca, based on a questionnaire administrated through the Intranet of the University. A series of focus groups and in depth interviews with students, parents, and new media experts was furthermore performed. The results are consistent with the presence of a strong intergenerational divide. The implications of the results for the future organization of educative systems are discussed in the paper.
Philosophy of Education and Science in the Context of Digitalization of Society
In the field of education and science, changes are taking place at the level of space and time, and digitalization is becoming a key direction for the development of education and science. The aim of the study is to provide a philosophical understanding of the nature of cultural and socio-economic transformations that have a significant impact on Education, Science and society in the digital age. In the article, theoretical and empirical research methods are used. In the results, it was noted that digitalization appears as a key factor in improving the education and science system. In addition to directly affecting the effectiveness of the educational process, digitalization provides a chain of indirect advantages, in particular, optimal use of time for more effective formation of key competencies. In the conclusions summarized that mission of modern education and science is to help everyone feel comfortable in a digital society. Prospects for further research consist in analyzing v...
O digitalnoj kulturi i obrazovanju
Nowadays more and more we feel the impact of Information and Communication Technology in all life areas of a society, in developed countries but also and in developing ones. Gradually is being created information society that determined by the degree of development of the country in the respective field and inextricably related to the digital divide. There's a light shining brightly on technology right now. This is a very exciting time to be alive and to be involved in technology and also education. During these year are growing generations where a strong impact have new technologies, but it also already observed in other generations. Born also another culture, digital culture that has become part of the general culture. These concepts shape the basis of treatment of the paper for the presenting, authors together with their vision and generalize from contemporary literature that emphazise the role of digital culture and education.
El panorama educativo de la era digital: prácticas comunicativas que (nos) impulsan hacia adelante
This paper identifies trends in the emerging models of knowledge production available in our society. We suggest it is crucial not only to be aware of these emerging models but also to be open to opportunities and possibilities that may still develop. We consider how people may express different levels of solidarity and commitment to these trends and models in their information consumption and distribution processes. We discuss how educators are now engaging in profound pedagogical renewal by expressing deeper levels of solidarity and commitment to knowledge production and educational projects through professional and personal interactions. These interactions are producing pedagogical models that allow both teachers and learners to become knowledgeable while simultaneously breaking away from domain conventions. These bottom-up pedagogies foster creativity, collaboration and the use of new digital tools. They are driven by learner interests and, as such, have the potential to bring the joy back into the learning process. Finally, we argue that emerging models of knowledge construction mediated by ICT provide new cultural landscapes and ecologies of learning that disrupt traditional inscriptions of individual identities and racial-cultural affinities.
In this article we establish a dialogue between educational practices, mediated by digital technologies, in the teaching-learning process for an education that considers the aspects of Science, Technology and Society (CTS). Such practices supported by digital technologies bring different ways of teaching and learning. The way these technologies are used portray the teacher's conception and, this way, we will reflect on how this conception can interfere in the teaching-learning process and integral development of students in basic education. Based on a bibliographic survey, we discuss some conceptions arising from the use of digital technologies. In order to understand its relationship with the teaching-learning process, we will make an overview of the technical-scientific rationality permeating educational practices and their possible intentions in pedagogical mediation and its criticism from Vygotsky's Historical-Cultural Theory (THC - 2009). This theory contributes to the understanding of the formation of subjects through mediation. For this, we will clarify the concept of “pedagogical mediation” and its role in the development of scientific thinking and apprehension of the world. Finally, we will discuss the role of the school and teachers to achieve an integral human formation, as well as the scientific and technological development in Basic Education and the concerns related to the use of these in an ethical and humanizing way, from the development of critical thinking in the social media.