Modelización de flujos en el análisis input-output (original) (raw)
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Los factores determinantes del modelo de negocios abierto
Nova Scientia, 2017
Desde principios del siglo XXI, varios autores afirman que los modelos de negocio abiertos (OBM) permiten a una organización ser más eficaz en la creación y la captura de valor siendo un requisito previo para el éxito de las asociaciones de co-desarrollo. Como resultado de las tendencias de: crecientes costos de desarrollo y ciclos de vida de los productos/servicios más cortos, las empresas encuentran cada vez más difícil justificar las inversiones en innovación. El OBM resuelve ambas tendencias, subrayando los términos: "ecosistema de la industria" y/o "modelo de negocio colaborativo". No sólo cambia el proceso de innovación, sino que también modifica a las propias organizaciones mediante la reconfiguración de sus cadenas de valor y redes. Para las empresas, crea una lógica heurística basada en el actual modelo de negocio y tecnología para extenderlas, con estrategia, al desarrollo de la innovación para crear valor y aumentar los ingresos y beneficios. Enfatiza tanto las relaciones externas así como la gobernabilidad, como valiosos recursos con varios roles que promueven la competitividad corporativa. Por lo tanto, para un sector especializado de alta tecnología como lo es el de las tecnologías de la información de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara (ITSMZG), exponemos el siguiente problema de investigación: ¿Cuáles son los factores determinantes de la OBM como modelo empírico que se aplcado en el ITSMZG? Método Como se ve, esta investigación tiene como objetivo plantear, los factores determinantes de la OBM como un modelo empírico que sea aplicado en el ITSMZG.Se trata de un estudio documental para seleccionar las principales variables entre los especialistas de las ITSMZG que practican el proceso OBM mediante el proceso de jerarquía analítica (AHP) y el Panel de Delphi a fin de contrastar los términos académicos con la experiencia de los especialistas. Es un estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, correlacional, transeccional, cualitativo-cuantitativo para obtener un Mejía-Trejo, Juan
The Input-Output Multi-Dimensional Analysis: Theoretical Framework
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2009
This paper is interested to propose an alternative approach entitled the input-output multi-dimensional analysis. This approach is based on the interaction among four production sectors (agriculture, light industry, heavy industry and services) by "i" number of sub-sectors under the uses of "j" number of commodities. The idea is to generate an alternative mathematical and graphical modeling approach to analyze the behavior of four production sectors and "i" number of sub-sectors to get the final output of the economy under the construction of the GDP-Surface.
A qualitative input‐output method to find basic economic structures*
Papers in Regional Science, 2003
Abstract. Structural analysis deals with economic systems as defined by the set of industries and the relationships between them. However, multi-sectoral models are often limited: when studying economic systems empirically it is difficult to distinguish a priori the subset of ...
Nexos Econômicos, 2011
O artigo faz uma análise de multiplicadores de emprego nas pequenas e médias cidades portuguesas utilizando-se da matriz de contabilidade social e da análise de insumo-produto. O estudo s constatou que as empresas localizadas nas áreas urbanas vendem mais, localmente, do que as que desenvolvem a sua actividade produtiva nas áreas rurais; constatou, igualmente, que as famílias residentes na cidade consomem mais, localmente, do que as que vivem no meio rural. Por conseguinte, a cidade é o local ideal para sediar empresas, isto é, para fazer novos investimentos. Apesar desta evidência, os multiplicadores indicam que, embora os multiplicadores da cidade possam ser maiores do que os que se verificam para as áreas rurais, na maior parte das vezes, o efeito multi-plicador sentido nas áreas rurais é diminuto.
The Input-Output Modeling Approach to the National Economy
Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2013
The paper presents the conceptual and analytical framework of the Input-Output approach to the Romanian Economy Macromodel. The model uses annual Input- Output (I-O) tables, behavioral analysis and support estimation equations for technical coefficients, macro indicators and other variables. The I-O Model is based on the Romanian I-O tables and the methodology developed by Wassily Leontief (Nobel laureate in Economics, 1973). The model databases uses the 1989-2009 I-O tables and data series provided by the National Institute of Statistics for 105 branches of the economy, which are aggregated into seven sectors. The paper deals with the integration of other I-O sub-models needed to address the economy as a whole into the original model, in the interest of the current development of the Romanian economy. The model describes the structure and the potential of the Romanian economy and relies on the experience accumulated by the author in participating in the “Dobrescu macromodels” initi...
On the methodology of input-output analysis
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1994
The basic elements of input output analysis, notably technical coefficients, quantity and value equations, and a total factor productivity growth measure, are derived as intermediate constructs when the problem of national income or product determination is directly related to input and output flow data. By embedding input-output concepts in a neoclassical framework, specification issues are resolved, notably the problems of construction of coefficients and of determination of value. Conversely, neoclassical concepts of marginal productivities can be related to a consistent input-output framework of data. Sources of substitution are identified.
Since the publication of Wassily Leontief's seminal work, input-output (IO) models went through by several improvements and extensions. In an attempt to proposing new ways of assessing sectoral interdependencies, integration with other models has been extensively explored in the specialized literature. In this regard, this paper aims to deepen the discussion about the productive interdependence among the Brazilian states through integration between an IO model and complex network theory and identify emergent patterns or properties within the Brazilian states. To do so, an inter-regional IO matrix, base year 2011, is used for the 27 Brazilian states and 68 sectors. The main results indicate that the sectors with the highest degree and weighted degree belong to states of the Southeast region, that is, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, mainly, and Minas Gerais. Economically speaking, this means that these sectors have a significant amount of intersectoral trade relations in Brazil. It ...