Històries de vida ciutadanes i propostes educatives emergents (original) (raw)

Esclavatge i saviesa: fluctuacions d’una anècdota entre biografia, novel·la i els Fets de Tomàs

Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaevalia 14, 2024, pp. 51-73, 2024

Scholars tend to draw attention to the characteristics shared by various texts considered “open”, “pluriform”, “fluid” or even “lowbrow literature”, such as, especially, the Life of Alexander by Pseudo-Callisthenes, the Life of Aesop, or some Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, in particular those of Paul, Peter and Thomas. Undoubtedly, the fluidity of this type of texts explains well some of their compositional devices and the complex vicissitudes of their transmission, but it is important not to lose sight of the fact that their redactors come from a common rhetorical training and that the expectations of their audience were also very similar, with the differences for each work that should not be ignored, of course, but that, in any case, allow to trace some significant common trends. To prove this, I will consider the fluctuation between some of these works of an essentially novel narrative material: the sale of the protagonists as slaves, with the frequent presence of kidnappings by pirates. This shared anecdotal pattern also make it possible to explain the “sapiential” characterization, the image of the clever and cunning sage, which the protagonists of all these works usually present to a greater or lesser extent.


F e r n a n d o H e r n á n d e z , J u a n a Ma r í a S a n c h o y J o s é I g n a c i o R i v a s ( c o o r d i n a d o r e s ) H i s t o r i a s d e V i d a e n E d u c a c i ó n B i o g r a f i a s e n c o n t e x t o

Pròleg. Els escrits d'un ciutadà

Glosa inicial llibre de J. Gaitx, Memòria de la República i la Guerra Civil. El testimoni de Lluís Ros i Medir (1932-1938) Edició a cura de Jordi Gaitx Moltó

Vida i emocions: treballant amb diaris personals narratius a educació secundària

Temps d'Educació, 2016

This study arises out of the weekly work done by students in the second year of compulsory secondary education. The study involved writing personal diaries that gave accounts of the students’ lives. The aim of the diaries was for the students to strengthen their writing and spelling skills in Catalan and to work with and from their emotions. The aims of the study were to analyse how the diary could help reinforce the emotional bonds between a Catalan teacher and her students and explore how the diaries enabled secondary school students to work with emotions. The paper sets out extracts from the diaries and from the teacher’s explanations, enabling us to reflect on an education that focuses on the key actors involved. The diary narratives serve as a core element in a pedagogical approach that invites reflection on teacher training that sees the importance of emotions in the learning process.