Identification of Cultural Heritage Building Characteristicsshirathalmustaqiemmosque Samarindaseberang, Samarindacity (original) (raw)

ShirathalMustaqiemMosqueisoneoftheculturalheritagebuildingslocatedinSamarindaSeberang, Samarinda city.This building still functions and uses wood as alocal wisdom that was owned by the Kalimantan area at the time the building waserected. As a cultural heritage building, its existence needs to be preserved because ithas important values for history, science, education, religion, and/or culture. The workof preserving the building is an obligation to maintain its authenticity by maintaining theconcept of its authenticity, namely the wood component as a constituent of the shapeandstructureofthebuilding.Thisresearchwasconductedwiththemethodofobservation,observationanddirectre viewofthelocationofthemosquebuilding.Observations were only made on visible and accessible parts of the building, whichincluded the main column, secondary column, main room floor, terrace floor, walls,window frames and shutters, floor list plank, terrace poles and terrace fence.From theobservation, it was found that floors with boards varying in width from 15-19 cm wereinstalled using nails to the floor frame, columns/poles made of 8-sided wood (each sidewidth of 17-18.5 cm) totaled 4 pieces as the main column with a height of 8 meters.Thesecondary columns of 4-sided wood (the width of each side is 23-25 cm) are 12 pieceswith a height of 4 meters.The walls of the mosque are made of wooden planks with awidth of 9.5-20 cm installed vertically with reinforced semicircular beams with a diameterof 20 cm.The distance between the wall beams is approximately 90 cm.The height ofthe inner wall is 334 cm.The window frames are made of wooden beams measuring16x16 cm (window circumference) and the door is equipped with a frame pole which haswood dimensions of 17x17 cm, door width is 168 cm and height is 227 cm.Terracepillars in the form of beams with dimensions of 13x13 cm with a height of 331 cm fromthefaceof thefloor, installedaround the terrace.