Aci̇l Servi̇se Senkop İle Başvuran Hastalarda Laboratuar İncelemeleri̇ni̇n Kullanimi (original) (raw)
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Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi, 2012
Amac: Kistik ekinokokkozis (KE), Echinococcus granulosus'un metasestod formunun neden oldugu zoonotik bir enfeksiyon olup dunyada ve yurdumuzda onemli bir halk sagligi sorunu olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Bu calismada 2008-2012 tarihleri arasinda Inonu Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Parazitoloji Anabilim Dali Seroloji Laboratuvari'na KE suphesiyle basvuran hastalarda bu hastaligin yayginligini arastirmak amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: KE' in tanisinda serolojik testlerin onemli bir yeri vardir. Bu calismada, Inonu Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Parazitoloji Anabilim Dali Seroloji Laboratuvari'na Ocak 2008- Temmuz 2012 tarihleri arasinda KE suphesiyle basvuran 1433 hasta degerlendirildi. Hasta serum orneklerinde, Enzyme-Linked-Immunosorbent-Assay (ELISA) IgG testi ve Indirekt Hemaglutinasyon (IHA) teknigi ile spesifik anti-E.granulosus antikorlari arastirildi. Bulgular: Toplam 1433 hastanin 649 (%45.04)’unda pozitiflik saptanmistir. Pozitif olgularin cinsiyete gore dagilimi ...
Aci̇l Servi̇se Dermatoloji̇k Yakinmalar İle Başvuran Hastalarin Anali̇zi̇
Aim: In this study, we aimed to identify requirements of consultation, discharge and hospitalization rates, life threatening clinical conditions; clinical and demographic characteristics of patients who referred to Emergency Department with dermatologic complaints. Methods: In this prospective designed study 16 years old or elder patients who referred to Emergency Medicine Department. Many parameters such as age, gender, medical history, complaints on referral and symptoms related to them, duration of complaints, time to referral, presence of any dermatologic lesion, predisposing factors, consultations with dermatology and other departments through the evaluation process, eventual diagnosis, discharge and hospitalization were evaluated. Results: 400 patients were enrolled to the sudy. Proportion of patients with dermatologic complaints to all emergency referrals was % 0.7. 221 of patients were female with mean age 38.6 years and 179 of patients were male with mean age 39.1 years....
by Haydar HOŞGÖR, 2020
The study was aimed at reviewing the postgraduate theses in which Servqual scores were used to measure the quality of perceived health service and comparing the scores obtained based on each quality sub-dimension in terms of health institutions of different ownership. In this qualitative study conducted between July 27 and 31 2020, 30 theses were reviewed. The results of the study demonstrated that, of the theses, 20% were written in 2019, all were at the master's level, 80% were prepared in a social sciences institute, and only 3.3% were in English. While a greater number of theses were written in Gazi (16.7%) and Dokuz Eylül (16.7%) universities in the public sector, 10.0% of the theses were written in Beykent University, a foundation university. Most of the studies were performed in Ankara (23.3 %), İzmir (20.0%) and Istanbul (20%) provinces. Of the participants in those studies, 70% were patients, 46.7% of the studies were conducted in publicly owned health institutions and the average sample size of the theses was 286.3. In the tangibles sub dimension of the health service quality, the perceived service quality was lower than the expected service quality in 90% of the theses. In the empathy sub-dimension, the perceived service quality was higher than the expected service quality in 16.7% of them. The comparison of the service quality sub-dimensions and the ownership types of the health institutions revealed that in the private hospitals were at the forefront in responsiveness, assurance and empathy subdimensions, those in the public hospitals were in the tangibles sub-dimension, and university hospitals were in the reliability sub-dimension. General Servqual scores of the 30 studies were calculated to range from -0.52 to -0.82 in each sub-dimension. Although the values obtained were negative, it was concluded that all sub-dimensions had a “good” quality level in terms of Servqual score ranges. Key Words: Perceived Service Quality, Expected Service Quality, Servqual, Health Services
Sağlik Personeli̇ni̇n Eldi̇ven Kullanimina İli̇şki̇n Hasta Görüşleri̇ni̇n İncelenmesi̇
Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 2014
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Senkopla Başvuran Bir Guillain-Barre Sendromu: Olgu Sunumu
Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 2021
Guillain Barre Sendromu (GBS), sıklıkla simetrik güçsüzlük ve arefleksi ile karakterize akut inflamatuar polinöropatidir. Geçirilmiş bakteriyel veya viral enfeksiyonların tetiklediği otoimmün bir hastalık olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Miller Fisher sendromu, GBS'nin en sık görülen varyantlarından biri olup, arefleksi, ataksi ve oftalmoparezi ile seyretmesi özelliğidir. Çocukluk çağı GBS'de mortalite %1-2 oranındadır ve genellikle solunum yetersizliğine bağlı olarak gelişir. Burada; parvovirus B19 enfeksiyonu sonrası gelişen Guillain-Barre Sendromlu (GBS) bir olgu, başvuru semptomunun otonom tutuluma bağlı gelişmiş olabileceği düşünülen senkop olması nedeniyle gözden geçirildi.