Sleep Deprivation Affects Working Memory in Low but Not in High Complexity for the N-Back Test (original) (raw)
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Sleep Deprivation: Impact on Cognitive Performance
University of The People, 2023
This research paper was authored by Paula Alhola and Päivi Polo-Kantola, who investigated the impact of sleep disorders on a person's cognitive abilities, namely attention, working memory and decision-making. The study also explored the effects of partial sleep deprivation on cognition. Additionally, the research highlighted the recovery process from sleep deprivation, taking into account various factors such as gender, age, and social variables, which can influence the speed of recovery (Alhola & Polo-Kantola, 2007).
Differential effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance
The study examines the question whether individual vulnerability to effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive and psychomotor performance is related to personality traits. 46 participants stayed for 13 days in DLR’s sleep laboratory AMSAN. Sleep was restricted totally or partly every three nights. The level of performance was monitored in three-hour intervals with a cognitive test battery. Most participants showed the strongest performance decrements after 26 and 32 hours of sleep deprivation. Especially for tests of sustained attention, calculated change scores were negatively related to extraversion as measured by the Freiburger Personality Inventory. The findings confirm parts of Eysenck’s theory of personality that introverts due to their higher cortical arousal level need less external stimulation to perform.
The impact of moderate sleep loss on neurophysiologic signals during working-memory task performance
Sleep, 2002
This study examined how sleep loss affects neurophysiologic signals related to attention and working memory. Subjective sleepiness, resting-state electroencephalogram, and behavior and electroencephalogram during performance of working-memory tasks were recorded in a within-subject, repeated-measures design. Data collection occurred in a computerized laboratory setting. Sixteen healthy adults (mean age, 26 years; 8 female) Data from alert daytime baseline tests were compared with data from tests during a late-night, extended-wakefulness session that spanned up to 21 hours of sleep deprivation. Alertness measured both subjectively and electrophysiologically decreased monotonically with increasing sleep deprivation. A lack of alertness-related changes in electroencephalographic measures of the overall mental effort exerted during task execution indicated that participants attempted to maintain high levels of performance throughout the late-night tests. Despite such continued effort, r...
Possible Mechanisms for Impairments to Learning, Memory, and Attention due to Sleep Deprivation
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 2014
Results obtained from experimental and clinical studies to date provide evidence supporting the view that sleep disturbance degrades learning, memory, and attention, weakens higher-order cognitive process, influences decision-taking, and alters emotional status. Significant attention in clinical studies is now paid to investigations of the consequences of lack of sleep in chronic diseases. Neurophysiological experiments address the mechanisms of impairments induced by a complete lack (deprivation) of sleep or deprivation of only the paradoxical phase of sleep. A review of current neurobiological data identifying plastic rearrangements and changes in the state of the brain in sleep deprivation has been presented in [35]. Impairments to short-term memory induced by sleep deprivation has been suggested to result from impaired visual attention and/or visual processing [16]. It has previously been suggested that slow-wave sleep is important
The effects of sleep deprivation on divergent thinking and attention processes
Journal of Sleep Research, 1992
Twelve male undergraduate students were deprived of sleep for o n e night and were tested with a series of cognitive tasks. Their performance was compared t o the performance of thirteen control subjects. T w o hourly tasks and three occasional tasks were administered in order t o examine cognitive performance following sleep loss. In an attempt t o replicate the findings of Horne (1988a), the figural form of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking was administered. To explore the effects of short-term sleep deprivation on attention, the following tasks were also administered: a working memory task, a trail-making task, a vowel/consonant discrimination task, a n d a letter recognition task. Results of the Torrance test, trail-making task and letter recognition task revealed decreases in cognitive abilities following sleep loss, although all tasks required less than 10 minutes t o administer. T h e results of this study suggest that cognitive measures following sleep deprivation have not been adequately explored. Results support the hypothesis that sleep serves a function of cognitive restitution, particularly in t h e maintenance of attentional mechanisms
Neurocognitive consequences of sleep deprivation
Seminars in neurology, 2005
Deficits in daytime performance due to sleep loss are experienced universally and associated with a significant social, financial, and human cost. Microsleeps, sleep attacks, and lapses in cognition increase with sleep loss as a function of state instability. Sleep deprivation studies repeatedly show a variable (negative) impact on mood, cognitive performance, and motor function due to an increasing sleep propensity and destabilization of the wake state. Specific neurocognitive domains including executive attention, working memory, and divergent higher cognitive functions are particularly vulnerable to sleep loss. In humans, functional metabolic and neurophysiological studies demonstrate that neural systems involved in executive function (i.e., prefrontal cortex) are more susceptible to sleep deprivation in some individuals than others. Recent chronic partial sleep deprivation experiments, which more closely replicate sleep loss in society, demonstrate that profound neurocognitive d...
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2016
Chronic sleep restriction (CSR) induces neurobehavioral deficits in young and healthy people with a morning failure of sustained attention process. Testing both the kinetic of failure and recovery of different cognitive processes (i.e., attention, executive) under CSR and their potential links with subject's capacities (stay awake, baseline performance, age) and with some biological markers of stress and anabolism would be useful in order to understand the role of sleep debt on human behavior. Twelve healthy subjects spent 14 days in laboratory with 2 baseline days (B1 and B2, 8 h TIB) followed by 7 days of sleep restriction (SR1-SR7, 4 h TIB), 3 sleep recovery days (R1-R3, 8 h TIB) and two more ones 8 days later (R12-R13). Subjective sleepiness (KSS), maintenance of wakefulness latencies (MWT) were evaluated four times a day (10:00, 12:00 a.m. and 2:00, 4:00 p.m.) and cognitive tests were realized at morning (8:30 a.m.) and evening (6:30 p.m.) sessions during B2, SR1, SR4, SR7, R2, R3 and R13. Saliva (B2, SR7, R2, R13) and blood (B1, SR6, R1, R12) samples were collected in the morning. Cognitive processes were differently impaired and recovered with a more rapid kinetic for sustained attention process. Besides, a significant time of day effect was only evidenced for sustained attention failures that seemed to be related to subject's age and their morning capacity to stay awake. Executive processes were equally disturbed/recovered during the day and this failure/recovery process seemed to be mainly related to baseline subject's performance and to their capacity to stay awake. Morning concentrations of testosterone, cortisol and α-amylase were significantly decreased at SR6-SR7, but were either and respectively early (R1), tardily (after R2) and not at all (R13) recovered.
Sleep Accelerates the Improvement in Working Memory Performance
Journal of Neuroscience, 2008
Working memory (WM) performance, which is an important factor for determining problem-solving and reasoning ability, has been firmly believed to be constant. However, recent findings have demonstrated that WM performance has the potential to be improved by repetitive training. Although various skills are reported to be improved by sleep, the beneficial effect of sleep on WM performance has not been clarified. Here, we show that improvement in WM performance is facilitated by posttraining naturalistic sleep. A spatial variant of the n-back WM task was performed by 29 healthy young adults who were assigned randomly to three different experimental groups that had different time schedules of repetitive n-back WM task sessions, with or without intervening sleep. Intergroup and intersession comparisons of WM performance (accuracy and response time) profiles showed that n-back accuracy after posttraining sleep was significantly improved compared with that after the same period of wakefulness, independent of sleep timing, subject's vigilance level, or circadian influences. On the other hand, response time was not influenced by sleep or repetitive training schedules. The present study indicates that improvement in n-back accuracy, which could reflect WM capacity, essentially benefits from posttraining sleep.
A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Short-Term Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Variables
Psychological Bulletin, 2010
A substantial amount of research has been conducted in an effort to understand the impact of short-term (Ͻ48 hr) total sleep deprivation (SD) on outcomes in various cognitive domains. Despite this wealth of information, there has been disagreement on how these data should be interpreted, arising in part because the relative magnitude of effect sizes in these domains is not known. To address this question, we conducted a meta-analysis to discover the effects of short-term SD on both speed and accuracy measures in 6 cognitive categories: simple attention, complex attention, working memory, processing speed, short-term memory, and reasoning. Seventy articles containing 147 cognitive tests were found that met inclusion criteria for this study. Effect sizes ranged from small and nonsignificant (reasoning accuracy: g ϭ Ϫ0.125, 95% CI [Ϫ0.27, 0.02]) to large (lapses in simple attention: g ϭ Ϫ0.776, 95% CI [Ϫ0.96, Ϫ0.60], p Ͻ .001). Across cognitive domains, significant differences were observed for both speed and accuracy; however, there were no differences between speed and accuracy measures within each cognitive domain. Of several moderators tested, only time awake was a significant predictor of between-studies variability, and only for accuracy measures, suggesting that heterogeneity in test characteristics may account for a significant amount of the remaining between-studies variance. The theoretical implications of these findings for the study of SD and cognition are discussed.
Neurocognitive Consequences of Sleep Deprivation - SIN- 2009
Sleep deprivation is associated with considerable social, financial, and healthrelated costs, in large measure because it produces impaired cognitive performance due to increasing sleep propensity and instability of waking neurobehavioral functions. Cognitive functions particularly affected by sleep loss include psychomotor and cognitive speed, vigilant and executive attention, working memory, and higher cognitive abilities. Chronic sleep-restriction experiments-which model the kind of sleep loss experienced by many individuals with sleep fragmentation and premature sleep curtailment due to disorders and lifestyle-demonstrate that cognitive deficits accumulate to severe levels over time without full awareness by the affected individual. Functional neuroimaging has revealed that frequent and progressively longer cognitive lapses, which are a hallmark of sleep deprivation, involve distributed changes in brain regions including frontal and parietal control areas, secondary sensory processing areas, and thalamic areas. There are robust differences among individuals in the degree of their cognitive vulnerability to sleep loss that may involve differences in prefrontal and parietal cortices, and that may have a basis in genes regulating sleep homeostasis and circadian rhythms. Thus, cognitive deficits believed to be a function of the severity of clinical sleep disturbance may be a product of genetic alleles associated with differential cognitive vulnerability to sleep loss.