Analisis Pembiayaan Dengan Prinsip Murabahah Pada Pt. Bank Sumut Syariah Cabang Medan (original) (raw)
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Analisis Penerapan Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Pt. Bank Sulselbar Cabang Syariah Makassar
Assets : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2019
This research was conduted in order to identify and provide an overview of the implementation of the murabahah transaction by PSAK No. 102 and identify murabahah compliances with the stipulated provisions in the Fatwa of National Islamic Council 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 on PT Bank Sulselbar Cabang Syariah Makassar. The method used in the form of qualitative research with descriptive approach where data obtained by observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that PT Bank Sulselbar Cabang Syariah Makassar has not been fully able to implement PSAK No. 102 the financing murabahah, especially the disclosure report presents the source and distribution of zakat funds and sources and uses of charity fund. Other than that, PT. Bank Sulselbar Cabang Syariah Makassar been in full compliance with the Fatwa of National Islamic Council 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 on products murabahah financing.
Akad Pembiayaan Murabahah dan Praktiknya Pada PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang Medan
Pembiayaan Murabahah adalah akad jual beli barang dengan menyatarkan harga peroleh dan keuntungan (margin) yang disepakati oleh penjual dan pembeli. Dapat diartikan sebagai suatu perjanjian antara bank dengan nasabah dalam bentuk pembiayaan pembelian atas suatu barnag yang dibutuhkan oleh nasabah. Adapun Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana praktik prosedur dan persyaratan dalam Akad Pembiayaan Murabahah pada PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang Medan dan apa akibat hukum para pihak dalam Akad Pembiayaan Murabahah di PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang Medan. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dan wawancara observasi disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Praktik Prosedur dan persyaratan dalam penyaluran dana berupa Akad Pembiayaan Murabahah di PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang Medan, tidak hanya dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan Hukum Islam, melainkan juga berdasarkan ketentuan Hukum Perbankan Syariah, serta ketentuan khusus yang diterapkan di PT. Bank B...
Pembiayaan murabahah merupakan bagian akad dalam jual beli, dan termasuk dalam kategori pembiayaan konsumtif di Bank Syariah Mandiri KC Purwokerto. Pembiayaan konsumtif ini merupakan pembiayaan yang paling diminati oleh nasabah pembiayaan di bandingkan dengan produk-produk pembiayaan yang lain. Dilihat dari realita tersebut mengenai minat nasabah yang begitu besar dalam transaksi pembiayaan konsumtif, maka tentunya besar kemungkinan bahwa pembiayaan bermasalah yang paling sering terjadi di Bank Syariah Mandiri KC Purwokerto adalah pembiayaan dalam sektor pembiayaan konsumtif yang dalam hal ini adalah pembiayaan murabahah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana sistem penanganan pembiayaan bermasalah pada akad murabahah di Bank Syari‟ah Mandiri KC Purwokerto, berikut dengan langkah-langkah apa saja yang diambil dalam penanganan pembiayaan bermasalah pada akad murabahah di Bank Syari‟ah Mandiri KC Purwokerto. Penelitian yang penulis lakukan adalah penelitian lapangan ...
Analisis Pembiayaan Murabahah DI Perbankan Syariah
The research theme is the concept of the bank in accordance with Islamic economics. The research objective is: to analyze murabaha financing in Islamic banking. Research is the study of literature. The object of research is the banking industry in Indonesia. To ensure that the implementation of murabaha financing to fit this concept, it requires strict supervision of the Sharia Supervisory Board or the National Islamic Council, so murabaha financing as financing belle of Islamic banking can be guarded and not tarnish the image and prestige of Islamic banking so that no impression that the bank sharia is the same as conventional banks.
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the cause of a large Financing income received while small, and to investigate the causes of financing products for the results (profit sharing) channeled smallest of murabahah financing and Musyarakah. Research approaches used descriptive research approaches, data collection techniques used in this study interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in this research is descriptive analysis technique that is by collecting data and classifying data obtained from the company with the existing theory so as to provide a clear picture of the object being studied. Results showed Financing great while revenues received by little it is because of financing problems in the implementation of the payment of financing by the customer that happens things like financing is not smooth, the financing of which the debtor does not meet the requirements that were promised, and these costs are no...
Analisis Pembiayaan Murabahah pada BMT
Jesya (Jurnal Ekonomi & Ekonomi Syariah), 2018
Financing is one of the function of bank or microfinance institutions such as BMT, it is a facilitation of funds for the part of deficit unit. And now murabahah is the most popular transactions in the islamic financial institusions. This study was condacted on KSPPS BMT AMAN UTAMA Jepara. This study aims to analysis operationalization of murabahah financing, analysis of calculation and accountancy of murabahah, comparation the operationalization murabahah in KSPPS BMT AMAN UTAMA with Fatwa Council of Sharia National (DSN MUI), and also analysis perception of member KSPPS BMT AMAN UTAMA about murabahah financing. The method used in this study use a qualitative method using a case study approach. This study found that the operationalization of murabahah financing in KSPPS BMT AMAN UTAMA is differentiated by the process of purchasing item. There are item which bought by BMT and there are items which bought by the member (delegated). This is what makes the murabahah financing in KSPPS BMT AMAN UTAMA can not fully match with Fatwa Council of Sharia National (DSN MUI) about murabahah financing. Beside that, the other case that not match with the Fatwa Council of Sharia National (DSN MUI) are the rule about discount/cash back and also the rule about piece repayment. This study also found that the member of KSPPS BMT AMAN UTAMA still common or not understand about murabahah financing although the company have explained about murabahah financing
Urgensi Karakter dalam Analisa Pembiayaan Murabahah di Bank Syariah Indonesia
Etihad: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, 2021
The character of the customer is very important to analyze in the process of financing analysis. Character is an aspect of personal nature and concerns the depth of an individual's soul, so that character becomes difficult to identify. The purpose of this study was to determine whether Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Nganjuk also conducted an in-depth character analysis. This field research uses a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques carried out using interviews and documentation. The data processing technique is done by data reduction, data presentation, and then conclusions. The results of this study are discrepancies in several points in the assessment using character analysis because at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Nganjuk implements 5C completely, although according to them, the character is important, the character can change along with financial conditions, economic conditions such as because of covid-19, dishonest customer character, manipulated business or wor...
Analisis Kolektibilitas Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Bank Syariah Mandiri Kantor Cabang Bogor Sudirman
This research is motivated by the interest of researchers to explore the collectibility level of murabahah contract financing, especially at Bank Syariah Mandiri Bogor Sudirman Branch Office. The higher the murabahah contract financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri Bogor Sudirman Branch Office, it will result in an increase in murabahah receivables and affect the collectibility level of murabahah receivables every year. If there is non-performing financing (NPF), it will disrupt the collectibility level. Meanwhile, the murabahah contract is still the most popular contract in the financing process of Bank Syariah Mandiri Bogor Sudirman Branch Office. This research is qualitative. The analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the Bank Syariah Mandiri Bogor Sudirman Branch Office had complied with the provisions in the Bank Indonesia Regulations and the Financial Services Authority Regulations in terms of murabahah contract financing. The collectibili...
Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia
AT-TAWASSUTH: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
The research purpose to find out how is murabahah financing in Indonesia Islamic banking. The research method is used in the form of library research which collecting data by using written materials. Islamic banking has two intermediation functions. First, Islamic banking raise funds from the people and second, Islamic banking distribute funds via financing. One of Islamic banking financing is murabahah. Murabahah is selling/purchasing transaction with the agreed profit. Murabahah characteristic is the seller has to tell to the buyer about product purchase price and agreed profit. Murabahah has two ways, murabahah with order and without order. The survey results shown that Islamic banking has applied murabahah as their main financing. Keywords: Islamic banking, financing, murabahah.