Structure and management of traditional agroforestry vineyards in the high valleys of southern Bolivia (original) (raw)
Related papers
Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research, 2015
A sustainable maintenance of grapevine biodiversity at risk of genetic erosion should involve farmers in the conservation process. Many local varieties of high biological significance are residually cultivated in traditional and marginal agricultural areas or in rural contests endangered by different factor of biodiversity erosion. The landrace-based orchards in the innate areas, i.e. the in situ conservation on farm, represent hotspots of biodiversity, while preserving at the same time natural resources like soil fertility, air and landscape quality owing to the optimal relationship genotype-environment that allows environmentally friendly agronomical practices. The study aims at highlighting the importance of grapevine on-farm conservation with special attention to the ecological and environmental implications derived from the maintenance of habitat diversity and complexity in the viticultural agro-ecosystem. To the aim, data on landscape pattern, configuration and composition at ...
Agroforestry Systems
In northwestern Portugal, peasants have developed complex vineyard (Vitis vinifera) systems comprising agroforests composed of host trees, vines, annual crops and in some cases animals. Until recently these vineyards suffered very few pest problems and received relatively low pesticide loads. In the last few years, new policy and market forces have prompted the conversion of many of these systems to monoculture thereby decreasing the biodiversity inherent to traditional vineyards. Many scientists are concerned that with accelerating rates of vineyard simplification insect pest and disease problems may increase due to lack of habitat and resources for natural enemies or to a concentration of preferred host plants for specific pathogens and herbivores. During the growing seasons of 1997 and 1999 we conducted several farm surveys of traditional agroforestry and modernized, monoculture farms. We conducted field measurements to elucidate trends in insect pest and disease incidence in bot...
Agronomical characterization of minority grapevine cultivars from Asturias (Spain)
Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola, 2017
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) was an important crop in the past in Asturias (Northwestern Spain), but the phylloxera and later the boom of the mining industry almost led to its extinction in the last century. Currently, the grape growers are rescuing the old cultivars present in the region from ancient times, but the long period of abandon has originated a lack of information about their characteristics. Four red ('Albarín Negro', 'Carrasquín', 'Verdejo Negro' and 'Mencía') and two white ('Albarín Blanco' and 'Godello') minority grapevine cultivars from Asturias (Spain) were studied for phenology, fertility, vigor, production and berry quality parameters for two consecutive years. Great differences between cultivars were found: 'Verdejo Negro' and 'Albarín Blanco' had an early budburst both years, 'Carrasquín' was the latest harvested, and 'Albarín Negro' presented the highest total fertility. 'Mencía' had the greatest bunch weight, and, together with 'Verdejo Negro', the lowest total acidity and highest pH. Shikimic acid was a varietal marker, its content being higher in 'Carrasquín', 'Verdejo Negro' and 'Albarín Blanco'. Significant differences between years in the measured parameters were also found. Agronomical evaluation is the first step to recover these minority cultivars from extinction and to provide to grape growers a deeper knowledge about the characteristics of each cultivar, allowing enriching and diversifying the wine market with different products. RESUMO A videira (Vitis vinifera L.) era uma cultura importante no passado nas Astúrias (Noroeste da Espanha), mas a filoxera e mais tarde o "boom" da indústria de mineração quase levou à sua extinção no século passado. Atualmente, os viticultores estão resgatando as cultivares antigas presentes na região desde tempos remotos, mas o longo período de abandono originou a falta de informações sobre as suas características. Foram estudadas quatro cultivares minoritárias tintas ('Albarín Negro', 'Carrasquín', 'Verdejo Negro' e 'Mencía') e duas cultivares minoritárias brancas ('Albarín Blanco' e 'Godello') das Astúrias (Espanha) relativamente à fenologia, fertilidade, vigor, produção e qualidade de frutos durante dois anos consecutivos. Verificaram-se grandes diferenças entre as cultivares: 'Verdejo Negro' e 'Albarín Blanco' tiveram um abrolhamento precoce nos dois anos, 'Carrasquín' foi o colhido mais tarde, e 'Albarín Negro' apresentou a maior fertilidade total. 'Mencía' teve o maior peso de cacho e, juntamente com 'Verdejo Negro', a menor acidez total e maior pH. O ácido chiquímico revelou-se um marcador varietal, sendo o seu teor maior em 'Carrasquín', 'Verdejo Negro' e 'Albarín Blanco'. Também foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os anos nos parâmetros medidos. A caraterização agronómica é o primeiro passo para recuperar estas cultivares minoritárias da extinção e proporcionar aos viticultores um conhecimento mais aprofundado das características de cada cultivar, permitindo enriquecer e diversificar o mercado do vinho com diferentes produtos.
American Grapevine Culture and Research in Berisso, Argentina
The “Riverbank wine of Berisso”, made from american grapevine (Vitis labrusca var. Isabella), is a typical local product, original from an area deeply forgotten of the Pampa riverbank: the Berisso district (latitude 34°53′ South, longitude 57°54′ West), close to Buenos Aires city, one of the counties most affected by the big Argentinian economic crisis at the end of 2001. The value that distinguishes this product and its permanence throughout different historic moments is the know-how characteristic of a certain group: the wine producers from Berisso. That know-how is repeatedly transferred from generation to generation orally and practically, the productive techniques enabling the vineyard maintenance and its subsequent processing of wine. Recently, in Argentina the possibility of making abandoned regions dynamic is being taken into consideration in order to rescue the food production typical of the area and this process is based on local initiatives. This kind of action is associated with the changes in the food consumption pattern observed in the common urban consumers, where the revaluation of the beliefs related to rural customs, to the rescue of tradition, and to natural behavior is becoming increasingly important. The case of the riverbank wine of Berisso is an example that allowed the Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, in the context of its basic functions – teaching, research and extension – to begin an integrated work anticipating some trends in Argentina already observed in other developed countries. Historical and sanitary aspects, phases of primary and industrial production, commercialization, consumption and challenges to face about the case of the riverbank wine of Berisso are described in this review.
Grape Production Knowledge of Viticulturists Andscientists
Interciencia, 2016
espanolEste trabajo resulta de una investigacion sobre los conocimientos tradicionales de descendientes de inmigrantes italianos acerca de la produccion de uva, realizada a traves de entrevistas semi estructuradas con cinco viticultores de la comunidad de Palermo, municipio de Lauro Muller, sur del Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Segun los entrevistados, ellos producen uva de la misma forma que sus padres y abuelos, utilizando el conocimiento transmitido oralmente entre generaciones. Los viticultores relataron que diversos factores, tales como el sol y el viento, son importantes para escoger el local de plantacion de las parras, y que no acostumbran intercambiar mudas con otros productores, a pesar de los lazos de parentesco y de amistad. El estudio concluye que el conocimiento empirico de los viticultores corrobora los datos presentes en la literatura, y que el habito de utilizar siempre su propio material genetico para los esqueje puede estar ocasionando la aparicion de nuevas e...
Vineyards and Edaphic Suitability for Viticulture in the Vale Dos Vinhedos, Brazil
ABSTRACT Nowadays, the zoning process looks for elements to determine production zones of excellence, including natural and human factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of vineyards in relation to soil suitability for viticulture in the Denomination of Origin (DO) Vale dos Vinhedos, Serra Gaúcha Region, northeast of the State Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Descriptive and analytical data of soil profiles, a detailed soil map, a vineyards map and a GIS software were used. The descriptive and analytical data were evaluated and weighted to assign the soil map units to four suitability classes for viticulture. Parameters used were texture, thickness of A horizon, effective depth, organic matter content, drainage, fertility, stoniness, and relief. Intersection of the soil suitability map and the vineyards map showed that about 22.7% of the vineyards are outside preferential areas. Therefore, as climate is considered homogeneous at local scale, soil information can contribu...
BIO Web of Conferences, 2022
The transition towards more resilient and sustainable agricultural systems must start from smallholder farms (SHs), that are responsible for one third of total crop production, are crucial to preserve ecosystems services, but are restive to adopt precision viticulture (PV) tools because benefits are considered insufficient to justify the costs. PV could help SHs to face with climate variability, maintaining high quality standards in the vineyard and to increase grapevine resilience adopting strategic cultural practices. This paper focus on evaluating some canopy management techniques (leaf removal at different phenological stages) on Italian grapevine landraces through field survey and UAV remote sensing, to obtain an automated estimation of the vine status in terms of canopy architecture, vine vigour, and berry traits. Findings showed as the adoption of canopy management practices, like the leaf removal, can increase the productive performance of the vines by regulating canopy grow...