Teacher Leadership Factors and Teacher Leadership Model Based on the Six Guiding Principles (original) (raw)
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Development of Teacher Leadership Guiding Principles in Preparing Teachers for the Future
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2016
This paper aims to describe how the researcher develops guiding principles in preparing teacher leaders for the future in Malaysia's education system. This was done by comparing various literature on established teacher leadership models around the world. The process started with a brainstorm session to list possible indicator in a teacher leadership model. This process listed indicators such as curriculum and instruction, teacher leadership, administrative function, collaboration/sharing expertise and mentoring, practice professional learning for continuous improvement, and professional networking. The literature review conducted showed that although the different leadership models outlined different dimensions, they share some common elements. These elements were used as the research's provisional guiding principles in an attempt to understand the leadership practices among teachers in Malaysian schools. Each provisional guiding principle was then detailed out in term of values, skills and knowledge associated with it. This will assist the researchers in designing research instruments to assess every guiding principle. In summary, the guiding principles identified are: teaching, learning, assessment and clinical experiences; passion for lifelong learning; engage in positive social interactions for professional development and self-fulfillment; competency to adapt to changing technology and its application for teaching and learning, and management; attitude and capability to provide ideas, innovations and manage change through evidence-based practices; and foster continual outreach programmes with diverse communities and capitalize on opportunities through networking to provide a sense of belonging and responsibility to the local and global communities.
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Today, the traditional role of teachers is challenged, and teaching practice requires less time for face-to-face instruction, a unique position that does not impose responsibilities on one person (teacher or student) and creates a common teaching and learning space in which new knowledge is co-created and socially developed. This change requires teachers’ high professionalism and leadership skills, which is the key component of a successful educational process. Therefore, it is important for researchers, school principals, and teachers to understand better the predictive factors of teachers’ leadership, which should be developed, nurtured, and sustained. This study addresses the teachers’ leadership regarding their attitudes toward themselves, attitudes towards the school, teachers’ activeness, and stress experienced at school. The study involved 418 teachers from five regions in Lithuania. The findings indicate that the four analyzed factors, influencing teacher leadership are stro...
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The research in the field of teacher leadership in Lithuania as well as in other countries is especially desiderated, though the facts proclaiming that the teacher leadership influences the quality of education exist. Therefore, the research in the teacher leadership is considered to be practically relevant and academically new enough. The purpose of this article is to reveal the characteristics of the leadership typical to the teachers of Lithuanian secondary schools and to determine the connection between the teacher leadership and some other sociodemographic characteristics of teachers. For this purpose, the survey in written form of 394 teachers from different regions of the country has been carried out by using specially created instrument. By this research, it has been revealed that, generally, in Lithuanian secondary schools, the characteristics of the teacher leadership are quite strongly expressed. Equally, the survey has been revealed the connection between the characteristics of teacher leadership and other sociodemographic characteristics of theirs.
Issues and Challenges in Teacher Leadership
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Teacher leadership significantly promotes development and efficiency at schools. However, the practice of teacher leadership is slammed with challenges that impact its progression and effective implementation in schools. Therefore, the present study focused on the key terms, problems, and obstacles of teacher leadership based on domestic and international works of literature on teacher leadership practices. The study discussed the notion of teacher leadership before it addressed the challenges in the practice. Hence, the present paper helped school leaders to establish teacher leadership tasks in schools and help researchers to carry out more studies on teacher leadership.
Examining the Views of Prospective Teachers on Teacher Leadership
European Journal of Education Studies, 2018
The aim of this research is to reveal out the views regarding the meaning of teacher leadership, the qualities that teacher leaders should have, the roles of teacher leaders, the effects to be teacher leaders, the obstacles of being teacher leaders and suggestions for being teacher leaders. Study is conducted via qualitative research method. Maximum variation and criterion sampling was used and therefore 26 volunteer prospective teachers were participated in the study. Participants mentioned that teacher leaders are very important in the changing world for not only leading the school staff but also help schools improve. As teacher leaders are significant, school principals should indicate shared leadership behaviors, provide an environment for teachers to use their leadership potentials. Article visualizations:
Teacher Leadership: Concept and Framework
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2020
Teacher leadership has been widely discussed in terms of its definition, concept, frameworks, and models. Generally, teacher leadership encompasses the concept of power and influence. This paper has focused on four teacher leadership frameworks and models from Katzenmeyer and Moller (2001 & 2009), York-Barr and Duke (2004), Muijs and Harris (2003), and Angelle (2017). A literature review was conducted on teacher leadership definitions and concepts, the frameworks and models were collated, and common aspects were identified. The paper also critically analysed the effectiveness in developing and implementing teacher leadership practices. This paper concludes with further understanding of recognising teachers as leaders throughout the school organisation. This paper aims to provide a reference for school leaders to adapt teacher leadership that is suitable for the schools’ context and capacity.
Bu makale okulları uygun eğitim kurumları haline getiren, kolaylaştırıcı eğitimsel yenilikleri ilerletmeyi amaç edinen ve gerekli e ğ itimsel değişiklikleri sağlayan liderlerin karakterleri üzerinde yapılan araştırmaları gözden geçirmektedir. Neden Değişim? Geleceğe doğru ilerledikçe, küresel toplum değişir ve birçok sektör örneğin endüstri, askeri, politika üretkenliklerini ve etkinliklerini arttırıcı yeni stratejiler aramaktadırlar. Bu noktada, eğitim ve liderlik karakteri taşıyan öğretmenler bu yeni değişen dünya'ya insanların hazırlanmaları ve uyum sağlamaları için anahtar rol oynamaktadırlar.
Teacher Leadership: principles and practice
Effective leadership is widely accepted as being a key constituent in achieving school improvement. The evidence from the international literature demonstrates that effective leaders exercise an indirect but powerful influence on the effectiveness of the school and ...
The purpose of current paper is to comment on the concept of teacher leadership in educational context. Teacher leaders’ expertise about teaching and learning is needed to lead instructional improvement and increase teacher quality. It was a conceptual review paper. For this pupose tha available literature on teacher leadership was reviewed. The related literature reflected that teacher leadership was not a fantasy, rather it was strong reality which, could resultant improving the quality of teaching and the whole environment of the school. The development of this concept relies mostly on the shoulders of school heads. How much they recognize the leverage of teacher leadership? The fruit of teacher leadership can be seen in shape of effective students learning outcomes. Researches strongly support the point that teacher leadership effects students’ achievement. Through the entire discussion of literature, it revealed that teacher’s role as a leader is very important for enhancing st...